Femtosecond pulse operation of a Tm,Ho-codoped crystalline laser near 2 μm

Bibliographic entry
Femtosecond pulse operation of a Tm,Ho-codoped crystalline laser near 2 μm / A. A. Lagatsky [et al.] // Optics letters.– 2010. – Vol. 35, № 2. – P. 172-174.
We demonstrate, for the first time to our knowledge, femtosecond-regime mode locking of a Tm,Ho-codoped crystalline laser operating in the 2 μm spectral region. Transform-limited 570 fs pulses were generated at 2055 nm by a Tm,Ho:KY(WO4)2 laser that produced an average output power of 130 mW at a pulse repetition frequency of 118 MHz. Mode locking was achieved using an ion-implanted InGaAsSb quantum-well-based semiconductor saturable absorber mirror.