Том 2: Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-80 of 94
Подготовка кадров в изменчивых условиях современности
(БНТУ, 2023)The article deals with the problems of training specialists, their distribution and consolidation in the workplace. The emphasis is placed on the issues of the relationship between economics and education and the search for possible solutions to the inconsistency of the training structure with the needs of the real sector of the country's economy.2024-01-17 -
Роль профессионального спорта как вида экономической деятельности в структуре национальной экономики Республики Беларусь
(БНТУ, 2023)The research is devoted to the economic development of professional sports in the Republic of Belarus. The main features of the technological process characteristic of this industry are highlighted. The assessment of professional sports as a type of economic activity in the structure of the national economy of the Republic of Belarus is given.2024-01-17 -
Акцизы: сущность, назначение и роль в таможенной политике
(БНТУ, 2023)This article examines the essence of excise taxes and how they influence the development of customs policy in Belarus.2024-01-17 -
Направления развития внешнеторгового сотрудничества Беларуси и Китая
(БНТУ, 2023)In the context of expanding and deepening the integration of the Republic of Belarus and the People's Republic of China into the system of world economic relations, the role of foreign trade in the economic development of countries has increased significantly. In the article, the authors analyzed the place and role of China in the foreign trade turnover of the Republic of Belarus, ...2024-01-17 -
Сущность транснациональной организованной преступности в экономической сфере
(БНТУ, 2023)The article examines the essence of transnational organized crime as a socio-economic phenomenon, the harm caused by transnational organized crime to the economy. International and national measures to combat corruption are also studied.2024-01-17 -
Феминитивы в межкультурной коммуникации
(БНТУ, 2023)This article is devoted to the study of the specifics of the use of feminists in intercultural communication, as well as within the framework of the existing historical experience of the use of feminists in the Russian language.2024-01-17 -
Сущность коррупции в экономической сфере
(БНТУ, 2023)The article examines the essence of corruption as a socio-economic phenomenon, the harm caused by corruption to the economy. International and national measures to combat corruption are also studied.2024-01-17 -
Research on point-to-point energy trading and transportation methods for potash fertilizers between China and Belarus
(БНТУ, 2023)As an effective solution to the "energy dilemma" faced by human society, peer-to-peer (P2P) energy trading has emerged and developed rapidly in recent years. This article mainly studies the energy transportation methods between China and Belarus under the peer-to-peer trade of potassium fertilizer energy between China and Belarus, and discusses the most convenient method of P2P ...2024-01-17 -
Проблемы и перспективы в сотрудничестве между Китаем и Беларусью в области цифровой экономики
(БНТУ, 2023)The article is devoted to the study of cooperation between China and Belarus in the field of digital economy. The problems faced bysmall and medium innovative enterprises are identified. Measures are proposed to overcome the above problems.2024-01-17 -
Роль налоговых льгот в привлечении инвестиций в Республике Беларусь: анализ, проблемы и перспективы
(БНТУ, 2023)This text explores the role of tax incentives in attracting investments in the Republic of Belarus. It emphasizes the importance of tax incentives in the global competition for capital and technology. The analysis covers the current state of tax incentives, their impact on investment activity, and the challenges associated with their use.2024-01-17 -
Логистическое сотрудничество Республики Беларусь и Китайской Народной Республики
(БНТУ, 2023)This work is devoted to the relations of the Republic of Belarus and China in the logistics and economic spheres. In September 2022, the countries withdrew relations to a new level of “all-weather and comprehensive strategic partnership”. Relations between Belarus and China are characterized by active political dialogue and a friendly climate favorable for the development of ...2024-01-17 -
Туристические маршруты как залог укрепления взаимоотношений между студентами Республики Беларусь и Китаем
(БНТУ, 2023)The article examines the role of tourist routes as an opportunity to introduce Chinese students to the Belarusian national culture, architecture and traditions in order to strengthen the friendly relations between our states.2024-01-17 -
Особенности гонконгской новой волны
(БНТУ, 2023)The article examines the features of the Hong Kong new wave. The films of this period and the national peculiarities of this phenomenon are characterized.2024-01-17 -
Вопросы белорусско-китайского сотрудничества: ценностный аспект
(БНТУ, 2023)This article is devoted to the study of aspects of the issue of trust between the citizens of Belarus and China. The authors conduct a comparative analysis of the data of the World Values Survey research project, and come to the conclusion that China and Belarus have one of the highest levels of trust in the world. The article emphasizes the importance of understanding this feature ...2024-01-17 -
Возможности и проблемы культурных обменов: анализ кинематографических и культурных связей между Китаем и Беларусью
(БНТУ, 2023)This article examines the possibilities and problems of cultural exchanges between China and Belarus in cinematography and other cultural spheres. The main problems include language differences, competition in the market and foreign advertising. Solutions are proposed to overcome them, such as agreements on the translation and dubbing of films, the organization of language courses ...2024-01-17 -
Роль невербальных средств общения в процессе межкультурной коммуникации
(БНТУ, 2023)This article is devoted to non-verbal means of communication and also how they can be useful for business negotiations.2024-01-17 -
Основные проблемы международного управления человеческими ресурсами
(БНТУ, 2023)The article is devoted to the development of the problem field of international human resource management. The emphasis is placed on the formation and development of international human resource management as a field of ΗR-management and practical activities in personnel management of multinational companies. The article describes the main problems of human resource management ...2024-01-17 -
Электронная торговля Китая
(БНТУ, 2023)Nowadays, there are many industries affected by digital technology and one of the major areas that is expanding due to digitalization is e-commerce. The article examines e-commerce in China, the world leader in this industry. From an economic perspective, China has one of the most successful e-commerce industries in the global economy. Thanks to its rapid growth and innovative ...2024-01-17 -
Значение доходов от внешнеэкономической деятельности для бюджета страны
(БНТУ, 2023)This text examines the receipt of funds when collecting customs and other payments. It emphasizes the importance of the development of foreign economic activity, the purpose of which is not only the development of the economy, but also the replenishment of the state budget.2024-01-17 -
Множественность значений и амбивалентность красного цвета в европейском искусстве
(БНТУ, 2023)The plurality of meanings and ambivalence of the color red in European art were formed under the influence of historical, social and cultural conditions of artistic eras. The many meanings of the color red contributed to their unification into a single semantic model – a semantic field. Identifying the meanings of the semantic field of red plays an important role in revealing the ...2024-01-17