Storytelling as a tool for increasing the psychological effectiveness of advertising
Bibliographic entry
Liang, Hong. Storytelling as a tool for increasing the psychological effectiveness of advertising / Hong Liang // Новые горизонты – 2024 : сборник материалов XI Белорусско-китайского молодежного инновационного форума, 21-22 ноября 2024 года / Белорусский национальный технический университет. – Минск : БНТУ, 2024. – Т. 2. – С. 162-163.
This article explores how to improve the psychological effect of advertising through storytelling in the digital economy era. The article points out that the essence of marketing is to stimulate consumers' demand for products, and storytelling is an effective marketing tool. In the digital age, companies can use digital platforms, big data, digital advertising and other means to accurately convey brand stories to consumers. At the same time, companies need to understand consumer behavior, market trends and digital marketing skills, and master accurate marketing language and concepts. Through storytelling, companies can transform products from abstract concepts into concrete realities, establish dialogues with consumers, create more consumer demand, build product culture and brand culture, help consumers build brand awareness, and improve brand recognition.