2023: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 177
Оценка воздействия на окружающую среду хлорсодержащих дезинфицирующих веществ и растворенного в воде озона
(БНТУ, 2023)The purpose of this work was to apply life cycle assessment methodology to select the best option for disinfection of water treatment structures. The significance of the potential impacts of the system on the environment is assessed based on inventory analysis data. Comparison was carried out using the IMPACT 2002+ V2.12 methodology.2024-01-23 -
Влияние природы карбонатного сырья на образование синтетического гипса различной структуры в системе CaCO3 – H2SO4 – H2O
(БНТУ, 2023)In the course of experimental studies, it was found that the shape and size of the crystals affect the strength characteristics of the gypsum binder, as well as the filterability of the synthetic gypsum suspension, and the shape of the resulting crystals depends on the nature of the carbonate raw material used. It was found that the best filterability and strength characteristics ...2024-01-23 -
Ecological importance of trichoderma spp. And their secondary metabolites for organic farming
(БНТУ, 2023)The development of organic farming around the world and in Belarus in the last 10–15 years has shown the importance of studying and introducing biological methods for combating plant diseases. For this, studies of various microorganisms are carried out throughout the world, which can become the basis for modern plant protection products that do not damage the environment and human ...2024-01-23 -
Corporate marketing strategy – medical device direction
(БНТУ, 2023)This thesis focuses on the marketing strategy of medical device enterprises, in-depth analysis of the current market situation and development trend of the medical device industry, through the discussion of marketing strategy, to provide medical device enterprises with marketing strategy plan suggestions. The first part describes the background, the current situation of the medical ...2024-01-23 -
(БНТУ, 2023)The miniature peanut autonomous seeding robot demonstrated in this paper can adapt to the agronomic requirements of peanut planting in different regions by adjusting the seeding parameters, which has certain uniqueness and application value.2024-01-23 -
(БНТУ, 2023)The existing disease diagnosis techniques are more or less harmful to the human body, so a simple and non-invasive disease screening technology is urgently needed. This paper introduces a hair scanning technique for the diagnosis of diseases.2024-01-23 -
Молекулярно-структурная гомология ферментов гликолиза и пентозофосфатного пути человека и некоторых модельных организмов
(БНТУ, 2023)The paper presents data on the molecular structural homology of 16 enzymes of glycolysis and the pentose phosphate pathway of carbohydrate metabolism in humans, pigs, laboratory rats and the pulmonary freshwater mollusk Biomphalaria glabrata. Compared with humans, the similarity of amino acid sequences of enzymes in laboratory rats was found in the range of 98.63– 81.79 %, in ...2024-01-23 -
Систематический обзор использования нейросетей в ведении пациентов с дерматологической патологией на примере атопического дерматита
(БНТУ, 2023)Scientific articles that used neural networks for assessing the intensity of skin diseases were analyzed. The search for studies was conducted in the PubMed (Medline), Scopus (Web of Science), Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), Embase, ClinicalTrials.gov, Elibrary, and the Registry of the Republican Scientific Medical Library databases. The results between ...2024-01-23 -
Некоторые эпидемиологические особенности термической травмы у детей
(БНТУ, 2023)The group with the highest risk of injury are children aged 1–2 years with a 1.7-fold predominance of males. The proportions of affected boys and girls in individual age groups do not differ significantly. The leading traumatic agent in children with burns is thermal factors, including in the age group with the largest number of victims (1–2 years).2024-01-23 -
Оптический метод неинвазивной глюкометрии
(БНТУ, 2023)The article highlights the problem of diabetes. The method of near infrared spectroscopy was applied in practice. Based on the results obtained, this method has a place to exist, and it is also necessary to be improved to create a universal non-invasive glucometer.2024-01-23 -
Исследование аллельных вариантов генов BF, LIF, NCOA1 и их ассоциация с воспроизводительными качествами свиней
(БНТУ, 2023)For the first time, a study of potentially significant polymorphisms of the LIF (rs322167972), NCOA1 (rs335362002, rs697739229) and BF (rs339261793) genes was carried out on a sample of Landrace and Yorkshire sows of Belarusian selection. Primers were designed to identify the polymorphisms under study. Using proven methods, a sample of pigs (n = 147) was genotyped, and the ...2024-01-23 -
Инновации в акушерстве и гинекологии. Клеточные технологии
(БНТУ, 2023)During operations on the uterus, myometrial cells, vessels, nerve endings are damaged, which in the postpartum postoperative period delays or does not give full repair. As a result, it is possible to form an untenable scar, the formation of a defect in the uterine wall in the form of a niche (isthmocele). This pathology can subsequently cause miscarriage, disrupt the processes ...2024-01-23 -
Прогноз инфекционных осложнений в зоне операции при металлоостеосинтезе у пациентов с переломами костей голени
(БНТУ, 2023)This article presents the results of treatment of 80 patients with closed fractures of the shin bones. A study was conducted aimed at studying the dynamics of hematological parameters in order to determine the severity of inflammation and predict purulent-inflammatory complications in the early postoperative period.2024-01-23 -
Определение биологически активных соединений в траве галеги лекарственной (galega officinalis l.) методом тонкослойной хроматографии
(БНТУ, 2023)Optimal conditions have been selected for the identification of biologically active compounds in the herb Galega officinalis using thin layer chromatography. The system recommended as a mobile phase is butanol:acetic acid:water (6:8:2, v/v/v), and the developer is a 2 % solution of aluminum chloride. Quercetin, rutin, caffeic and chlorogenic acids have been identified.2024-01-23 -
Применение лазерных технологий в лечении эпителиальных копчиковых ходов у детей
(БНТУ, 2023)Pathology of the epithelial coccygeal passage is a common problem in adolescence. The results of treatment of 141 patients were analyzed; in addition, minimally invasive treatment methods were used in 11 cases.2024-01-23 -
Стилистические и типологические особенности крупных, средних и малых дворцово-усадебных комплексов Беларуси второй половины XIX – начала XX века
(БНТУ, 2023)The article analyzes the stylistic and typological features of the palace and estate complexes of Belarus in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries. The types of architectural and planning construction are considered.2024-01-23 -
(БНТУ, 2023)Project study to snowboarding movement process as the main body, aiming at high speed, track complex competitive athletes, based on ali cloud server, the integrated use of motor intelligent precise perception technology, sensor data fusion and synchronous positioning technology, digital technology and the perception and fusion twin, cloud computing, cloud edge techniques and so ...2024-01-23 -
(БНТУ, 2023)Due to the improvement of the national economy and the continuous development of e-commerce, the scale of online shopping continues to expand. However, existing express delivery stations generally have management problems and cannot be open all day, which increases the management difficulty and cost of the enterprise and provides users with convenience. cause inconvenience. This ...2024-01-23 -
The development of e-commerce in the digital economy
(БНТУ, 2023)Electronic commerce has completely transformed commercial transactions in the digital economy. It has disrupted traditional business models, and this form of commerce involving online buying and selling has now become an integral part of modern society. As a result, electronic commerce has become a crucial component of the global economy, driving economic growth, and fostering ...2024-01-23 -
Image recognition system based on convolutional neural network
(БНТУ, 2023)In recent years, image recognition technology has been widely used in civil, military, scientific research and other fields. Convolutional neural network has the advantages of automatic feature extraction, hierarchical structure, spatial invariance and powerful expression ability. In this paper, we take dog and cat image recognition as an example, and construct a seven-layer ...2024-01-23