Educational multiculturalism as a useful factor in more rapid students’ adaptation to changing mobility conditions
Bibliographic entry
Olovnikova, N. G. Educational multiculturalism as a useful factor in more rapid students adaptation to changing mobility conditions / N. G Olovnikova // Тэарэтычныя і прыкладныя аспекты этналагічных даследаванняў : зборнік навуковых артыкулаў / Беларускі нацыянальны тэхнічны ўніверсітэт ; уклад. М. В. Макарыч. – Мінск : БНТУ, 2019. – С. 160-163.
Multicultural educational process includes the common elements of ethnic cultures and features, emphasizing the originality and uniqueness of each culture. It helps to use diversity as a useful factor of development, it promotes more rapid social adaptation to changing mobility conditions, helps to form a contemporary picture of the world.