Browsing Материалы конференции по статьям by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 124
A study of women's status in chinese tradition
(БНТУ, 2017)As a part of phraseology, proverbs load a lot of cultural content. Proverbs are all-inclusive, they come from life and reflect life. They are part of people’s culture. By analyzing Chinese proverbs relating to women, we can see the status of women in feudal China and see the improvements nowadays.2018-03-29 -
BIM технологии в создании архитектурных сооружений
(БНТУ, 2017)Information modeling is one of the leading brunches in designing sphere of possible building objects. In this article the main advantages of BIM technology while creating architectural constructions are described.2018-03-22 -
Computer-aided diagnosis for pathology image
(БНТУ, 2017)Accurate analysis for pathology image is of great importance in medical diagnosis and treatment. Specifically, nucleus detection is considered as an important prerequisite for this purpose. With the rapid development of computer-aided diagnosis, several computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) models using machine learning and deep learning have been developed fo accurate automatic nucleus ...2018-03-21 -
Experimental investigation on low speed wire electrical discharge turning and its application in fabricating micro parts
(БНТУ, 2017)This paper firstly proposed the method of the low speed wire electrical discharge turning (LS-WEDT) method to fabricate micro parts. Firstly, the rotating apparatus submerged in working fluid is designed and manufactured to enable the low speed wire electrical discharge machine to generate cylindrical geometries. Besides, material removal rate, surface roughness and machining ...2018-03-21 -
Language as a bridge, tell a chinese story – a brief introduction of the intercultural communication barriers and suggestions of chinese teachers in the university of Belarus
(БНТУ, 2017)This paper, starting from the point of cross-cultural communication, lists some problems during the process of Chinese teaching between Chinese teachers and Belarusian university students. These problems can be addressing, greeting, conversations and compliments etc. The author analyzes the problems and offers some solutions to conquer the barriers.2018-03-29 -
Modern bureaucracy in the construction of service-oriented government
(БНТУ, 2017)The construction of Service-oriented Government relies on organizational formations and management tools. Although Modern bureaucracy is full of controversy, it is still adaptive in the construction of Service-oriented Government. The order services, system services, and information services are inseparable from the modern bureaucracy. The modern bureaucracy plays an important ...2018-03-28 -
Research on the relationship of flow experience with physical exercise behavior and exercise addiction
(БНТУ, 2017)Flow experience can promote person to produce an important aspect of happiness. A lot of study on flow experience can give a person with great pleasure and improve the quality of individual life. Physical exercise on negative psychological improvement has received a lot of empirical support, the rise of positive psychology, puts forward a new thinking for physical exercise, ...2018-03-27 -
The impact of artificial intelligence on the world economy
(БНТУ, 2017)In the article the potential benefits and opportunities offered by AI in the world economy are considered. In the course of the research benefits and tendencies of artificial intelligence in the world economy were revealed, the main directions of development and barriers of artificial intelligence adoption are analyzed and revealed. Nowadays artificial intelligence (AI) is going ...2018-03-28 -
The influence of alumina content in Cu-Al2O3 powder on the properties of cold spraying coatings
(БНТУ, 2017)The influence of alumina content in Cu-Al2O3 powder on the properties of cold spraying coatings / Feng Li [et al.] // Новые горизонты – 2017 : сборник материалов Белорусско-Китайского молодежного инновационного форума, 2-3 ноября 2017 г. : в 2 т. – Минск : БНТУ, 2017. – Т. 1. – С. 43-46.2018-03-22 -
Virtual network embedding framework in fiber-wireless access network
(БНТУ, 2017)This paper focuses on the virtual network embedding problem in fiber-wireless access network, and formulates it as an Integer Linear Programming (ILP). Simulation results verify the effectiveness of proposed framework.2018-03-21 -
Автоматизация аудита веб-сайтов по юзабилити-показателям
(БНТУ, 2017)В статье рассмотрено понятие и критерии аудита юзабилити сайтов. Представлен сервис, автоматизирующий процесс тестирования оформления и удобства использования веб-ресурсов.2018-03-22 -
Автоматизация управления температурными профилями монтажной пайки
(БНТУ, 2017)The automation stand on the basis of the programmed logic controller is developed for management by temperature profiles of assembly soldering.2018-03-22 -
Актуальные вопросы деятельности научно-технологических парков в Республике Беларусь
(БНТУ, 2017)This article deals with the functioning and development elements of innovation infrastructure. It draws our special attention to the aims of technology parks. The conclusion deals with the development of technology parks as a non-profit structure.2018-03-28 -
Актуальные направления магистерских исследований в области музыкального образования в Беларуси и Китае
(БНТУ, 2017)The article describes some actual directions of master's studies in the field of music education in Belarus and China. The experience of the comparative analysis of the system of formation of vocal-choral skills based on folk songs in school music programs in the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Belarus is disclosed.2018-03-28 -
Алгоритм анализа техники выполнения соревновательного упражнения у стрелков из лука различной квалификации
(БНТУ, 2017)The study represents the data of biomechanical analysis of movements’ efficiency of competitive exercise of athletes-archers in qualification aspect based on application of hardware and software means. The algorithm of actions’ sequence within remote registration and assessment of shot’s temporal characteristics’ process, body position, plantar pressure of the foot’s distribution ...2018-03-27 -
Анализ влияния факторов, воздействующих на эффект финансового рычага
(БНТУ, 2017)In this article discusses the financial leverage, as well as analysis of the influence of factors that directly affect the effect of financial leverage.2018-03-28 -
Анализ лексических и стилистических особенностей посланий президента РФ 2004-2014 гг.
(БНТУ, 2017)Publicistic style has a special place in the system of functional styles; it is "one of the most "open" styles in the system of functional styles of the Russian language. In the use of colloquial expressions and often uses various artistic means". The message – one of the genres of journalistic style, is the software legal and political document expressing the vision of the head ...2018-03-29 -
Архитектура современных сельских населенных мест Беларуси
(БНТУ, 2017)Показан путь становления архитектурно-планировочных средств сельских поселений Беларуси. Особый акцент сделан на архитектуре агрогородков, являющихся в настоящее время основным типом сельских поселений. Освещены вопросы архитектурного формирования селитебных зон агрогородков.2018-03-26 -
Базы данных как основополагающая ветвь в развитии информационных технологий
(БНТУ, 2017)Виничук, О. Н. Базы данных как основополагающая ветвь в развитии информационных технологий / О. Н. Виничук, Д. С. Зазульницкий // Новые горизонты – 2017 : сборник материалов Белорусско-Китайского молодежного инновационного форума, 2-3 ноября 2017 г. : в 2 т. – Минск : БНТУ, 2017. – Т. 1. – С. 17-18.2018-03-22 -
Беларусь и Китай активизируют взаимовыгодное сотрудничество по всем направлениям концепции «Один пояс и один путь»
(БНТУ, 2017)This report contains information of the development of Belarusian-Chinese cooperation in the framework of "One belt and one road".2018-03-29