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dc.contributor.authorНисс, В. С.ru
dc.contributor.authorКоролёв, А. Ю.ru
dc.contributor.authorПаршуто, А. Э.ru
dc.contributor.authorЯнович, В. А.ru
dc.identifier.citationПолучение оксидных покрытий на поверхности вентильных металлов с применением высокочастотного импульсного микродугового оксидирования / В. С. Нисс [и др.] // Новые горизонты - 2022 : сборник материалов IX Белорусско-Китайского молодежного инновационного форума, 10-11 ноября 2022 года / Белорусский национальный технический университет. – Минск : БНТУ, 2022. – Т. 1. – С.
dc.description.abstractThe disadvantages of traditional methods of microarc oxidation are the long processing time (up to 120 min) for the formation of oxide layers of the required thickness with the required properties and, accordingly, high energy costs. Such a long duration of the traditional MAO process is due to the fact that the thickness of the formed oxide layer is determined by the number of technological pulses acting. Thus, the operating frequency of the traditional MDO process is 50 Hz, and technological current pulses follow with a period of 10 ms. The solution to the problems associated with increasing the productivity of the process and a significant reduction in processing time with the same thickness of the oxide layer is the use of fully controlled amplitude and duration of low-frequency multipolar pulses of 0.05–1 kHz with the simultaneous superposition of technological high-frequency pulses (up to 10 kHz) into the anode half-cycle ). The use of high-frequency modes of microarc oxidation makes it possible to significantly increase the number of technological current pulses per unit time and significantly reduce the processing
dc.titleПолучение оксидных покрытий на поверхности вентильных металлов с применением высокочастотного импульсного микродугового оксидированияru
dc.typeWorking Paperru

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