Research analysis of facility construction management and BIM technology

Bibliographic entry
Yuhao, Jiang. Research analysis of facility construction management and BIM technology / Jiang Yuhao, V. Holubava // Инженерный бизнес [Электронный ресурс] : сборник материалов IV Международной научно-практической конференции в рамках 21-й Международной научно-технической конференции БНТУ «Наука – образованию, производству и экономике» 22-24 ноября 2023 г. / редкол.: О. С. Голубова [и др.] ; сост. О. С. Голубова. – Минск : БНТУ, 2024. – С. 334-338.
In recent years, the scale of construction facilities has expanded rapidly, and with it there have been problems in facility construction management. Traditional facility construction management has problems such as low human-machine efficiency, poor coordination and organization capabilities, long working hours and high costs. BIM technology can use information model technology to carry out col-lision detection, design optimization, and error reduction throughout the entire life cycle of a construction project. It can realize collaboration and communication among construction personnel through information models, thereby assisting facility construction management to improve human-machine efficiency and reduce construction risks, the effect of reducing construction costs. Therefore, studying the fields of facility construction management and BIM technology is of great significance to promoting the development of construction projects and improving the level of construction management. This article studies the application, advantages and results of BIM technology in facility construction management, provides effective management methods and technical support for the combination of industry facility construction management and BIM technology, and further promotes the modernization and intelligence of facility construction management.