Том 2: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 132
К вопросу таможенного тарифа и его основных элементов
(БНТУ, 2020)The scientific article deals with the topic of the customs tariff and its main elements, as well as the specifics of the impact of the customs tariff on the development of foreign trade relations and the economy. Such issues as the concept, basis, principles, elements and types of customs tariff are considered2021-01-27 -
Понятие и общая характеристика субъектов таможенного права
(БНТУ, 2020)The article reveals the concept and general characteristics of the subject of customs law, as well as the legal status of persons of customs and legal relations (their rights, duties and responsibilities) are regulated in detail by the Customs Code of the EAEU, the Treaty on the Union, international treaties within the Union and the national legislation of the Union member states.2021-01-27 -
Международные перевозки грузов связаны с перемещением товаров и транспортных средств по таможенным территориям разных стран и их союзов
(БНТУ, 2020)The article considers international cargo transportation related to the movement of goods and vehicles through the customs territories of different countries carried out with the permission and under the control of customs authorities in accordance with the standards of customs regulation established by international law and the harmonized national legislation of countries and ...2021-01-27 -
Контрабанда как наиболее опасное преступление в сфере таможенного дела
(БНТУ, 2020)The present and future of any state largely depends not only on the content of its internal development, but also on the nature of contact with the outside world. Contact is mainly carried out across borders and in a certain area (customs territory and customs border), which naturally determines the need to bring the customs policy of Belarus, in General, and the fight against ...2021-01-27 -
К вопросу контрабанды и ответственность за ее совершение
(БНТУ, 2020)The scientific article deals with one of the most dangerous and widespread crimes in the economy of the smuggling. Study of the emergence and development of smuggling, its object and responsibility for committing this crime. Analysis of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and some articles of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus.2021-01-27 -
Таможенное право и его место в системе права
(БНТУ, 2020)This article discusses customs law and its place in the legal system of the Republic of Belarus. attention is focused on the existence of many approaches in the nature of this branch of law. It is also indicated that customs law occupies an important place in the system of law due to the relations regulated by it.2021-01-27 -
К вопросу раскрытия системы таможенных органов в Республике Беларусь
(БНТУ, 2020)The scientific article discusses the system of customs authorities, article 8 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On customs regulation in the Republic of Belarus" № 129-3 dated 01.10.2014 customs regulation, the State Customs Committee, the competence of customs authorities, article 351 of the Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union, officials of the customs authorities ...2021-01-27 -
Драматическое искусство и пространство
(БНТУ, 2020)This article analyzes the relationship between theater art and space, introduces traditional stage and modern theater, and shows the spatial elements and layout of the theater. Theater space design is restricted by social politics, economy, culture, technology, customs and other aspects, and it also directly affects the theater art itself. The development of the theater is ...2021-01-27 -
Изучение влияния визуального самоанализа на скорость выроботки двигательного навыка
(БНТУ, 2020)Кирейцев, А. А. Изучение влияния визуального самоанализа на скорость выроботки двигательного навыка / А. А. Кирейцев ; науч. рук. Н. О. Мартусевич // Новые горизонты - 2020 : сборник материалов VII Белорусско-Китайского молодежного инновационного форума, 17 ноября 2020 года / Белорусский национальный технический университет. – Минск : БНТУ, 2020. – Т. 2. – С. 103.2021-01-27 -
О коммуникации с использованием языка жестов в русско-китайском языке
(БНТУ, 2020)Body language, as a kind of "silent language", is the information and emotion communication between human beings and the outside world through body posture, expression and attitude. At the same time, it has a distinctive national cultural color and is an indispensable tool of communication in language culture.2021-01-27 -
Мотивация труда в Беларуси
(БНТУ, 2020)The article reveals the essence of motivation, names its types and tasks, indicates the functions of wages and the importance of labor motivation for workers.2021-01-27 -
Лексико-семантическая репрезентация концепта «Москва» в русской лингвокультуре
(БНТУ, 2020)This article analyzes the lexical semantics of the concept of "Moscow" in Russian language and culture, and explores the image of the concept of "Moscow" from dictionaries and literary works.2021-01-27 -
Белорусское и китайское военное сотрудничество
(БНТУ, 2020)Military-technical enterprises of Belarus, once tied exclusively to Russia, have been actively developing cooperation with China over the past decade as part of plans for militarytechnical cooperation in weapons and equipment.2021-01-27 -
Основные направления совершенствования проведения таможенного контроля на территории Республики Беларусь
(БНТУ, 2020)Галуха, А. И. Основные направления совершенствования проведения таможенного контроля на территории Республики Беларусь / А. И. Галуха // Новые горизонты - 2020 : сборник материалов VII Белорусско-Китайского молодежного инновационного форума, 17 ноября 2020 года / Белорусский национальный технический университет. – Минск : БНТУ, 2020. – Т. 2. – С. 113-114.2021-01-27 -
К вопросу таможенной политики Республики Беларусь
(БНТУ, 2020)This article discusses the concept of the customs policy of the Republic of Belarus. The main tasks of customs policy, its goals and functions are considered. Favorable conditions for the economic policy of the state are also considered.2021-01-27 -
Места перемещения товаров через таможенную границу
(БНТУ, 2020)This scientific article examines the theoretical aspects of the movement of goods across the customs border in modern conditions. Based on the general provisions and based on the totality of all the listed and mentioned facts, some conclusions were drawn.2021-01-27 -
Перспектива создания «умных городов»
(БНТУ, 2020)This article is devoted to the conception “Smart city”. Here you can see the reason why this concept is our future, all spheres of its usage and even examples of the things, which already exist. During the analyzes, has been concluded, that nowadays there are more and more countries, that start their innovational way with that conception, consequently, we can say that “Smart ...2021-01-27 -
Агротуризм в Китае
(БНТУ, 2020)The article is devoted to the development of agritourism in China. The stages of development of agritourism are named and characterized, the importance of agritourism for the development of rural areas of China is indicated.2021-01-27 -
Деконструкция культуры и феномен Ван Шо
(БНТУ, 2020)The author considers the development of mass culture in China at the end of the last century, analyzes the conditions for the emergence of the "Wang Shuo phenomenon" in Chinese mass culture of the 1980s-1990s, the internal content of the terms "deconstruction" and "de-charm" in relation to elite culture in China reflecting the process of spreading and absorption of other types ...2021-01-27 -
Лексико-семантическое поле «населённые пункты» в русском языке
(БНТУ, 2020)The lexico-semantic field as an integral and fairly stable system with interrelated and interdependent parts, in turn, is endowed with structure and is subject to the laws of existence of this integrity, the units of which are the units of the broadcast itself, and thus reflects the dialectical model of the individual and the general. The field concept successfully implements the ...2021-01-27