Rhetorics and stylistics of scientific speech

5407Another Title
Educational and methodical manual for the undergraduates of specialty 1-08 80 08 “Scientific and Pedagogical Activity”
Bibliographic entry
Romanova, A. M. Rhetorics and stylistics of scientific speech : educational and methodical manual for students of the specialty 1-08 80 08 “Scientific and Pedagogical Activity” / A. M. Romanova ; Belarusian National Technical University, Department "Professional Training and Pedagogy". – Minsk : BNTU, 2022. – 106 p.
The educational and methodical manual is intended for students of the II stage of higher education of specialty 1-08 80 08 "Scientific and pedagogical activity". This manual contains 2 parts, including 10 systemically organized sections, in which text material, tables, diagrams, and exercises are presented to familiarize with the basic rhetorical principles, traditions, stylistic features of scientific speech, the procedure for creating a scientific text according to the scheme of general rhetoric; the development of the ability to evaluate and edit speech in accordance with the principles of rhetoric; and formation of skills for conducting scientific discussion, public speaking, presentation of the results of scientific work.