Now showing items 79-98 of 1072

    • NdFeB 磁体的Dy 热扩渗过程及其矫顽力提高机制 

      Liu, Fugang; Li, Ting; Liu, Chuanqi; Jiang, Chao; Zhang, Mengzhu (БНТУ, 2021)
      Thermal diffusion of heavy rare earths is an important technology for preparation of the sintering NdFeB magnets with high-performance and low-cost. However, the stability of diffusing process is lower and the mechanism of Dy diffusion is still unclear, which has become a bottleneck affecting the large-scale application of the technology. In this work, commercial 35M magnets ...
    • New organic materials for agrigulture, hortculture, city and desert greening 

      Bambalov, N. N.; Sokolov, G. A.; Balashenko, N. A. (2011)
      Bambalov, N. N. New organic materials for agrigulture, hortculture, city and desert greening / N. N. Bambalov, G. A. Sokolov // Белорусская инновационная неделя. Форум «Беларусь — Иран». Научно-практический семинар «Состояние и перспективы совместных белорусско-иранских исследований в области био- и нанотехнологий, электроники и озеленения». – 2011.
    • Opportunities to attract capital through the stock market in Uzbekistan 

      Alikulov, A. T. (БНТУ, 2023)
      The article examines the share of segments of the financial market in attracting financial resources of corporate structures in Uzbekistan. The capital valuation of stock market instruments and loans of commercial banks in Uzbekistan was analyzed by comparison. It is indicated that in Uzbekistan there are opportunities to attract resources through the instruments of the stock ...
    • Optical active diagnostics of thermal and electronic properties of diamond of different structures 

      Ivakin, E.; Kisialiou, I.; Ščajev, P.; Gudelis, V.; Jarašiūnas, K. (2011)
      Optical active diagnostics of thermal and electronic properties of diamond of different structures / E. Ivakin [et al.] // Белорусская инновационная неделя. Форум «Беларусь — ЕС». Научно-практический семинар «Взаимодействие белорусских и литовских организаций в сфере нано- и биотехнологий, оптики, машиностроения, медицины». – 2011.
    • “PARKING SPACE”的明天 

      Zhang, Dawei; Xu, Jiaming; Hao, Xue (БНТУ, 2021)
      现如今,快节奏高效率的生活让人们逐渐体会到汽车在日常生活中带给人们的便利。因 此人们对汽车的需求从公共交通类的公交车和出租车逐渐趋向于私家车,并且现在很多家庭也 已不满足于一台私家车。据数据统计,在过去的 2020年里,我国汽车的产销量达 2658.63 万台, 位居世界前几。但同比2019 年 1986.58 万台的产销量呈下降趋势。而呈现下降趋势的一大部分 原因就是因为“有车无位”。根据以上背景,本文提出了用数据挖掘技术分析了我国城市交通现 状,主要内容包括:国内汽车购买及汽车停放现状分析;公共停车场与收费停车情况对比;未 来汽车总量与停车位需求量预算分析;解决方案。
    • Peculiarities of application of devices and systems for visual inspection at industrial sites 

      Markov, A. P. (2011)
      Markov, A. P. Peculiarities of application of devices and systems for visual inspection at industrial sites / A. P. Markov // Белорусская инновационная неделя. Форум «Беларусь — ЕС». Научно-практический семинар «Научно-техническое сотрудничество организаций Беларуси и Латвии в области биотехнологий, медицины, энергетической и экологической безопасности, лазерных технологий». – 2011.
    • Photodynamic therapy of malignant tumours. Prospects of cooperation with Republic Venezuela 

      Tserkovsky, D. A.; Aleksandrova, E. N.; Chalov, V. N.; Laptsevich, T. P.; Istomin, J. P.; Alexandrov, N. N. (2011)
      Photodynamic therapy of malignant tumours. Prospects of cooperation with Republic Venezuela / D. A. Tserkovsky [et al.] // Белорусская инновационная неделя. Форум «Беларусь — Венесуэла». Научно-практический семинар «Перспективы совместных белорусско-венесуэльских исследований в области производства лекарственных аппаратов, лазерных технологий в медицине, фотодинамической терапии ...
    • Practical use of lexical approach in teaching english 

      Перепечко, Н. Н. (Право и экономика, 2019)
      В статье рассматриваются основные принципы лексического подхода. Даны некоторые рекомендации по его использованию на занятиях. Проанализирована возможность обучения английскому языку посредством освоения новой лексики.
    • Priority risk factors of osteoporosis in women of Belarus 

      Unknown author (2011)
      Priority risk factors of osteoporosis in women of Belarus // Белорусская инновационная неделя. Форум «Беларусь — ЕС». Научно-практический семинар «Взаимодействие белорусских и литовских организаций в сфере нано- и биотехнологий, оптики, машиностроения, медицины». – 2011.
    • Problems of chinese used car market development 

