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dc.contributor.authorYermilov, S.
dc.contributor.authorZhylevich, M.
dc.identifier.citationYermilov, S. V. Mathematical model of the modulator of the brake drive of a dump truck with a hydraulic anti-lock system / S. V. Yermilov, M. I. Zhylevich // Транспорт и транспортные системы: конструирование, эксплуатация, технологии : сборник научных статей / Белорусский национальный технический университет ; редкол.: С. В. Харитончик (гл. ред.) [и др.]. – Минск : БНТУ, 2023. – Вып. 5. – С.
dc.description.abstractThe use of various methods for obtaining mathematical models can significantly reduce the time for design and research work during the development of hydraulic drives. Currently, the use of powerful personal computers makes it possible to significantly improve the quality of the results of the mathematical models being developed due to a more detailed description of the processes, determine the structure of the hydraulic drive being developed or its individual elements and select the parameters that have the greatest impact on the dynamic processes occurring in the object under study. In this paper, a mathematical model of the modulator of the anti-lock braking system of a particularly heavy-duty vehicle, presented in the form of a system with concentrated parameters, is obtained. The paper also discusses the main methods of compiling mathematical models of hydraulic drives and analyzes the work devoted to the development of various mathematical models that describe the hydraulic drive with varying degrees of accuracy, which makes it possible to choose the most rational way to compile a mathematical model of the modulator of the hydraulic anti-lock braking system of a particularly heavy-duty vehicle, taking into account the assumptions made. Solving a system of differential equations describing the resulting mathematical model using numerical methods or various specialized software environments, for example, such as Matlab with the Simulink extension, further allows us to investigate the influence of internal parameters on dynamic processes in the proposed hydraulic anti-lock system modulator and select their most optimal
dc.titleMathematical model of the modulator of the brake drive of a dump truck with a hydraulic anti-lock systemru

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