Сutting tools. Drilling and milling

978-985-583-834-1Another Title
Approved by the Educational and Methodical Association of education institution in the field of machine-building equipment and technologies as manual for students of specialty 1-36 01 01 "Engineering technology"
Bibliographic entry
Yatskevich, O. K. Сutting tools. Drilling and milling : manual for students of specialty 1-36 01 01 "Engineering technology" / O. K. Yatskevich, L. A. Kolesnikov, A. V. Azhar ; Belarusian National Technical University, Department "Technological equipment". – Minsk : BNTU, 2022. – 46 p.
The objective of this handbook is to provide a student understanding of conventional cutting processes applied to metallic workpieces, such as drilling and milling . The definition of tool geometry, cutting processes movements, machining regime elements are considered. The main types of drills and mill cutters are described.