      Zhalezka, B. A.; Zhao, Houcheng (БНТУ, 2021)
      This article analyses various aspects of the development of the used car market in China. Influence of epidemic on the Chinese used car market is considered. SWOT-analysis of the Chinese used car market is made. Weaknesses and threats of Chinese used car market functioning are identified, strengths and opportunities of this market are revealed: strong policy support; market scale ...
    • Project method as an effective method of teaching English to students of economic specialties 

      Solovyova, L. V. (БНТУ, 2023)
      This article is about the importance and role of project method in teaching English to students of economic specialties. Special attention is devoted to the fact that it helps to develop skills of planning the routine, searching and analyzing data and presenting it in an interesting and creative way. The main objective of using this method is creating an English speaking competence.
    • PWD 安全驾驶分配系统 

      Wu, Qiong; Wang, Chunhua; Shi, Jia; Sui, Zhichun (БНТУ, 2021)
      Un recent years, the relevant departments of the country have increased the relevant punishment provisions of drunk driving, and for the first time, it is stipulated that those who drive operating motor vehicles after drinking alcohol will be detained for 15 days. This paper introduces the STC89C52 MCU as the core of the intelligent drunk driving detection system, it takes advantage ...
    • PYTHON 程序设计 

      Li, Kai (БНТУ, 2021)
      Li, Kai. PYTHON 程序设计 / Kai Li // II Китайско-белорусский молодежный конкурс научно-исследовательских и инновационных проектов : сборник материалов конкурса, 20-21 мая 2021 г. / Белорусский национальный технический университет ; Научно-технологический парк БНТУ «Политехник» ; Институт Конфуция по науке и технике БНТУ. – Минск : БНТУ, 2021. – С. 21.
    • Qualitative training is a guarantee of accident-free work 

      Lapko, A. A.; Yanchuk, L. F. (2011)
      Lapko, A. A. Qualitative training is a guarantee of accident-free work / A. A. Lapko, L. F. Yanchuk // Белорусская инновационная неделя. Форум «Беларусь — Венесуэла». Научно-практический семинар «Перспективы совместных белорусско-венесуэльских исследований в области производства лекарственных аппаратов, лазерных технологий в медицине, фотодинамической терапии онкологических ...
    • Re-optimizing food systems 

      Ke, Xu; Jinheng, Yin; Rongxin, Gao; Ying, Zhao (БНТУ, 2021)
      At present, the world food system is unstable, some countries and regions still have unsolvable food problems, and the current food system has caused serious environmental problems. We will re-optimize the food system to produce more food on the premise of improving the environment. We mainly solve the following four problems
    • «RED DRAGON NANOARMOR» – перспективный проект создания нанокомпозитных материалов для индивидуальной бронезащиты 

      Чернобай, Д. В. (БНТУ, 2021)
      The possibility of using Chinese raw materials (pellets) made using the LFT-G technology in the production of promising high-impact nanocomposite materials (nano-armor and substrates for it) is considered.
    • Regional development and policy in Estonia: to what extent? 

      Polajeva, Tatjana (Право и экономика, 2020)
      The main purpose of the article is to analyze the regional development and policy in Estonia. The key place in the regional development in Estonia is held by the development of centers and making better use of regional differences. This new regional development strategy harmonizes the state's general framework for regional development, its goals and a plan for its implementation. ...
    • Research in higher education institutions of Germany as a mechanism of production development 

      Матвеёнок, Т. В. (Право и экономика, 2019)
      В данной статье раскрываются особенности развития научной деятельности в Германии. Статья посвящена государственной политике правительства в отношении развития науки в высшем образовании, основной целью которой является поиск механизмов, ускоряющих процесс внедрения научных исследований в производство.
    • Research on vehicle detection based on visible light and infrared fusion 

      Gong, Hua; Yu, Xiaoye; Liu, Dalong; Cui, Mengya (БНТУ, 2021)
      Combining the gamma transform with Sobel edge detection method, an image enhancement method is designed. The improved Mask R-CNN infrared target detection algorithm based on image enhancement network is proposed. This algorithm is introduced into the Mask R-CNN network based on the decrease of learning rate. Aiming at the limitation of image captured by single sensor, a new target ...
    • Rheological properties of suspensions for medical and cosmetic purpose 

      Hrininh, K.; Yatsyuk, A.; Gubenia, O. O.; Yermakov, A. I. (Право и экономика, 2019)
      An analytical review of the rheological properties of dispersed systems, which are part of soft dosage forms and decorative cosmetics, was conducted. The purpose of the study is to determine the types and properties of dispersion media used to obtain suspensions of medicinal and colorimetric purposes to determine the type of grinding machine. The main classifications of dispersed ...