Descriptive geometry

978-985-583-869-3Another Title
A student’s book for students of the 0715 field “Vehicles, transport infrastructure and technology”
Bibliographic entry
Hmelnitskaya, L. V. Descriptive geometry : a student’s book for students of the 0715 field “Vehicles, transport infrastructure and technology” / L. V. Hmelnitskaya, P. V. Zialiony, T. V. Matsiushynets ; Belarusian National Technical University, Department "Engineering graphics for machine-building". – Minsk : BNTU, 2023. – 73 p.
This student’s book is developed for the first-year students of engineering majors in order to improve their skills at independent work and to provide their study process by additional material. This book is a combination of a textbook and a workbook, that makes her appropriate for classwork. It can also be intended for distance learning case as it contains theoretical material on the descriptive geometry as the first and the fundamental branch for the academic course “Engineering graphics”. In addition, the algorithms given here enable students to solve similar problems. The specific distinction from the other books is in providing students with professional linguacultural knowledge on the subject.