Now showing items 76-95 of 890

    • Some Specific Features of Bearing Unit Development Based on Sliding Friction Pairs for Precision Electro-Spindles 

      Kalinichenko, A. S.; Basiniuk, U. L.; Mardasevich, E. I. (БНТУ, 2019)
      Various types of bearing units are used for movable connections in mechanical engineering, and sliding pairs (sliding bearings, guides, bushings) are rather widely applied for this purpose. This allows increasing stiffness of units to reduce their dimensions, to improve heat dissipation and ensure reduction in noise and vibration. However in some cases while using a sliding ...
    • Static Characteristics of Magnetic Modulation DC Converters with Analog Filter 

      Ataullaev, N. O.; Dziaruhina, A. A.; Murodov, K. S. (БНТУ, 2023)
      The paper examines the most important requirements for current converters, the features of magnetic modulation converters, and identifies their fundamental and design features. The paper considers the principle of constructing converters for contactless DC measurement and their disadvantages of converters, methods of current measurement using magnetic modulation current converters, ...
    • Statistical Analysis of Industrial Processes 

      Chepeleva, T. I.; Chepelev, A. N. (БНТУ, 2022)
      To analyze the synchronization of machine-building production processes, a statistical approach is used on the correctness of the choice of parameters. The accuracy of the parameters is achieved by modeling. This method allows checking how correctly the parameters are selected and whether they ensure uninterrupted operation of production. Statistical analysis of parameters gives ...
    • Strength Indicators of Fiber Reinforced Concrete with Carbon Nanomaterials 

      Leonovich, S. N.; Sadovskaya, E. A. (БНТУ, 2024)
      Concrete composites with low defects, dense and homogeneous, with a high degree of adhesion between the cement matrix and aggregates, as well as a high ratio between static tensile and compressive strengths and plasticity have the best crack resistance characteristics. This ratio increases in the case of the use of fiber-reinforced concrete. Modern research in nanotechnology ...
    • Structural Analysis of the Pelvic Girdle before and аfter Hip Replacement Procedure 

      Zubrzycki, Ja.; Karpinski, R.; Jaworski, L.; Ausiyevich, A. М.; Smidova, N. (БНТУ, 2018)
      The paper presents results of a preliminary study on a structural analysis of the pelvic girdle, comparing results for the analysis performed before and after the hip replacement procedure with taking into account changes in the mechanical properties of the articular cartilage of the joint. Basic anatomy and biomechanics of the hip joint is introduced. The mechanical analysis of ...
    • Structural and Design Specifics of Space Grid Systems 

      Gasii, G. М. (БНТУ, 2017)
      The aim of the study is to identify main trends in the development of space grid structures. In order to reach the purpose it is necessary to conduct a review of the known structural concepts, nodal connections and specifics of the space grid structures and to make conclusions on feasibility improvement of the considered structural concepts that make it possible to develop new ...
    • Structural Modification of New Formations in Cement Matrix Using Carbon Nanotube Dispersions and Nanosilica 

      Khroustalev, B. M.; Leonovich, S. N.; Yakovlev, G. I.; Polianskich, I. S.; Lahayne, O.; Eberhardsteiner, J.; Skripkiunas, G.; Pudov, I. A.; Karpova, E. A. (БНТУ, 2017)
      Complex nanodispersed systems with multi-walled carbon nanotubes and nanodispersed silica have a significant impact on the processes of hydration, hardening and strength gain of construction composites predetermining their durability. While using a scanning electron microscope with an attachment for X-ray microanalysis and a device for infrared spectral analysis investigations ...
    • Structure Formation and Properties of Concrete Based on Organic Hydraulic Binders 

      Khroustalev, B. M.; Veranko, U. A.; Zankavich, V. V.; Aliakseyeu, Yu. G.; Yue, Xuejun; Shang, Bo; Jicun, Shi (БНТУ, 2020)
      The article addresses the issues of structure formation of road composite materials containing hydraulic (рortland cement) and organic (bitumen) binders. It has been determined that organic and hydraulic binders, being thermodynamically incompatible, are capable of interaction and complement each other. Structure formation processes are associated with interphase transition layers ...
    • Study of Proportional Pressure Modulator on the Basis of Electromagnetic-Type Linear Motor 

      Zalohin, M. Yu.; Liubarskyi, B. A.; Schuklinov, S. N.; Mychalevych, M. G.; Leontiev, D. N. (БНТУ, 2018)
      The paper deals with a workflow of a proportional pressure modulator equipped with a linear electric motor of electromagnetic type (LEMET). A schematic diagram consisting of a power supply and control system has been constructed to determine the performance of LEMET. The power supply system is a self-contained half-bridge inverter. The converter input is supplied with 12 V DC ...
    • Study of Vertically Oriented Solar Battery by Exposure of Concentrated Solar Radiation 

      Esman, A. K.; Zykov, G. L.; Potachits, V. A.; Kuleshov, V. K. (БНТУ, 2023)
      Solar power is one of the largest sectors of the global electric and heat power industry. In search of new energy sources, scientists and engineers around the world are increasingly turning their attention to solar batteries, which can be a suitable replacement for non-renewable energy sources. Vertically oriented solar batteries will generate electricity throughout the daylight ...
    • The Analysis of Available Data on Energy Efficiency of Electric Vehicles to be Used for Eco-Driving Project Development 

