Now showing items 199-217 of 217

    • Формирование экологической культуры среди студенческой молодежи: традиции и инновации 

      Москалева, К. А.; Дай, Цзысюань (БНТУ, 2020)
      The experience of organizing and work of the student group of public ecologists is considered. The directions of volunteer activity are considered on the example of Belarus and China. An integrated approach is highlighted, including traditional directions and innovations in the formation of environmental culture among students.
    • Форс-мажор в таможенном законодательстве 

      Хмелевская, Н. В. (БНТУ, 2020)
      Force majeure - the inability to fulfill obligations due to external unpredictable and insurmountable factors. In the event of force majeure, the counterparty is exempt from penalties for untimely or incomplete performance of the contract. But not from the obligations themselves. In the event of a significant change in circumstances, one of the parties may seek to terminate the ...
    • Цикл как жанр белорусской живописи XIX века 

      Былинкина, В. В. (БНТУ, 2020)
      The article highlights the development of the cycle in the Belarusian painting of the XIX century, which contributed to the formation of national and cultural artistic values.
    • Цифровизация системы государственного управления Беларуси: потенциал Open Data 

      Орлов, П. Н. (БНТУ, 2020)
      The article is devoted to the analysis of the problems associated with the introduction of the concept of open data in the Republic of Belarus. The thesis is substantiated that the positioning of Belarus as a highly developed state cannot be imagined without the openness of the authorities and administration. Based on the analysis of the functioning of the national open data ...
    • Цифровое право 

      Лапутько, А. В. (БНТУ, 2020)
      The article is devoted to definition and the role of digital law in our society. Digital law refers to legal requirements, legal decisions and ethics that relate to digital environments. Digital law can directly affect students in classrooms, employees and organizations as a whole. It is a dynamic developing sphere include the blockchain architecture, smart-contracts, cryptocurrency, ...
    • Цифровой спорт как одно из направлений развития цифровой экономики: мировой опыт и тенденции для Республики Беларусь 

      Матвиенко, А. И. (БНТУ, 2020)
      The research is devoted to the development of digital sports in the world and its opportunities in the Republic of Belarus. The role and importance of the market of digital sport is emphasized, its structure is predicted by segments of revenue, the specific weight of countries in the market with the leading position of the People's Republic of China is noted. The conclusion is ...
    • Экономический образ древнего Китая в учебниках по истории для школьников Беларуси 

      Дин, Лян (БНТУ, 2020)
      As a crucial field in the studies of the external communication, the country image has become the international hotspot issue in recent years. And it has been always constructed and disseminated through certain media, among which the history textbook is an important carrier. The history textbooks in Belarus middle schools give much description of China’s history. Therefore, through ...
    • “双循环”背景下中国东北与白俄罗斯经济发展互补性分析 

      刘雪琪; 李文国 (БНТУ, 2020)
      Under the background of "double cycle", the complementary economic cooperation between Northeast China and Belarus is an inevitable choice for the two regions to restore economic and social development, expand opening up, and reshape international cooperation and new competitive advantages. Northeast China and Belarus should fully recognize their own strengths and weaknesses, ...
    • 基于AI的自主规划考研网站的设计与实现 

      刘庆科; 田林琳; 纪鉴航; 崔奥宇; 岳熙霖 (БНТУ, 2020)
      This paper mainly introduces the design and implementation of self planning postgraduate entrance examination website which combines ai artificial intelligence technology with web application form. On the student side, it can not only query information, but also have forum, open class, live broadcast module and other functions. In addition, the recommendation system is added to ...
    • 基于PLC 的真空烘干炉控制系统设计 

      金亚玲; 刘磊 (БНТУ, 2020)
      In view of the complicated control requirements of vacuum drying furnace control system, CPM2A SERIES PLC of OMRON Company was used instead of the traditional relay to realize the automatic control design of vacuum drying furnace control system. According to the actual requirements of the engineering design of the vacuum drying furnace control system, the detailed system design ...
    • 基于创新教育理念的高校教育管理策略 

      徐颖 (БНТУ, 2020)
      The problem of university education management has attracted widespread attention in recent years. Actively establishing an innovative education management concept plays an important role in solving the problem. The first part of this article introduces the important significance of innovative education concepts to the reform of education management in colleges and universities, ...
    • 基于大数据的新闻媒体预测推荐系统报告 

      王龙丰 (БНТУ, 2020)
      The site now offers the same content to all users. Users can only refer to relevant navigation and leaderboards, and use search engines to find what they need. Website recommendations to users of information is only some of the hottest news, newspapers, e-books, and can not be based on the user’s own interests need for personalized recommendation services. This form of recommendation ...
    • 基于大数据背景下的土地资源管理宏观调控 

      华兴东 (БНТУ, 2020)
      This paper discusses how to use big data for macro-control of land resources under the background of big data, and lists the problems and solutions that may be encountered in the process of development.
    • 数字货币发展前景展望 

      Се, Лили (БНТУ, 2020)
      Judging from the history of currency development, the development process of currency is constantly evolving and changing with the development of science and technology and changes in social systems. In this process, the currency form has undergone electronic, virtual anddigital transformations. . Technological innovation is the driving force of social development and also ...
    • 新时代国际视野下文化遗产传播途径的实践探索 

      胡德强; 李龙 (БНТУ, 2020)
      With the rapid development of economic construction in the new era, the acceleration of urbanization has led to the disappearance of more and more traditional conceptual villages; the rapid development of industrial modernization has gradually made traditional handicrafts lose their competitiveness; the development of national traditional culture has gradually been The world’s ...
    • 白鹤芋水培试验研究 

      田葭荟 (БНТУ, 2020)
      Because the white crane taro is popular with the public, it provides experience for the production and daily maintenance management of the white crane taro by hydroponic testing according to the growth habits and morphological characteristics of the white crane taro.
    • 网络教学环境下对外汉语教学的主要问题及解决方法 

      肇辰 (БНТУ, 2020)
      Compared with the traditional teaching method, the advantages and disadvantages of network teaching method are particularly obvious. The core purpose of online teaching is to break the barriers of time and space to complete learning tasks. Based on the actual experience of online teaching Chinese as a foreign language, this paper discusses the main problems and solutions of ...
    • 网页设计课程的教学研究与实践 

      郑颖 (БНТУ, 2020)
      With the rapid development of network front-end development technology, just as the rapid development of front-end development technology and the requirements for front-end developers have changed dramatically, the course of web design in higher education must be adjusted accordingly. Teachers in the teaching of web design should start with the following aspects: leading students ...
    • 金属快速成形3D 打印技术与应用 

      穆德敏; 陈宝欣; 陈艺文; 张舒翔 (БНТУ, 2020)
      With the gradual application of advanced manufacturing technology, the development of forced, removed and stacked forming technology is very rapid. As a relatively new rapid addition forming technology, 3D printing technology has achieved very good results in many fields, greatly improving the efficiency of parts, and playing an important role in promoting the development of ...