Now showing items 4-23 of 82

    • Analysis of mechanical properties of shell aggregate and reed fiber reinforced concrete 

      Юй, Хаосюань; Ван, Сяньпэн; Ковшар, С. Н. (БНТУ, 2023)
      In this paper, the reed fiber added to shell aggregate concrete is analyzed, the effect of adding reed fiber on the strength of concrete under different shell aggregate replacement rates is studied,the method of mechanical property test is adopted, and the bending,compressive and frost resistance experiments are designed, and finally the shell aggregate and reed fiber have good ...
    • Automated inventory management 

      Хурса, А. С. (БНТУ, 2023)
      Inventory management is one of the accounting activities regarding ordering, storing, using and selling a company's inventory. It is carried out by a company in order to avoid the risk of material shortage at the moment when they are needed. A common problem faced by supply chain managers is the lack of a sufficient number of components in stock for the needs of production, which ...
    • Comparative simulation analysis based on edemrecurdyn coupling 

      Liu, Zhixin; Ma, Shikuan; Shang, Shuqi; He, Xiaoning (БНТУ, 2023)
      In order to verify the effectiveness of the three-stage potato soil separation device, a comparative simulation should be carried out using the EDEM-Recurdyn simulation method. The results showed that the design of the three-stage potato soil separation unit could reduce damage to potato tubers.
    • Corporate marketing strategy – medical device direction 

      Lyu, Xiude (БНТУ, 2023)
      This thesis focuses on the marketing strategy of medical device enterprises, in-depth analysis of the current market situation and development trend of the medical device industry, through the discussion of marketing strategy, to provide medical device enterprises with marketing strategy plan suggestions. The first part describes the background, the current situation of the medical ...
    • Cross-cultural communication between China and Belarus 

      Chen, Yang (БНТУ, 2023)
      As all-weather comprehensive strategic partners, China and Belarus will have more and closer exchanges and cooperation in the future.This paper will analyze the current situation of cross-cultural exchanges between China and Belarus from two aspects of cultural commonality and cultural collision, and also analyze the prospects of cultural exchanges between China and Belarus.
    • Development status of potato harvester in China 

      Liu, Zhixin; Ma, Shikuan; Shang, Shuqi; Hou, Yaxiu; He, Xiaoning (БНТУ, 2023)
      A late start has slowed the development of potato harvesters in China. Although research and development by companies such as MENOW and Hongzhu have raised the level of equipment in this field, problems remain.
    • Digital innovation of China and Belarus language and culture in the context of international cooperation 

      Hantongzhou, Chen; Jiachen, Li (БНТУ, 2023)
      With the acceleration of globalization, cultural exchange and cultural integration have become one of the main ways of communication between countries. Digital innovation technology built in the Internet era helps language learners make full use of fragmented time to improve their HSK level independently, conveniently and efficiently, and achieve dual learning of “Chinese + ...
    • Ecological importance of trichoderma spp. And their secondary metabolites for organic farming 

      Kharitonchik, A. (БНТУ, 2023)
      The development of organic farming around the world and in Belarus in the last 10–15 years has shown the importance of studying and introducing biological methods for combating plant diseases. For this, studies of various microorganisms are carried out throughout the world, which can become the basis for modern plant protection products that do not damage the environment and human ...
    • Edem simulation analysis of jammed special hole punched row tupe tigernut seeder 

      Ma, Shikuan; Liu, Zhixin; Shang, Shuqi (БНТУ, 2023)
      Through the use of EDEM simulation software, the establishment of the tigernut particle model and the card position special hole punch row tigernut precision seeder model, simulation analysis, to verify the seeding performance of the seeder.
    • Engineering construction cost control based on BIM technology 

      Yuhao, Jiang; Holubava, V. (БНТУ, 2023)
      The construction industry is a pillar industry of the national economy, and the scale of the construction industry has expanded rapidly in recent years. However, there is a problem of poor profitability in the construction industry. It was found that the main reason for the poor profitability of the construction industry is the problem of project cost management, and the main ...
    • Exploration of the current status of research on tigernut seeders in China 

