Now showing items 1-19 of 19

    • Creating a business equals to a personal growth 

      Дульцева, А. Н. (БНТУ, 2019)
      Creating a business is always associated with many difficulties and risks, but this does not mean that you can’t try to do something.
    • Emergence and evolution of money 

      Ремизевич, Д. А. (БНТУ, 2019)
      In this research emergence and development of money is presented. This subject is very relevant today because we daily deal with money. Use of money is also old, as well as a human civilization. The history of money is not less fascinating than mankind history. Money is the most important attribute of economy. How the monetary system functions, stability of economic development ...
    • Flexible working hours as a tool to increase productivity 

      Шеметович, Ю. А. (БНТУ, 2019)
      Flexible working hours as an arrangement can be successfully implemented creating various different benefits, one of which is increased productivity, and certainly should not be overlooked by any manager.
    • Function organization structure 

      Голубцов, И. В.; Михайлов, K. M. (БНТУ, 2020)
      Выбирая структуру организации для своей компании, необходимо учитывать необходимость контроля. С учетом возможности и полноты контроля могут реализовываться различные сценарии управления. В данной статье типы организационных структур рассмотрены с точки зрения возможностей контроля работы исполнителей.
    • Method of promotion new business in the modern world 

      Шляхтенок, A. O. (БНТУ, 2021)
      Эта статья расскажет о том, как в нынешнем мире обстоят дела у молодых бизнесменов и каким образом на них научились зарабатывать третьи лица.
    • Methods for assessing the efficiency of investment projects 

      Конопляник, К. О. (БНТУ, 2019)
      This paper presents methods for evaluating investment projects. Investment appraisal is based on the support of the expected net profit from the implementation of the project with the capital invested in the project. The method is based on the calculation of net cash flow, defined as the difference between cash inflows from inflows and investment activities and their outflow.
    • MVP. Minimum viable product. Marvel vivid pattern 

      Огнева, Т. А. (БНТУ, 2019)
      This article covers the key steps of MVP creation and compares the process of a product development to Avengers movies sense and sequence.
    • Portals 

      Голубцов, И. В.; Гладкая, Д. Д.; Авраменко, А. В. (БНТУ, 2021)
      Сегодня в мире существует много различных типов порталов. В этой статье мы разберем деятельность порталов и различные типы сайтов, их отличия и методы работы с ними для ведения бизнеса онлайн.
    • Problems of integration of the economy of the Republic of Belarus into the world economic system 

      Дмитриев, Д. Г. (БНТУ, 2021)
      В статье изучаются некоторые подходы к проведению перехода от командно-административной экономики к рыночному хозяйству, различия между концепциями градуализма и концепцией шоковой терапии. Проблемы государственного капитализма Республики Беларусь, пути его решения.
    • The forms and systems of salary in Republic of Belarus 

      Лукашик, П. В. (БНТУ, 2019)
      In this article the main forms and systems of salary in Belarus are described. The author explains the way salary is calculated and accrued to employees in the right way and also mentions in which regulatory legal acts you may find the information about these methods of employees’ remuneration.
    • The need to use marketing in large production companies of the Republic of Belarus 

      Кулик, В. А. (БНТУ, 2020)
      This article discusses the history and principle of marketing at Belarusian enterprises. Particular attention is paid to marketing problems at large enterprises in Belarus. Recommendation for preventing these problems are highlighted.
    • The need to use marketing in large production companies of the Republic of Belarus. Current situation 

      Кулик, В. А. (БНТУ, 2019)
      A successful company cannot function without an established marketing system. The article discusses the principle of marketing action, marketing problems in large enterprises. successful sales are supported by the use of new ways to attract consumers.
    • The use of information technology in project management 

      Терешко, Е. Н. (БНТУ, 2019)
      This article discusses existing IT solutions in project management, defined general requirements for project management information systems. Studied the essence of various types of project management information systems and their pluses and minuses are set.
    • Tourism in the Republic of Belarus 

      Метелица, Н. С. (БНТУ, 2021)
      В статье исследуются плюсы и минусы туризма в Республике Беларусь. Проанализированы черты и функционирование туризма в республике. Выделены проблемы развития туризма в Республике Беларусь и даны советы по их решению.
    • Transporting dangerous goods 

      Пырко, К. А. (БНТУ, 2019)
      Сurrently, logistics is becoming more advanced. Those things that previously seemed unreal are now being actively implemented thanks to the development of this industry. Namely, we will consider the most safe transportation of goods so that the costs are minimal.
    • Viral marketing as an effective advertising tool 

      Грицук, А. А.; Сморгович, Д. А. (БНТУ, 2019)
      The article contains methods of the impact of viral advertising on a person. There are main advantages, and the rules for creating an effective viral advertising.
    • Visual advertising: how to catch eyes 

      Куди, Е. В. (БНТУ, 2019)
      This article covers the topic of visual marketing which implies a relation of object, the context and its image. It is also unites such disciplines as economy, visual perception laws and cognitive psychology. The main task of article is to analyze how to communicate with clients through the screen and centralize the object of advertising in the diversity of visual content.
    • What is a sales funnel? 

      Сарвас, Е. О. (БНТУ, 2019)
      This article is about sales funnel’s main stages. Also it contains information about all steps that customer faces on his way from strangers to buyers.
    • Youth entrepreneurship activities of the Republic of Belarus: ways to overcome the financial barrier 

      Аскольченко, М. В.; Неелова, Я. В. (БНТУ, 2020)
      В Республике Беларусь молодежная предпринимательская деятельность поддерживается не на таком уровне, как во многих зарубежных странах, но мы должны стремится развивать это. Основа для развития уже положена, вот основные пути и решения.