Автоматизированный мониторинг состояния несущих конструкций зданий
Another Title
The automated monitoring of the state of load-bearing buildings structures
Bibliographic entry
Снежков, Д. Ю. Автоматизированный мониторинг состояния несущих конструкций зданий / Д. Ю. Снежков, С. Н. Леонович // Вестник Брестского государственного технического университета. Серия «Строительство и архитектура». – 2017. – № 1. – С. 92-97.
Abstract in another language
Discusses issues for automated monitoring of high-rise buildings. As the methodological basis of monitoring data processing system is proposed correlation analysis inclination angles increments of key support frame elements. On the data basis of a high-rise building monitoring data in Minsk considered the efficiency of use as the recorded tilt angle settings structural framing columns. Found a significant correlation between the angular displacement of the deformation of columns with temperature.