Browsing Материалы конференции по статьям by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 150
Свойства систем электроснабжения с цифровой системой контроля и управления перспективных воздушных судов
(БНТУ, 2016)In the paper is presented the analysis of the possibilities of achievements in power supply systems with digital monitoring and control system. Are described the possibility of implementation in digital system. Caused the improvement of the quality of electricity, increasing availability and decreasing labor costs for maintenance. Also are provided requirements for the construction ...2018-04-13 -
Разработка составов и технологии получения теплоизолирующих покрытий для оборудования, работающего при высоких температурах
(БНТУ, 2016)Long-term researches of granulate heat-insulating materials are carried out at the department of technology of glass and ceramics. The results of it researches is waterproof silicate granulated foam-made material with microcellular structure and it bulk weight is 150–250 kg/m3. This material is used as excipient for producing a flameproof heat-insulating coating of the equipment ...2018-04-18 -
Теплоаккумулирующие материалы с изменяемым фазовым состоянием: основные характеристики и области применения
(БНТУ, 2016)The article provides the definition of "phase change material". Noted that as materials with change phase, with thermoregulation properties, are preferably used paraffin’s. The use of microencapsulation technology allows you to effectively use the phase change materials in various fields. The most commonly used PCM in building, in the manufacture of upholstered furniture and ...2018-04-18 -
Архитектурные проекты Захи Хадид для Китая
(БНТУ, 2016)Никифоренко, А. Н. Архитектурные проекты Захи Хадид для Китая / А. Н. Никифоренко // Новые горизонты - 2016 : сборник материалов III Белорусско-Китайского молодежного инновационного форума, 29–30 ноября 2016 года. – Минск : БНТУ, 2016. – С. 22-23.2018-04-12 -
Снижение материалоёмкости инновационной технологии производства фторкомпозитов
(БНТУ, 2016)The article deals with the problem of increasing the efficiency of technological processes and manufacture of products blanks polytetrafluoroethylene-based composites methods of hydrostatic compression and cold agglomeration. The task resource when using tooling. The task suggested be solved by computer simulation program Kompas-3D.2018-04-13 -
Математическая модель тепловых процессов авиационного генератора на основе электротепловой аналогии и тепловых схем замещения
(БНТУ, 2016)Mathematical model of thermal processes is developed with considering of electrothermal analogy thermal and electrical quantities. The thermal equivalent schemes of stator and rotor are built. The researching of thermal processes with considering of development of mathematical model is realized with the help of M-file of MatLab program. The results of researching showed that ...2018-04-13 -
К вопросу об энергосбережении на текстильных предприятиях Беларуси за счет использования энергии тепловых ВЭР
(БНТУ, 2016)Муслина, Д. Б. К вопросу об энергосбережении на текстильных предприятиях Беларуси за счет использования энергии тепловых ВЭР / Д. Б. Муслина // Новые горизонты - 2016 : сборник материалов III Белорусско-Китайского молодежного инновационного форума, 29–30 ноября 2016 года. – Минск : БНТУ, 2016. – С. 103-104.2018-04-13 -
Программно-аппаратный комплекс для борьбы с асфальтосмолопарафиновыми отложениями при добыче углеводородов
(БНТУ, 2016)This work describes a method and apparatus designed to combat AFS, whose operating principle is based on the temperature regulation in the well. Also, the paper presents a demonstration of physical and mathematical formulas for the software to implement the full automation in the management of the developed device.2018-04-13 -
Повышение эффективности деревообрабатывающих предприятий путем внедрения рациональных технологий переработки вторичного древесного сырья
(БНТУ, 2016)Woodworking waste appearance problem was reviewed in this article, especially case of primary woodworking. Further recycling issue was addressed in two main sub-cases: production of wood-chips, wood pellets or briquettes and deep recycling of wood waste and production of wood moldings.2018-04-13 -
Разработка технологии изготовления и модельные исследования пары «статор-ротор» турбобура ТВ1-240
(БНТУ, 2016)For drilling, can be used mud motor (turbodrill), which consist of stator and rotor. The problem of import substitution is actual, because these details are don’t produce in Belarus. In GSTU named P.O. Sukhoi there are research on the development of production technology for this type of products with more effective method for production. In this study were designed 3D models of ...2018-04-13 -
О методе определения физических свойств пластовых флюидов в скважине