      Maljkovic, M.; Stamenkovic, D.; Blagojevic, I.; Popovic, V. (БНТУ, 2019)
      The goal of this paper is to analyse the collected data on energy efficiency of electric vehicles from researches done by other authors and also to summarise all the factors affecting it. The majority of data available are obtained through simulations – therefore the emphasis in this paper will be placed on experimentally acquired data. The results of the analysis will be used ...
    • The Influence of Road Adhesion Coefficient on Energy Consumption and Dynamics of Battery Electric Vehicles 

      Нань, Ле Тхань; Пхук, Дам Хоанг; Минь, Ле Хуэ Тай; Харитончик, С. В.; Кусяк, В. А.; Конг, Нгуен Тхань (БНТУ, 2024)
      Currently, in economically developed countries, electric vehicles are considered as a solution to the problematic issue of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from road vehicles. The level of energy consumption is a critical factor in determining the overall performance of an electric vehicle. The article analyzes the influence of tire adhesion coefficient on the energy consumption ...
    • Thermodynamic Approaches in Assessing Quality, Efficiency and Environmental Friendliness of Asphalt Concrete 

      Qing, Zhang; Romaniuk, V. N.; Aliakseyeu, Yu. G.; Qiang, Hou (БНТУ, 2022)
      The experience of developed countries shows that the development of the road network and transport infrastructure determines the intensity of economic ties and is one of the most important conditions for the development of the state’s economy. Optimization of the composition and production technology of asphalt concrete mixture – the basis of paved roads, is of great importance, ...
    • Thermodynamic Aspects of Pavement Engineering 

      Khroustalev, B. M.; Liu, Tinguo; Aliakseyeu, Yu. H.; Li, Zhongyu; Akeliev, V. D.; Minchenya, V. T. (БНТУ, 2022)
      Scientific and practical calculations on the thermal stability of typical automobile road surface (semi-limited objects) with fluctuations in air temperatures, transitions from positive to negative, with actual heat transfer coefficients, thermal conductivity of components, specific mass isobaric heat capacities, material densities, periods of regular fluctuations are presented. ...
    • Thermodynamic Estimation of the Parameters for the C–H–O–N–Me-Systems as Operating Fluid Simulants for New Processes of Powder Thermal Spraying and Spheroidizing 

      Gorbunov, A. V.; Devoino, O. G.; Gorbunova, V. A.; Yatskevitch, O. K.; Koval, V. A. (БНТУ, 2021)
      Over the past few years, a group of new processes was developed for high-temperature, including plasma electric arc spraying (at ambient pressure) and spheroidizing of some ceramic and metal powder materials with the use of gaseous hydrocarbons in the heat carriers as well as with feeding of organic additions into a high-temperature jet, in particular, polymeric ones, to control ...
    • Thermodynamic Evaluation of Asphalt Concrete Properties and its Mixing Energy Consumption by Exergy Structure 

      Zhang, Qing; Romaniuk, V. N.; Khroustalev, B. M.; Hou, Qiang; Hou, Dehua (БНТУ, 2023)
      The relevance of solving the problem of energy saving, today, is enhanced by the requirements of an environmental nature, united by the term “green energy”. Solving the problems of climate conservation is inseparable from solving the problem of energy saving. Green, hydrogen energy, about which there has been a powerful and aggressive debate over the past decade, turned out to ...
    • Usage of the Anharmonic Correlated Einstein Model to Define the Expressions of Cumulants and Thermodynamic Parameters in the Cubic Crystals with New Structure Factors 

      Duc, Nguyen Ba (БНТУ, 2014)
      Используя потенциально эффективное взаимодействие в ангармонической корреляционной модели Эйнштейна на основании квантовой статистической теории с фононным взаимодействием, были сформулированы выражения, описывающие асимметричные компоненты (кумулянты) и термодинамические параметры, включая вклад ангармонических эффектов и новых структурных параметров кубических кристаллов. ...
    • Validation of an Assistance System for Merging Maneuvers in Highways in Real Driving Conditions 

      Sanchez-Mateo, S.; Perez-Moreno, E.; Jimenez, F.; Serradilla, F.; Cruz Ruiz, A.; de la Fuente Tamayo, S. (БНТУ, 2019)
      In the latest study conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in 2018, it was published that human error is still considered the major factor in traffic accidents, 94 %, compared with other causes such as vehicles, environment and unknown critical reasons. Some driving scenarios are especially complex, such as highways merging lanes, where the driver obtains ...
    • Ways to Improve Road Safety Audit in the Republic of Kazakhstan 

      Ibrayev, K.; Kapskiy, D.; Bogdanovich, S. (БНТУ, 2021)
      There are two types of internationally recognized engineering approaches to addressing road safety issues – proactive and reactive. Predicted or proactive approach includes prevention of accidents and taking corrective measures before accidents can occur. One example of this approach is road safety audit, which is a relatively new tool in developing countries. The paper has ...
    • Автоматизированная система управления обучением CATS 

      Попова, Ю. Б. (БНТУ, 2019)
      Использование информационных технологий, в частности информационных обучающих систем, увеличивает возможности как преподавателя, так и обучаемого в достижении своих целей в образовательном процессе, учитывая индивидуальные характеристики каждого и предоставляя возможности непрерывного образования. В статье предлагается и рассматривается новая автоматизированная система управления ...