Стекла для оптического волокна
Bibliographic entry
Дяденко, М. В. Стекла для оптического волокна / М. В. Дяденко // Научные и инновационные проекты и инициативы молодежи Беларуси и Китая : сборник материалов конференции в рамках Белорусско-Китайского молодежного инновационного форума "Новые горизонты - 2014", 3-4 декабря 2014 г. – Минск : БНТУ, 2015. – С. 47-49.
Glasses for an optical fiber of the developed compositions are resistant to crystallization in the range of 600–1100 оС at their heat treatment during 24 h, do not interact with each other at the border of the reference junction in the fiber drawing and matched to each other to the refractive index, size of temperature coefficient of linear expansion and viscous characteristics. This provides the increase of the light transmission of the finished fiber optic element and the decrease by 10–12 % yield of substandard product in comparison with industrial peers. The use of the developed glass compositions allows obtaining of fiber-optical plates with high resolution and required cleanliness of a vision’s field that allows using them in devices of night vision II + generations.