(БНТУ, 2016)The present paper addresses the general problems which have to be faced with while sampling and definition of properties of formation fluid as a result of PVT trials. The most important questions here are sampling of clean and representative samples of plutonic formation fluid and rapid and relatively easy way to receive valid and accurate data of fluid extracted for the moment ...2018-04-13 -
Долгосрочное прогнозирование миграции загрязняющих веществ в природных дисперсных средах с применением технологий параллельных вычислений
(БНТУ, 2016)Шалькевич, П. К. Долгосрочное прогнозирование миграции загрязняющих веществ в природных дисперсных средах с применением технологий параллельных вычислений / П. К. Шалькевич, И. А. Гишкелюк, С. П. Кундас // Новые горизонты - 2016 : сборник материалов III Белорусско-Китайского молодежного инновационного форума, 29–30 ноября 2016 года. – Минск : БНТУ, 2016. – С. 90-91.2018-04-13 -
Определение показателей точности методики выполнения измерения удельного электрического сопротивления грунта
(БНТУ, 2016)The results of the calculation of accuracy metrics techniques of performance measurement designed to determine the electrical resistivity of soils to protect those from corrosion the outer surface of underground metal structures: Techn-Dov and tanks (including trench type) of carbon and low alloy steels, power cables with voltage up to 10 kV; communication cables and alarm in a ...2018-04-13 -
Практические аспекты изучения влагонасыщенных промышленных клеевых составов
(БНТУ, 2016)Currently, adhesive joints expand the scope of its application. Particularly of interest are the adhesives that can be used in aggressive environments such as in outer space, where it is necessary to withstand cyclical stresses. Therefore, the adhesives that work in specific conditions, must meet the relevant requirements. In this work, was considered adhesives for the connection ...2018-04-13 -
Определение влажности сыпучих и порошкообразных материалов по спектрам диффузного отражения с использование двухфакторной регресионной модели
(БНТУ, 2016)Diffuse reflectance spectra were studied sample forage corn, turf various moisture in the wavelength range 1000-2700 nm. Were constructed calibration equation using two-factor regression model, factors which favor the optical density at the absorption bands of 1445 nm and 1934 nm, respectively.2018-04-13 -
Разработка и реализация интеллектуальной системы управления напряжением авиационного синхронного генератора
(БНТУ, 2016)Consider the problems increase the power quality through the implementation of smart voltage regulation systems in digital control systems. Shown the results of virtual research of the effectiveness of smart voltage regulation systems in MatLab programming environment for different disturbances. It is shown that by using intelligent voltage regulation systems and their implementation ...2018-04-13 -
Архитектурно-дизайнерская организация трансформируемых многофункциональных общественных комплексов с преобладающей торговой функцией в городской среде
(БНТУ, 2016)The article is devoted to the analysis of the conditions and prerequisites for the formation of transformable multifunctional public complexes with dominant trading function in the urban environment. The article emphasizes that the continuous change and increasing complexity of the organization of shopping centres’ area as well as the emergence of new variants of their subject-spatial ...2018-04-12 -
Система рециклинга вторичных металлов в Республике Беларусь
(БНТУ, 2016)The paper presents the modern system of secondary metals recycling in the Republic of Belarus. Subjects of the system of secondary metals recycling are studied. Features of the market of secondary metals are determined and some problems in its functioning in Republic of Belarus are revealed.2018-04-13 -
Архитектурное проектирование как процесс управления
(БНТУ, 2016)Architecture and requirements for it are constantly changing, there are new factors of development. To architectural school requirements are dictated according to the new conditions, which must meet a growing demand. Preparation of the architect should be mobile, critical to educate the architect adapted to the constantly changing conditions.2018-04-12 -
Система определения параметров пространственной ориентации объектов на основе метода относительной кинематики
(БНТУ, 2016)This research is connected with the expansion of global satellite navigation systems application. All the experiments conducted were devoted to the development of the algorithm of obtaining the mobile objects orientation angles using satellite signals. For obtaining and processing of experimental data adaptive filters were used. The results obtained can be applied for solving a ...2018-04-13