Electronic educational and methodological complex "Philosophy" for specialties of general higher and special higher education

Bibliographic entry
Loiko, A. I. Electronic educational and methodological complex "Philosophy" for specialties of general higher and special higher education [Electronic Resource] / A. I. Loiko, E. K. Bulygo, O. M. Drozdovich ; Belarusian National Technical University, Department of «Philosophical Teachings». – Minsk : BNTU, 2024.
The electronic educational and methodical complex consists of four sections. The theoretical section presents the materials of the lecture course. The practical section presents a plan of seminar classes and methodological recommendations for guided independent work of students. The knowledge control section offers questions for the exam and test tasks. The auxiliary section presents the curriculum for the discipline “Philosophy”, a list of basic and additional literature. The complex can be used to organize and control controlled independent work of students.