2021: Recent submissions
Now showing items 201-220 of 249
Использование медицинских терминов английского языка в медицине Узбекистана
(БНТУ, 2021)The article touches upon the issue of the use of English terms in the field of medicine in Uzbekistan. In teaching students of medical universities to foreign languages, much attention is paid to the terms that are used in medical practice. Most of these terms are borrowed from the English language. The article gives some examples of English terms used in medicine.2022-03-03 -
Металлы в коронарной хирургии
(БНТУ, 2021)The paper presents questions on the use and production of matrix stents for peripheral and coronary arteries to restore the lumen of coronary and peripheral blood vessels by catheter balloon expansion. Materials for their creation and methods of obtaining these materials are considered.2022-03-03 -
Малоинвазивные методы диагностики при закрытых травмах живота
(БНТУ, 2021)In this article is given The analysis of the results of surgical treatment of patients with closed abdominal trauma. Diagnosis of closed abdominal injuries presents great difficulties and is one of the most difficult and not fully resolved problems of abdominal surgery. Diagnostic difficulties increase significantly when abdominal trauma is combined with craniocerebral trauma, ...2022-03-03 -
Экологические факторы и репродуктивное здоровье женщин
(БНТУ, 2021)The basic directions of economic and social development of any state are the actions directed on conservation and strengthening of health of the population, and scientific researches in the field of the hygiene, the influences of ecological factors devoted to studying on reproductive health of women and working out of recommendations about preservation and strengthening of their ...2022-03-03 -
Оптимизация медицинской учетной документации и автоматизация отчетностей
(БНТУ, 2021)In this article, questions were raised about the effectiveness of optimizing medical accounting records and the introduction of information systems that should help improve the quality of both medical care and accounting records. The above, in turn, should lead to a reduction in the time spent on filling out paper carriers in the activities of practicing doctors of medical organizations.2022-03-03 -
Изучение динамики хирургических операций узловых форм зоба в ферганской области Республики Узбекистан
(БНТУ, 2021)It has been that quantity with hodular increases in iodine deficiency conditions. Also, malignization of simple nodular goiter is occurred more frequently in such conditions. Last fact enforees, that more radical operations are required in surgical treatment of nodular goiter.2022-03-03 -
Неотложная медицинская помощь больным с острыми нарушениями мозгового кровообращения В. Г. Фергана
(БНТУ, 2021)In materials are noticed, nowadays need divide three economical tasks for decreasing complication of stroke. There are for treatment, early diagnosis and differential therapy.2022-03-03 -
Структурно-функциональные нарушения гепатобилиарной системы и течение инфекции COVID-19
(БНТУ, 2021)Assessment in a hospital patients with COVID-19 infection the hepatobiliary system dysfunctions clinical and laboratory data and nutritional status abnormalities showed increased its’ frequency revealing according to severity of a COVID-19 infection course.2022-03-03 -
Современные методы лечения хеликобактер – ассоциированных заболеваний желудка и двенадцатиперстной кишки
(БНТУ, 2021)Gastritis and gastric ulcers are the most common diseases in the world. Thereby the most relevant is to determine the main etiological factors in the development of these diseases. The aim of the investigation was to determine the role of Helicobacter pylori infection in the development of these diseases among inhabitants of the Fergana region of Uzbekistan. It was found that ...2022-03-03 -
Automation of the formation of medical examinations for electronic medical history in medical information systems
(БНТУ, 2021)This article examines the documentation of medical records on electronic media and suggests the formalization and documentation of medical data in the medical information system for maintaining an electronic medical history. The basic technologies and interface for documenting medical records, the formation of electronic templates for standardization, the design of electronic ...2022-03-03 -
Панкреатит с точки зрения современного общества
(БНТУ, 2021)Relation to modern medicine, acute destructive pancreatitis are one of the main actual problem of the urgent surgery. It connects with unenjoyable treatment’s results of middle and heavy forms.2022-03-03 -
Профилактика стоматологических заболеваний основная актуальная проблема современной стоматологии
(БНТУ, 2021)The vast majority of dental diseases are the result of conscious, often unconscious neglect of their health. In this regard, the culture and education of the population is of particular importance, which directly depends on the state. Only the state is capable of carrying out educational and cultural transformations on a large scale. To mobilize forces and means to raise the level ...2022-03-03 -
Перспективы применения ЭРХПГ и ЭПСТ при синдроме механической желтухи
(БНТУ, 2021)ERCP includes many complex manipulations that require nervous and physical stress, both from the patient and from the examiners, therefore, the use of such a study is indicated only in cases where non-invasive diagnostic methods d not provide the necessary information about the state of the biliary tract and pancreas.2022-03-03 -
Justification of parameters of wheel prpoller with pivot axle of self-propelled mine cars
(БНТУ, 2021)The analysis of the efficiency of work of self-propelled mine cars as part of tunneling complexes is carried out. Perspective schemes of power supply of self-propelled mine cars, as well as ways of modernizing their wheel propellers are considered. The calculation of the parameters of the wheel propeller control system during the maneuvering of a selfpropelled mine car is performed.2022-03-03 -
Проблемы и задачи использования информационно-коммуникационных технологий в процессе самообразования студентов
(БНТУ, 2021)The article presents the problems and tasks of using modern information and communication technologies in the process of self-education. The use of information and communication technologies in self-education is a powerful tool for creating optimal working conditions for obtaining knowledge and skills, but it should be expedient and methodically justified. information and ...2022-03-03 -
Сплайн функции при обработке биологических сигналов
(БНТУ, 2021)The article is devoted to improving the quality of the output signal electrocardiography. The main requirements for the equipment and methodology of the study are considered. The paper studies the main methods of filtering the input signal using the spline function electrocardiography. One of the possible methods of improving the quality of the output signal using splines is considered.2022-03-03 -
Диагностика и хирургическая тактика при травматических повреждениях селезенки
(БНТУ, 2021)Traumatic injuries of the spleen account for 15 to 35 % of all injuries to the abdominal organs. The question of the methods of trauma to the spleen is also relevant because recently its important role in the immunological response of the body has been proven.2022-03-03 -
Инновационные преобразования в педагогике физической культуры и спорта
(БНТУ, 2021)In Uzbekistan measures on creation of necessary conditions for popularization of physical training and the sports, a healthy way of life among the population, especially youth, maintenance of worthy representation of the country on the international sports arena are consistently realized. Modern pedagogical technologies in a new fashion realize the maintenance of training and ...2022-03-03 -
Этиология и патогенез пародонтита
(БНТУ, 2021)Paradontal pathology is one of the most common problems in modern dentistry, which is a serious medical and social problem all over the world. Moreover, the diagnosis and treatment of these diseases represents one of the most difficult problems of dentistry, because the etiology, pathogenesis and even the name of the disease remain controversial for many years - this fact has led ...2022-03-03 -
(БНТУ, 2021)Cu2+ plays an important role in biological and environmental systems and is extensively involved in the regulation of numerous biological processes in the human body. Our project proposes to prepare a multi-band emission fluorescent probe which has a wellseparated dual emission signal and is expected to achieve more accurate detection of Cu2+ ions through changes in the fluorescence ...2022-03-03