      Ma, Shikuan; Liu, Zhixin; Wang, Chunqing; Zhai, Yubin (БНТУ, 2023)
      Domestic tigernut mechanised seeding is currently in the beginning of the rapid development stage, part of the region in the reference to the original agricultural mechanisation of high-end technology on the basis of research and development were applied to the characteristics of the region relatively mature tigernut seeding machinery, but due to the regional differences are ...
    • Image recognition system based on convolutional neural network 

      Wei, Henbing; Qian, Longwei; Zhang, Caigui (БНТУ, 2023)
      In recent years, image recognition technology has been widely used in civil, military, scientific research and other fields. Convolutional neural network has the advantages of automatic feature extraction, hierarchical structure, spatial invariance and powerful expression ability. In this paper, we take dog and cat image recognition as an example, and construct a seven-layer ...
    • Innovations in the form of chatbots 

      Кузовлева, А. В. (БНТУ, 2023)
      The article discusses innovations in the form of chatbots. The main advantages of using them for the development and optimization of business processes. The article also describes how digital technologies can simplify many processes related not only to business, but also to people's daily lives.
    • Multiple sensors 

      Li, Hao; Kaiyu, Wang; Jun, Ma; Xunhuan, Ren (БНТУ, 2023)
      The paper discusses an advanced human fall detection algorithm that utilizes data from multiple sensors, specifically acceleration sensors and video sensors, to enhance fall risk management for high-risk groups like the elderly and those with limited mobility. The key innovation in this research is the integration of multiple sensors, which enhances the accuracy and reliability ...
    • Q-коды в маркетинге 

      Баньковская, А. А.; Шегидевич, Д. С. (БНТУ, 2023)
      In this paper, we look at the use of QR-codes in marketing. They are becoming increasingly popular in marketing due to their ease of use and the wide range of features they offer.
    • Realizing real-time video conferencing system based on WebRTC and P2P algorithm 

      He, Runhai; Cheng, Yindong; Zhang, Zhenxing; Zhou, Quanhua (БНТУ, 2023)
      This paper presents a solution for realizing a real-time video conferencing system, which utilizes WebRTC technology and P2P algorithm to establish a distributed topology that reduces the burden on servers and allows direct communication between nodes. The ABR algorithm is used to adjust the video bit rate to adapt to different network conditions. In addition, optimization ...
    • Research and application of microwave moisture sensor information collection system 

      Wang, Shuhao (БНТУ, 2023)
      Methods for determining moisture content can be divided into two types: direct measurement and indirect measurement. Among indirect measurements, nuclear magnetic resonance, infrared radiation and radio waves are the most commonly used measurement methods. At microwave frequencies, moisture will be polarized and oscillate, and the transmitted microwaves will be scattered, projected, ...
    • Study on the development of natural non-metallic fibers with nanofibers and steel fibers in concrete 

      Ван, Сяньпэн; Юй, Хаосюань; Леонович, С. Н. (БНТУ, 2023)
      In recent years the application of fiber in concrete is more and more extensive, this paper for, plant fiber, nano-fiber, steel fiber to make a relevant comparison of the classification, and discusses the fiber in the concrete in the relevant problems, I hope to provide readers with relevant reference around.
    • Study on the trend of digital transformation in the logistics industry 

      Li, Yuyan (БНТУ, 2023)
      The digital transformation of the logistics industry cannot be postponed as the scale of the digital economy grows. This paper proposes ten innovative trends based on this.
    • “Summer storage and winter furnace” – data center waste heat recovery and utilization system for seasonal heat storage 

      Yu, Hanbo; Shi, Hongyan; Xie, Lifan; Gao, Haixiang (БНТУ, 2023)
      As Chinese society moves towards a more intelligent and connected society, there is an increasing demand for data centers. Under normal circumstances, datacenter IT equipment runs 24 hours a day, which consumes a lot of power and emits a lot of heat. Therefore, when the data center consumes power, it also needs power refrigeration and the ambient temperature to ensure the normal ...