Spectral Рeculiarities of NH-Tautomerism in Isocycle-Containing Porphyrins and their Covalently Linked Dimers
1984Bibliographic entry
Spectral Рeculiarities of NH-Tautomerism in Isocycle-Containing Porphyrins and their Covalently Linked Dimers / E. I. Zenkevich [et al.] // Chemical Physics Letters. – 1984. – Vol. 109, No. 3. – P. 306-311.
It has been found experimentally that a whole class of isocycle-containing porphyrins, including synthetic and natural objects and their covalently linked dimers, shows NH-tautomerism which manifests itself in isotropic solutions in normal electronic spectra both at 77 K and higher temperatures (up to 500 K).