Том 2: Recent submissions
Now showing items 81-94 of 94
Сущность экономической экспансиии Китая на внешних рынках
(БНТУ, 2023)China's development has entered a period where strategic opportunities, risks and challenges coexist and uncertain and unpredictable factors are intensifying. China's expanding economic expansion faces more external factors.2024-01-17 -
Стимулирование товарного экспорта: сущность и инструменты реализации
(БНТУ, 2023)State stimulation of exports is one of the priority areas for regulating foreign economic activity. Stimulating exports is necessary when competition is intensifying. Among the instruments used by the government to stimulate exports, the most important are non-financial ones, which are aimed at promoting the development of successful enterprises or promoting national interests.2024-01-17 -
Визуальная айденитика как средство коммуникации в образовательном процессе
(БНТУ, 2023)Visual identity is considered as a means of intercultural communication for the establishment of education in the field of culture. The specifics of developing a visual identity for an educational institution in the field of culture have been identified.2024-01-17 -
Роль «Гуаньси» в установлении доверительных отношений между белорусскими и китайскими бизнес-партнерами
(БНТУ, 2023)This article explores the role of the concept of "guanxi" in establishing trust relationships between Belarusian and Chinese business partners. The main elements of "guanxi" are identified. Practical recommendations aimed at the ef-fective use of the "guanxi" concept to establish and strengthen trust in business relationships are provided.2024-01-17 -
Сущность кризиса в жизнедеятельности организации
(БНТУ, 2023)The essence of the crisis and its impact on the viability of the organization are considered. The importance of timely recognition of crisis symptoms for the development of crisis strategies is emphasized. Effective crisis management requires the adoption of targeted measures and strategies, and the result of the crisis can be a qualitative leap and a transition to a new stage ...2024-01-17 -
Промышленный комплекс Республики Беларусь: мировые рейтинги
(БНТУ, 2023)In this article we will consider the industrial complex of the Republic of Belarus and its position in the world rankings.2024-01-17 -
Мобильный маркетинг
(БНТУ, 2023)Mobile marketing is one of the most dynamically developing and promising marketing strategies in the modern world. With the advent and widespread adoption of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, mobile marketing has become an integral part of our daily lives.2024-01-17 -
Перспективы технологического сотрудничества Республики Беларусь и Китайской Народной Республики
(БНТУ, 2023)The article analyzes the vector of inter-country technological cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and the People's Republic of China, analyzes the agreements of Belarus and China on technological cooperation.2024-01-17 -
Технологическое сотрудничество промышленных предприятий в контексте современных особенностей сегментации рынка товаров производственного назначения
(БНТУ, 2023)The article discusses the features of modern segmentation of the market of industrial goods and the impact of these changes on technological cooperation of industrial enterprises.2024-01-17 -
Исследование института предварительного информирования в Китае
(БНТУ, 2023)The text discusses the importance of preliminary submission of customs documents in import and export procedures to the People’s Republic of China. The article also discusses the mechanism for filing pre-filing information with customs authorities, the purpose of filing such information and the usefulness of the existence of the institution of pre-filing information.2024-01-17 -
Перспективы развития шанхайской организации сотрудничества
(БНТУ, 2023)The article assesses the future of the SCO by presenting three hypotheses: "inertial evolution", "obvious decline", and "new opportunities". It argues that the organization's development potential largely hinges on both international circumstances and its own capabilities.2024-01-17 -
Связь научных открытий с экономикой на примере технологических укладов
(БНТУ, 2023)This article is about technological structures and their connection with the global economy. The article will examine technological structures as a way to track the progress of mankind and how they affect the economy.2024-01-17 -
Развитие таможенной политики Республики Беларусь в период экономических санкций
(БНТУ, 2023)Today the issue of the introduction of economic sanctions to the Republic of Belarus is more relevant than ever. Our task is to talk about the development of customs policy and industry during the sanctions period.2024-01-17 -
Новые горизонты - 2023. Т. 2
(БНТУ, 2023)В сборник включены материалы Белорусско-Китайского молодежного инновационного форума «Новые горизонты – 2023» по направлению: экономическая деятельность, Межкультурные коммуникации и гуманитарное сотрудничество Беларуси и Китая.2024-01-17