2016: Recent submissions
Now showing items 121-140 of 151
Энергосбережение на промышленных предприятиях за счет технологической утилизации низкотемпературных тепловых ВЭР
(БНТУ, 2016)To increase the energy efficiency of textile continuous dying processes the different ways of low-temperature heat recovery are offered. Efficiency of such modernization is calculated. Comparative analysis of modernization ways shows the advantages of using absorption heat pumps for energy recovery from heat wastes. Heat recovery potential in textile industry is estimated and ...2018-04-13 -
Оптимизация режима электрической сети по напряжению и реактивной мощности усовершенствованным методом
(БНТУ, 2016)This report reveals conceptual issues of optimization method of electric mode realization, especially optimizing on voltage and reactive power using improved method. Using software application «RASTR» the model is created, the calculation is made, and the analysis is done. It is concluded that further studies of this method require its implementation on a computer.2018-04-13 -
Технологии точного земледелия – будущее сельскохозяйственного производства
(БНТУ, 2016)One of the basic elements of resource-saving technologies in agriculture is the concept of "current (spot, coordinate) farming," or as it is sometimes referred to as "precision agriculture" - precision agriculture. fair statement is the basis of this concept that the field is never completely homogeneous. It is always a "patchwork", where the neighboring plot of a few tens of ...2018-04-13 -
Энергосберегающий алгоритм управления оборудованием сырной ванны
(БНТУ, 2016)This report is considered the cheese vat as automation object. It is shown that requires rather precise temperature maintenance during maturation of the cheese grains. This varies the rate of rise in temperature. Therefore considered energy-efficient thermal management algorithm in the cheese vat.2018-04-13 -
The economic issue of willow biomass production for energy purpose in short rotation coppice plantations
(БНТУ, 2016)Ива является одной из перспективных культур для создания коммерческих плантаций с последующим использованием древесины на энергетические цели. Площади культуры в Европе занимают свыше 20 тысяч гектар, в странах, климатические условия которых близки к Республике Беларусь. Важнейшим условием создания плантаций является рентабельность производства биомассы, которая зависит от ряда ...2018-04-13 -
Архитектурное проектирование как процесс управления
(БНТУ, 2016)Architecture and requirements for it are constantly changing, there are new factors of development. To architectural school requirements are dictated according to the new conditions, which must meet a growing demand. Preparation of the architect should be mobile, critical to educate the architect adapted to the constantly changing conditions.2018-04-12 -
Основные приемы устройства оконных и дверных заполнений и обрамлений в памятниках архитектуры города Гомеля
(БНТУ, 2016)The article describes the features characteristic of the architactural and artisctic – as well as structural – designs of the window and door assemblies and casings found in the heritage buildings (brick and timber) of civic architecture in Homiel (Gomel). It considers the main trends in restoring the structural elements of joinery items, as well as modern techniques of replacing ...2018-04-12 -
Архитектурно-типологические варианты туристических сельских усадеб Беларуси
(БНТУ, 2016)Belarus has been named the best country for agrotourism in the National Geographic Traveler Awards in 2016. This was made possible by a variety of types of rural estates. Touting a local factor in as features of the local nature, history and culture, including the regional Belarusian architecture.2018-04-12 -
Архитектурно-дизайнерская организация трансформируемых многофункциональных общественных комплексов с преобладающей торговой функцией в городской среде
(БНТУ, 2016)The article is devoted to the analysis of the conditions and prerequisites for the formation of transformable multifunctional public complexes with dominant trading function in the urban environment. The article emphasizes that the continuous change and increasing complexity of the organization of shopping centres’ area as well as the emergence of new variants of their subject-spatial ...2018-04-12 -
Инновационные типы учреждений дополнительного образования детей
(БНТУ, 2016)In this article perspective directions of development of the architectural typology of modern institutions of additional education. Presents three main innovative types of institutions of additional education of children: – type 1 – educational function (the basic educational premises with a uniform distribution of auxiliary service spaces (bathrooms,storage); – type 2 – ...2018-04-12 -
Оптимизация обделки тоннелей
(БНТУ, 2016)Article describes the task of thickness and structure optimization of tunnels taking into account the experience of previously optimized beam designs. The sequence of actions necessary for the correct optimized tunnels design was described.2018-04-12 -
Быстровозводимые мосты с помощью пластиковых плавающих модулей
(БНТУ, 2016)The article describes the problem and the solution in the construction of bridges across water obstacles in Minsk. This project allows you to build bridges across the water without expending many resources and time, as the plastic modules are easy to install and economical.2018-04-12 -
Эксплуатируемая крыша: кровельное озеленение
(БНТУ, 2016)The article describes the international experience of roof greening. Two methods of planting were considered. Technology for creating roof greening was analyzed. Advantages and disadvantages of roof greening technology were considered.2018-04-12 -
Содержание и реконструкция инженерных элементов метрополитена
(БНТУ, 2016)The general data on future construction of the third branch of the Minsk subway are provided in work. Problems which experts at construction of stations of the subway meet, and also the solution of these problems.2018-04-12 -
Пропуск ледохода под мостами Республики Беларусь
(БНТУ, 2016)The proper organization of protection from possible damages during periods of ice drifting largely contributes to the safety of buildings. Nowadays this question is a topical issue in the Republic of Belarus.2018-04-12 -
Прибрежные территории как элемент единой ландшафтно-рекреационной системы
(БНТУ, 2016)The problem of lack of complete approach to coastal territories of the city of Brest is considered. An analytical review of the historical development of the city of Brest, revealed the stages of formation and its interaction with the river. Historic, functional and urban planning characteristics of the left and right watersides of the river Mukhavets and also the conditions and ...2018-04-12 -
Анализ строительных материалов, используемых при строительстве мостовых сооружений
(БНТУ, 2016)Examples of building materials used in the construction of bridges. Their advantages and disadvantages. The use of innovative technologies in construction.2018-04-12 -
Геопластика нарушенных территорий
(БНТУ, 2016)The article describes one of the methods of rational transformation of relief – geoplastic. It is given a definition of the term «geoplastic». The history and evolution of geoplactic forms have been studied, main functions are discovered, the ways in the area of application of geoplastic have been defferentiated, the tasks have been solved with the help of geoplastic. The researchers ...2018-04-12 -
Характерные дефекты и повреждения металлических конструкций транспортных сооружений и их диагностика
(БНТУ, 2016)Almost all construction around us in the course of operation are subject to the combined effects of various external factors: stress, temperature, corrosive operating environments. Under the influence of these factors in the material structures develop deformation and fracture, corrosion and other destructive processes that influence the change of the stress-strain state of ...2018-04-12 -
Конструкция мостов с объединенными балками
(БНТУ, 2016)The paper presents the general provisions on the design of bridges with the combined beams, design features, as well as its advantages in comparison with other designs of bridges.2018-04-12