Now showing items 221-240 of 249

    • 神经网络—检测你的血管健康 

      Wang, Yujia (БНТУ, 2021)
      Atherosclerosis (As) is a common clinical disease that poses a serious risk to human health, which is highly susceptible to cardiovascular disease. We propose a method to detect the degree of blockage of blood vessels, based on the Neural Networks with the input of voltages and the output of flow rates. It provides a low-cost, easy-to-operate diagnostic method with technical advantages.
    • 新型比率荧光探针的制备与应用 

      Liang, Yongqi; Luan, Chunpeng; Wu, Yi; Wu, Yang; Sun, Pengshu (БНТУ, 2021)
      In this project, the blue green fluorescent carbon nanomaterials with rich functional groups will be prepared by hydrothermal synthesis technology, using natural biomolecular bovine serum protein as precursor BSA@CDs . A new type of carbon nano coated silver nanoclustered composite was further prepared by using CDs as template (CDs@AgNCs). The prepared CDs was used as template ...
    • 动脉血流的计算建模 

      Xin, Caining (БНТУ, 2021)
      Atherosclerosis is one of the main causes of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. According to statistics, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases kill as many as 17.9 million people every year. In this paper, a real human blood vessel modeling method is proposed. The blood flow model obtained from this method can be used for vascular surgery training, planning and ...
    • 人工智能——癌症诊断的新思路 

      Pan, Ziyang (БНТУ, 2021)
      Up to now, artificial intelligence (AI) has shone in many fields of human society. As one of the problems that modern medicine has not yet conquered, accurate and rapid diagnosis of cancer often plays a great role in the life extension of patients. In this context, the cancer auxiliary diagnosis system based on artificial intelligence algorithm arises at the historic moment.
    • 猪圆环病毒病和猪鼻支原体混合感染的防控 

      Fu, Yujie (БНТУ, 2021)
      Porcine respiratory disease(PRDC)is a common but difficult to cure problem in current large-scale pig farms. It is clinically manifested as multi-pathogen mixed infection or secondary infection. The pathogen is mainly viral infections such as Mycoplasma pneumonia (Mpr) and Mycoplasma hyorhinis (Mhr). Combined with other bacteria secondary or mixed infection. This article reviews ...
    • A novel sensor for alzheimer’s disease early diagnosis 

      Yang, Jiayang; Zheng, Haizhou (БНТУ, 2021)
      Accurate detection results can improve the cure probability of patients and reduce medical costs. Today, with the sharp increase in the incidence of Alzheimer's disease, the cost of testing its markers remains high. In this paper, a new SPR sensor is designed and manufactured, which can not only detect the disease quickly and accurately, but also reduce the detection cost.
    • L-精氨酸诱导小鼠急性胰腺炎模型的构建 

      Zhang, Peng; Короткова, И. П. (БНТУ, 2021)
      In order to construct a more ideal acute pancreatitis model,the optimal modeling time and 20 % L-arginine dose were selected for the mouse acute pancreatitis model, we were used to accurately determine and analyze the serum amylase activity, white blood cell count, pancreas pathological tissue paraffin section.The results showed that the best conditions were 4 g/(kg·bw)and 6 h.
    • 基于PPM和比例控制的双电磁阀气动伺服控制方法 

      Wang, Boyang (БНТУ, 2021)
      Based on the PPM phase modulation method and PID control method, a pneumatic control system is built. And on this basis, the experiment was verified. Experimental results prove that the control system using this control method has lower delay and pressure peaks than a single solenoid valve control system. Theoretically proved the feasibility of this control method.
    • Влияния индукционной обработки на свойства покрытий из самофлюсующихся материалов, напыленных газопламенным методом 

      Рудницкий, А. Ю.; Девойно, О. Г. (БНТУ, 2021)
      The task of current importance in mechanical engineering and repair productionis to further increase the reliability and durability of mechanisms and machines by increasing wear resistance of details. One of the ways to solve this problem is to apply a coating of selffluxing materials by the gas-flame method, followed by induction flashing with quenching from the liquid. This ...
    • Обрабатываемость чугунов 

      Минюк, П. А.; Каплюк, К. А.; Маркова, Е. А.; Яцкевич, О. К. (БНТУ, 2021)
      In this paper, the machinability of cast iron is considered. Cast iron is an alloy of iron with carbon (and other elements), in which the carbon content is at least 2.14 % (the point of ultimate solubility of carbon in austenite in the diagram of states), and alloys with a carbon content of less than 2.14 % are called steel.In our work, special attention is paid to the machinability ...
    • Разработка и реализация технологии формообразования круговых винтовых поверхностей резанием 

