Study guide "Economic theory" for students of the specialties 25 "Economics"

DEPBNTU-2021-41Bibliographic entry
Study guide "Economic theory" for students of the specialties 25 "Economics" [Electronic resource] / S. Yu. Solodovnikov [et al.] ; Belarusian national technical university, Department “Economics and Law”. – Minsk : BNTU, 2021. – Деп. в БНТУ 16.12.2021, № DEPBNTU-2021-41.
The study guide reflects the issues of the formation of economic theory based on the study of the achievements of domestic and world economic thought. The main issues of models and the state of markets, firm costs, pricing methods and many others are considered in order to form basic economic knowledge of students. The guide is addressed to students of the 1st stage of higher education, specialties 25 "Economics".