InfoGenerator. No. 2 (5), April, 2020

Another Title
Electronic digest
Bibliographic entry
InfoGenerator [Electronic resource] : electronic digest / Belarusian National Technical University, Scientific Library of BNTU ; compilers: Y. Yurkevich, N. Apanasevich ; editor A. Shkutova. – Minsk : BNTU, 2020. – № 2.
Scientific Library of Belarusian National Technical University (BNTU) offers you new issue of «InfoGenerator» digest, a free access resource providing information support to teachers, students and university staff. This time we have packed it with new electronic books from library collections and open access resources concerning the following subjects: electrical engineering, elements of medical devices and systems, biomechanics, medical and biological physics, biomedical signals analysis and processing, design and manufacturing of artificial human organs and joints and others. The digest is prepared by library professionals and includes book reviews, Internet resources and latest university news. Systematization by branch of science, annotations and additional materials make it a useful tool for readers’ advisory, curriculum and research support. Access to the electronic books listed in the digest is provided in the electronic resources room of the library information services department.
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- 2020[7]