Материалы конференции по статьям: Recent submissions
Now showing items 101-120 of 131
Направление совершенствования таможенного декларирования и таможенного контроля товаров, перемещаемых автомобильным транспортом по процедуре таможенного транзита в Республики Беларусь
(БНТУ, 2020)One of the basic components of ensuring favorable terms for the development of the economic potential of the EAEU member and ensuring national security is the implementation of effective customs control by customs authorities, including during the customs procedure of customs transit. That is why this article discusses problems of the system of customs declaration and customs ...2021-01-27 -
Направления развития цифровой экономики в архитектуре: опыт Китая и перспективы для Беларуси
(БНТУ, 2020)The possibilities of digital economy tools in the architectural sphere are considered. The volume and trends of the global market, as well as its prediction of long-term perspective, is noted. The role of the People's Republic of China in the establishment of this direction and the importance of its experience for the Republic of Belarus are emphasized.2021-01-27 -
К вопросу о порядке определения таможенной стоимости товара
(БНТУ, 2020)The Brussels Convention takes the normal price as the basis for determining the customs value of goods - the price of goods in conditions of free competition between an independent buyer and seller. In this case, a certain constant value acts as a source of the normal price, which is not affected by any financial, commercial or other relations. The principle of customs valuation, ...2021-01-27 -
Цифровой спорт как одно из направлений развития цифровой экономики: мировой опыт и тенденции для Республики Беларусь
(БНТУ, 2020)The research is devoted to the development of digital sports in the world and its opportunities in the Republic of Belarus. The role and importance of the market of digital sport is emphasized, its structure is predicted by segments of revenue, the specific weight of countries in the market with the leading position of the People's Republic of China is noted. The conclusion is ...2021-01-27 -
Инновации в ротации менеджеров машиностроительных предприятий
(БНТУ, 2020)The article presents problematic issues regarding the rotation of managers at machine-building enterprises. The model of effective rotation of management personnel within the enterprise in the form of four stages is proposed. Unlike the existing ones, the model of a constantly functioning system of rotation of managers includes all the functions of managing the process of growth ...2021-01-27 -
К вопросу о коррупции и ее причинах в таможенных органах Республики Беларусь
(БНТУ, 2020)The article is devoted to the analysis of the nature of customs corruption. Key factors which lead to corruption in customs administration are given. Relation between state of economy and corruption is considered. Also, some measures that have been already done by customs authorities of the Republic of Belarus in the sphere of fight against corruption are examined.2021-01-27 -
Таможенные органы как органы дознания
(БНТУ, 2020)А special theoretical and practical interest is an inquiry in the customs law. The danger of crimes in this sphere is growing, as it acquires a more organized and large-scale character. The article examines the inquiry as a form of preliminary investigation in the activities of customs authorities.2021-01-27 -
К вопросу таможенной процедуры таможенного транзита с использованием автоматизированной подсистемы «транзит таможенного союза»
(БНТУ, 2020)In the EAEU member States, there is a joint development of transport infrastructure facilities, a gradual liberalization of transport services between the member States, and the volume of traffic increases every year, which indicates that integration in the transport sector in the EAEU member States is successful.2021-01-27 -
К вопросу основных изменений функционирования таможенной процедуры таможенного транзита после вступления в силу таможенного кодекса ЕАЭС
(БНТУ, 2020)In the new version of the Customs code of the EAEU, the legislator introduced a number of significant changes that affect the order and timing of customs operations involving the placement of goods under the customs procedure of customs transit and completion, in addition to the provisions on application of customs transit procedure, not previously used in the practice of the ...2021-01-27 -
К вопросу таможенной процедуры таможенного транзита в Евразийском экономическом союзе
(БНТУ, 2020)The movement of goods and vehicles through the territory of the Republic of Belarus in transit is due to the objective needs of trade. Its significance lies in the possibility of intensive loading of the country's transport highways and, as a result, generating revenue from the use of roads, roadside infrastructure and stimulating the development of transport and communication.2021-01-27 -
К вопросу о правоохранительной деятельности таможенных органов Республики Беларусь
(БНТУ, 2020)The article is devoted to the analysis of law enforcement activities of customs authorities. Thus, the concept and main directions of law enforcement activities of customs authorities were considered. Based on the results, we identified some problems and identified ways to improve.2021-01-27 -
Стратегии развития межкультурной коммуникативной компетентности при обучении русскому языку
(БНТУ, 2020)In recent years, under the promotion of the “One Belt One Road” initiative, The exchanges and cooperation between our country and countries along the route in the political, economic, and cultural fields are becoming more frequent. The demand for Russian talents is increasing day by day. The requirements are also constantly improving, and it is a general trend to train high-quality ...2021-01-27 -
К вопросу сущности и классификации наркотических средств, психотропных веществ и их прекурсоров
(БНТУ, 2020)The article deals with the problem of drug distribution, which poses a real threat to the country's population, undermines economic potential, and negatively affects the demographic situation in the country. Because of drug use, the level of crime and violence increases. One of the main reasons for the illegal movement of narcotic drugs is the excess profits and super-profits ...2021-01-27 -
(БНТУ, 2020)Judging from the history of currency development, the development process of currency is constantly evolving and changing with the development of science and technology and changes in social systems. In this process, the currency form has undergone electronic, virtual anddigital transformations. . Technological innovation is the driving force of social development and also ...2021-01-27 -
К вопросу об особенностях перемещения через таможенную границу наличной валюты, платежных документов в иностранной валюте и памятных монет из драгоценных металлов
(БНТУ, 2020)The article reflects the procedure for moving the currency of the Republic of Belarus, securities in the currency of the Republic of Belarus, foreign currency and other currency value. The basic basic concepts are described, customs territory, customs border, сurrency values. On the submission of documents to confirm the origin of cash and (or) monetary instruments.2021-01-27 -
К вопросу о таможенной логистике в Республике Беларусь
(БНТУ, 2020)Speaking about logistic, it is necessary to remember about her applied value in life of society that consists of development and application of effective methods of management material and other streams in the spheres of production and appeal. Thus inter se the productive is organically associate, transport, ware-house, informative, financial and commercial constituents. And if ...2021-01-27 -
К вопросу формирования стратегии внешнеэкономической деятельности предприятия
(БНТУ, 2020)This academic article considers the issue of forming a strategy for foreign economic enterprise activity, as well as its development and implementation methodology, which can be built on the basis of performing a number of consecutive stages adapted to the possibility of specific enterprise and its operating conditions.2021-01-27 -
К вопросу об информационных системах в таможенном деле в Республике Беларусь
(БНТУ, 2020)The scientific article mentions innovations in the field of customs organization related to facilitating the implementation of various customs formalities and procedures. However, their example in the national and global customs system can be traced to the main trend leading to the simplification of customs formalities, as well as saving money and time due to the development and ...2021-01-27 -
Цифровое право
(БНТУ, 2020)The article is devoted to definition and the role of digital law in our society. Digital law refers to legal requirements, legal decisions and ethics that relate to digital environments. Digital law can directly affect students in classrooms, employees and organizations as a whole. It is a dynamic developing sphere include the blockchain architecture, smart-contracts, cryptocurrency, ...2021-01-27 -
К вопросу таможенной политики Республики Беларусь
(БНТУ, 2020)The relevance of this article is due to the consideration of the issue of the general concept of customs policy, aspects of the implementation of a unified customs policy, which are an integral and integral part of the domestic and foreign policy of the Republic of Belarus, as well as stimulating the development of the national economy.2021-01-27