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dc.contributor.authorСафронова, О. В.ru
dc.contributor.authorГмырак, В. Н.ru
dc.identifier.citationСафронова, О. В. Университетские технопарки – локомотивы инновационного развития государства / О. В. Сафронова, В. Н. Гмырак // Научные и инновационные проекты и инициативы молодежи Беларуси и Китая : сборник материалов конференции в рамках Белорусско-Китайского молодежного инновационного форума "Новые горизонты - 2014", 3-4 декабря 2014 г. – Минск : БНТУ, 2015. – С.
dc.description.abstractIn the article we consider mechanisms of commercialization of scientific and technical products at universities. Special attention is paid to the creation of science and technology parks under universities that would serve as particular environment for creating and “growing” innovative resident enterprises. The article deals with the organizational and economic bases of activity of university science and technology parks in the Republic of Belarus. Particular attention is paid to the state support for the science and technology parks. By the example of the Republican Innovative Unitary Enterprise “Science and Technology Park of BNTU “Polytechnic” we considered a model of innovation business incubation. We studied the functioning of structural subdivisions of the Science and Technology Park, identifying some of its problems. We conclude that it’s necessary to develop mechanisms of state support for the science and technology parks in Belarus, particularly to work out effective mechanisms of budgetary financing of the material and technical base of science and technology parks. We also ground the efficiency of university science and technology park creation and development for the
dc.titleУниверситетские технопарки – локомотивы инновационного развития государстваru
dc.typeWorking Paperru

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