      Шпакевич, Д. А.; Данилов, В. А. (БНТУ, 2021)
      In this article, we consider the problem of the development and implementation of technologies for shaping circular helical surfaces by cutting. Special attention is paid to possible kinematic schemes for processing a circular helical surface. The technology for shaping circular helical surfaces will be implemented thanks to the mechanical component of the processing equipment ...
    • Новые диффузионно-легированные материалы для магнитно-абразивной обработки 

      Петришин, Г. В.; Романченко, А. А. (БНТУ, 2021)
      This paper presents the results of comparative investigations of the efficiency of the process of magnetic-abrasive processing (MAP) of metal using various ferromagnetic abrasive powder materials. It is shown that diffusion-borated iron-based powders provided an increase in the productivity of the MAP processing. In addition, the new powders showed a higher service life compared ...
    • 全自主两栖船体清理机器人 

      Song, Zhiyuan (БНТУ, 2021)
      With the development of the economy, ships play an increasingly important role. However, ships on the ocean are often attached to sea creatures such as barnacles, which has a serious impact on the navigation efficiency and safety of ships. In order to solve this problem and help the development of the shipping industry, we have designed an intelligent hull cleaning robot.
    • Термостойкие керамические материалы для футеровки промышленных тепловых агрегатов 

      Попов, Р. Ю.; Самсонова, А. С. (БНТУ, 2021)
      This work presents the results of studies aimed at obtaining ceramic materials for thermal units operating in a nonstationary thermal field based on cordierite and wollastonite ceramics using domestic raw materials. The research results can be used for the production of ceramic fuels based on wollastonite and cordierite using natural and man-made raw materials.
    • Проверка точности наклонно-поворотных столов 5-ти осевых обрабатывающих центров 

      Ляшкевич, А. С.; Лютарович, Д. А.; Яцкевич, О. К. (БНТУ, 2021)
      Accuracy of machining is directly related to the quality of machine tools. One of the most important factors of accuracy of machine tools is the geometric accuracy and kinematical behaviour of the machine tools. The need for very precise measurements has emerged with evolution of automatic and CNC machine tools. To define and know this characteristic of machine tools standard ...
    • Особенности проектирования и эксплуатации машин высокой проходимости и грузоподъемности 

      Мигур, И. А.; Петровский, В. В. (БНТУ, 2021)
      Many scientists are engaged in the study of theoretical problems associated with the creation of self-propelled multi-drive multi-axle wheeled vehicles of increased crosscountry capability. Basically, these studies are carried out in relation to machines with mechanical transmissions. Thanks to the results obtained, a fairly developed segment of allterrain vehicles, including ...
    • Применение технологии реверсивно-струйной очистки металлической поверхности гребного винта от коррозии 

      Качанов, И. В.; Шаталов, И. М; Ковалевич, В. С. (БНТУ, 2021)
      The results of research carried out by the authors on cleaning the metal surface of the propeller from corrosion using the technology of reverse-jet cleaning (RJC) using bentonite clay are presented. The presence of a protective film coating, formed in the process of processing according to the RJC technology, was established.
    • Исследование адгезионной прочности полимерных газотермических покрытий 

      Керель, А. Д.; Ванюк, Э. А.; Мельник, Ю. А. (БНТУ, 2021)
      The paper analyses the results of studies of adhesive strength in the field of polymer coatings and nanocarbon components. As a result of research, it was found that coatings based on ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) have the highest adhesion rates.
    • Адаптивная система управления обучением с искусственным интеллектом для инклюзивного образовательного процесса 

      Савенко, А. Г. (БНТУ, 2021)
      The article describes the capabilities and advantages of the developed adaptive learning management system "Scorina", which uses artificial intelligence to build a flexible and adaptive educational trajectory, taking into account the individual needs of students. The developed and implemented mathematical models and algorithms are briefly described.
    • Бионическая реновация колонны тяжелого прецизионного станка с ЧПУ 

      Довнар, С. С.; Лапука, А. Д. (БНТУ, 2021)
      Bionic solution for reinforcement of “travelling column” machine is developed. It concerns special project of old heavy precise machine redesign and renovation. It is proposed to attach tree-like polymer-concrete outer bandage to the flexible column. Bionic-shape vertical console is created. Design is proved by FEA simulation. Static rigidity is increased twice. Bending eigenmode ...