Browsing 2023 by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 77
Беларусь-Китай: контуры инновационно-технологического сотрудничества
(БНТУ, 2023)В сборник включены материалы научно-практической конференции «Беларусь-Китай: контуры инновационно-технологического сотрудничества» по направлениям: передовые технологии в области медицины, инженерии поверхности, новых материалов, приборостроения, машиностроения, информационных технологий; механизмы и инструменты экономической интеграции Беларуси и Китая.2023-11-09 -
(БНТУ, 2023)This paper discusses the basic ideas of constructing a new animal epidemic traceability system by introducing information technologies and provides practical and targeted measures for the technical deficiencies in the current animal epidemic traceability system in China. This would have positive effect on improving the ability to prevent and control animal epidemics, and improve ...2023-11-11 -
(БНТУ, 2023)The year 2023 marks the tenth anniversary of “the Belt and Road” Initiative, and “the Digital Silk Road” is becoming a bridge for a new type of globalisation. The "Belt and Road" countries are actively developing international cooperation in emerging fields such as digital economy, which will undoubtedly become an important force for the economic recovery and development of each ...2023-11-11 -
Тонкопленочные композиционные материалы содержащие наночастицы полупроводников и металлов
(БНТУ, 2023)The sol-gel method of SiO2:CuO target formation is developed. The results of investigation of features of obtaining targets on the basis of aerosil A-380 copper salts are presented. The data on the structure and morphology of high-silica films obtained by ion-beam sputtering in vacuum of targets on the polished surface of silicon substrate are presented. The fields of application ...2023-11-11 -
Индекс ровности дорожного покрытия по результатам наземного лазерного сканирования
(БНТУ, 2023)Deformation seams are often used to connect a road with a bridge. The article describes the experience of assessing the index of IRI road coating flatness in the zone of the deformation seam device using ground laser scanning results.2023-11-11 -
Смарт-маркетинговая гармонизация бизнес-взаимодействия мясомолочных компаний Беларуси и Китая
(БНТУ, 2023)The article substantiates the need to carry out a theoretical study of smart marketing harmonization of business interaction between meat and dairy companies of the Republic of Belarus and China, taking into account the country's historical culture, geographic location, structure and scale of national economies, the purpose of which is to generate the main components of the concept ...2023-11-11 -
Создание покрытий на основе меди и алюминия, модифицированных керамикой и ультрадисперсными алмазами, сверхзвуковым газодинамическим напылением
(БНТУ, 2023)The paper discusses the possibility of obtaining coatings with a thickness of more than 4 mm, containing the maximum permissible amount of modifying additive: ultrafine diamonds in a matrix of copper powder and silicon carbide in aluminum powder using supersonic gas-dynamic sputtering. The modes of spraying and coating properties been investigated. The hardness of the coating ...2023-11-11 -
Дисперсные металлокерамические материалы из отходов литейного производства алюминиевых сплавов
(БНТУ, 2023)The paper discusses the features of recycling aluminum slags and technologies for their processing to obtain materials reused for various purposes. The applied aspects of aluminum slag recycling to obtain powder materials with a high content of aluminum oxide phases after metallurgical processing of aluminum matrix quartz-containing compositions are considered.2023-11-11 -
Гематологические показатели интоксикации при оценке тяжести течения и ранней диагностике воспалительных осложнений у пациентов с многооскольчатыми и сегментарными диафизарными переломами костей голени
(БНТУ, 2023)This article presents the results of treatment of 101 patients with closed segmental and multi-fragmented diaphyseal fractures of the lower leg bones. A study was carried out aimed at studying the dynamics of hematological parameters in order to determine the severity of endogenous intoxication, the severity of inflammation and the prediction of purulent-inflammatory complications ...2023-11-11 -
Shanghai cooperation organization and economic security in Belarus and China
(БНТУ, 2023)The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is an important regional organisation in Eurasia, encouraging collaboration among member governments in numerous disciplines. This research explores how the SCO improves economic security, focusing on Belarus and China. This article examines the SCO's economic activity and these two states' economic issues to demonstrate the organization's ...2023-11-11 -
