Highly efficient continuous-wave diode-pumped Er, Yb:GdAl3(BO3)4 laser

Bibliographic entry
Highly efficient continuous-wave diode-pumped Er, Yb:GdAl3(BO3)4 laser / K. N. Gorbachenya [et al.] // Optics Letters. – 2013. – Vol. 38, № 14. – P. 2446-2448.
We report the highly efficient continuous-wave diode-pumped laser operation of Er, Yb:GdAl3 BO3 4 crystal. Absorption and stimulated emission spectra, emission lifetimes, and efficiencies of energy transfer from Yb3 to Er3 ions were determined. A maximal output power of 780 mWwas obtained at 1531 nm at absorbed pump power of 4 W with slope efficiency of 26%.