Bibliographic entry
Wu, Zhuang. V+ / Zhuang Wu, Haoran Wang, Yukui Zhang // II Китайско-белорусский молодежный конкурс научно-исследовательских и инновационных проектов : сборник материалов конкурса, 20-21 мая 2021 г. / Белорусский национальный технический университет ; Научно-технологический парк БНТУ «Политехник» ; Институт Конфуция по науке и технике БНТУ. – Минск : БНТУ, 2021. – С. 33.
With the continuous development of virtual reality technology, VR also involves all aspects of life and production. This project uses VR technology and IOT to realize a complete virtual factory management system. By using unity 3D to establish VR scene, and then connecting HTC vive device, virtual roaming and interaction can be realized. Finally, the sensor hardware circuit is connected with VR program through WiFi. In the VR scene, the factory environment can be viewed in real time and some mechanisms can be controlled to realize action. It has a certain practical value for some places (boiler room, power distribution cabinet, biogas digester, etc.) which are difficult for people to enter because of danger or difficult management.