Межрегиональное взаимодействие как фактор интенсификации сотрудничества Республики Беларусь и Китайской Народной республики (на примере городов Тяньцзинь, Циндао, Чунцин)
(БНТУ, 2023)The paper considers the areas contributing to the development of interregional trade and economic cooperation between Belarus and China, offers recommendations for strengthening of interregional cooperation between Belarus and Tianjin, Qingdao, Chongqing. The Agreement on promotion of trade and economic cooperation between the regions of the Republic of Belarus and the People’s ...2023-11-11 -
The concept of digitalization of cultural and creative parks in China and Belarus: analysis and development prospects
(БНТУ, 2023)Цзэн, Веньцзюнь. The concept of digitalization of cultural and creative parks in China and Belarus: analysis and development prospects / Веньцзюнь Цзэн, М. В. Лесниченко-Роговская // Беларусь-Китай: контуры инновационно-технологического сотрудничества : сборник материалов научно-практической конференции (Минск, 19-20 октября 2023 г.) // Республиканское инновационное унитарное ...2023-11-11 -
Технология дезинфицирования помещений видимым светом
(БНТУ, 2023)Two models of LED disinfector lamps have been developed that use radiation with a wavelength of 405 nm to disinfect the air and indoor surfaces. The developed technology is safe and can be used in the presence of a person to illuminate office, industrial and service premises. The lamps are characterized by a simple design, manufacturability and ease of use.2023-11-11 -
Влияние совместного взаимодействия нортриптилина и кортикостероидов на секрецию цитокинов клетками крови пациентов с хронической обструктивной болезнью легких
(БНТУ, 2023)The article describes the individual and joint effects of nortriptyline and budesonide on cytokine secretion (IL-4, IL-5, IL-8, IL-13, IL-17A, IL-33, TSLP, FIMM).2023-11-11 -
Экспортная диагностика комплементарности smart-индустрии Беларуси и Китая
(БНТУ, 2023)The article evaluates institutional problems, as well as the theory and methods of developing export tools for the complementary nature of the smart-industry of Belarus and China based on modern features of the smart economy (intellectual economy).2023-11-11 -
(БНТУ, 2023)Under the wave of digital economy, the "Internet celebrity live broadcast" industry in China and Belarus will usher in broader development space and more opportunities. At the same time, all parties in the industry need to work together and innovate to respond to market competition and changes in user needs, and promote the healthy development of the industry.2023-11-11 -
Получение литых изделий медицинского назначения из сплавов на основе системы Co-Cr-Mo
(БНТУ, 2023)The paper discusses methods for manufacturing medical Co-Cr-Mo-based alloys products. The features of foundry technologies for endoprostheses production, as well as the influence of methods of processing casting on their structure and properties are discussed.2023-11-11 -
Профессиональный имидж педагога как основа конкурентоспособности будущего специалиста в Республике Беларусь и Китайской Народной Республики
(БНТУ, 2023)The article examines the role of the professional image of teachers in increasing the competitiveness of future specialists in Belarus and China. Teachers shape the knowledge, character, values, creative thinking and social responsibility of students. In education and competitiveness, the professional image of teachers is considered an important aspect. In the above two countries ...2023-11-11 -
Промышленное региональное сотрудничество Беларуси и Китая
(БНТУ, 2023)The legal basis for industrial regional cooperation between Belarus and China is considered. The priority areas of interaction between the regions of the Republic of Belarus and the provinces of the People's Republic of China have been identified. Proposals were made for the organization and placement of high-tech and innovative joint Belarusian-Chinese production facilities.2023-11-11 -
Harmonious development of trade and environment in the context of international cooperation
(БНТУ, 2023)With the deepening of international cooperation, strategies for the integrated development of trade and economy both regionally and nationally have emerged and achieved positive outcomes. However, the promotion and development of international trade could increase pollution and have negative impacts on the environment in certain regions. In order to reconcile the relationship ...2023-11-11