Материалы конференции по статьям: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 124
Республика Беларусь в мировом рейтинге научно-исследовательской активности
(БНТУ, 2017)In terms of rapidly growing demand on high-qualified human resources there appears a pressing science field’ need of modernization and development. The research of the level of education quality have been made which learned costs associated with education, human development index using reports published by the World Bank and the United National Development Program.2018-03-28 -
Опыт Китая в стимулирование экспорта и его применение в Республике Беларусь
(БНТУ, 2017)The article deals with the main measures of the Chinese export promotion. There were given recommendations on improving of the export promotion in the Republic of Belarus, given the experience of China.2018-03-28 -
Финансовые показатели предприятия. Их оценка и способы снижения
(БНТУ, 2017)The analysis of financial indicators of the enterprise is an effective way to identify the strengths and weaknesses of production. Do not underestimate the values of the indicators: in the event that the values of the coefficients differ from those recommended, it is necessary to clarify and eliminate the cause of the deviations in order to optimize the financial condition of the ...2018-03-28 -
Анализ влияния факторов, воздействующих на эффект финансового рычага
(БНТУ, 2017)In this article discusses the financial leverage, as well as analysis of the influence of factors that directly affect the effect of financial leverage.2018-03-28 -
Актуальные направления магистерских исследований в области музыкального образования в Беларуси и Китае
(БНТУ, 2017)The article describes some actual directions of master's studies in the field of music education in Belarus and China. The experience of the comparative analysis of the system of formation of vocal-choral skills based on folk songs in school music programs in the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Belarus is disclosed.2018-03-28 -
Актуальные вопросы деятельности научно-технологических парков в Республике Беларусь
(БНТУ, 2017)This article deals with the functioning and development elements of innovation infrastructure. It draws our special attention to the aims of technology parks. The conclusion deals with the development of technology parks as a non-profit structure.2018-03-28 -
Международная перевозка грузов с применением книжки МДП
(БНТУ, 2017)Customs Convention On International Transport of Goods Under Cover of TIR Carnets was adopted in November, 14, 1975 and entered into force in March, 20, 1978. The Republic of Belarus joined the Convention in October, 5, 1993. The authorized authority in the Republic of Belarus is Belorussian association of international road carriers “BAMAP”. The main idea of this Convention is ...2018-03-28 -
Инновации в макроэкономике
(БНТУ, 2017)Mankind has entered a new stage of development - the stage of the information society. The tendencies of the development of the world economy as globalization and the growth of the values of innovations in the economy each year increase their significance. Enterprises are beginning to achieve competitive advantages through the introduction of innovations. In the Republic of ...2018-03-28 -
Организация и проведение практик студентов и магистрантов иностранных государств в период обучения (на примере БрГТУ г. Брест)
(БНТУ, 2017)The thesis considers one of the variants of practical training of students of foreign countries provided for educational standards on a speciality "Accounting, analysis and audit", "Finance and credit", specialty "Accounting, analysis and audit" (second cycle) in the situation of trade secrets in companies that are not interested in having students practice. Proposed effective ...2018-03-28 -
Кластеризация. Использование кластерной политики. Особенности развития кластеров в Китае
(БНТУ, 2017)Increasing the competitiveness of the national economy is the main priority of the socio-economic policy of all states. One of the modern concepts of increasing the competitiveness of the national economy is the cluster one. It is based on the state stimulation of the creation and development of clusters in the country. The formation of clusters has its own specifics in each ...2018-03-28 -
Развитие венчурной экосистемы
(БНТУ, 2017)Venture financing is a long-term (5-7 years) high-risk private equity investment in the share capital of newly created small high-tech promising companies in order to profit from the increase in the value of the invested funds. The development of Silicon Valley had a direct impact on the formation of venture capital financing. Bitcoin is one of the most striking examples of a ...2018-03-28 -
Китайско-белорусский индустриальный парк «Великий камень» как одно из важнейших звеньев реализации концепции «Один пояс, один путь»
(БНТУ, 2017)This report is dedicated to development and functioning of the Chinese-Belarusian Industrial Park "Great stone" as one of the most important elements of the concept of the "One belt, one road".2018-03-28 -
Качество жизни в глобальной экономике
(БНТУ, 2017)The population is seen as a consumer of goods and services created in the country, and the quality of life as an indicator of its provision with infrastructure services and a measure of satisfaction of spiritual, intellectual and aesthetic needs. The results of the research showed the existence of problems in ensuring the quality of life of the population of various states, ...2018-03-28 -
Университетский технопарк как особая среда по созданию и «выращиванию» инновационных предприятий
(БНТУ, 2017)В данной статье мы рассмотрели университетский технопарк как среду по созданию и «выращиванию» инновационных предприятий. Рассмотрели функции и достоинства функционирования технопарков. Выявили необходимость наличия тесной управленческой связи между университетом и научно-технологическим парком.2018-03-28 -
Законодательное обеспечение процессов создания и коммерциализации научно-технической продукции в Республике Беларусь
(БНТУ, 2017)The article provides insight into the basic forms of government support and regulations for innovative activities in the Republic of Belarus. It describes main instruments of legislation that regulate and stimulate the processes of creation and commercialization of scientific and technological products.2018-03-28 -
Развитие сотрудничества Беларуси и Китая в сфере образования
(БНТУ, 2017)The article analyzes the experience of cooperation between Belarus and China in the field of education.2018-03-28 -
Развитие и организация стартапов
(БНТУ, 2017)Startup is the process of implementing a new project or launching a new product, which is characterized by starting a business from scratch, a high level of risk, uncertainty of financing, the need for rapid promotion of the project in the market, and a professional team. The main difference between a startup and an ordinary company is the innovative nature of the idea around ...2018-03-28 -
Внешнеэкономическое сотрудничество Республики Беларусь с Китайской Народной Республикой
(БНТУ, 2017)The article considers various aspects of modern foreign economic cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and the People's Republic of China, including foreign trade relations between two countries, the development of commodity distribution networks, and the intensification of cooperation at the regional level.2018-03-28 -
Сравнительная характеристика индустриальных парков в Беларуси и Китае
(БНТУ, 2017)The article deals with comparative characteristics of industrial parks of Belarus and China. Problems and peculiarities were allocated of activities of the Belarusian and Chinese technology parks. The conclusion about the necessity of using the Chinese experience in the policy of formation of technology parks structures in Belarus.2018-03-28 -
Modern bureaucracy in the construction of service-oriented government
(БНТУ, 2017)The construction of Service-oriented Government relies on organizational formations and management tools. Although Modern bureaucracy is full of controversy, it is still adaptive in the construction of Service-oriented Government. The order services, system services, and information services are inseparable from the modern bureaucracy. The modern bureaucracy plays an important ...2018-03-28