Browsing Материалы форума по статьям by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 128
A fault location method for multi-terminal transmission lines based on time differences of modulus traveling waves
(БНТУ, 2019)In order to solve the fault location problem for multi-terminal line, a travelingwave- based fault location method is proposed using arrival time differences of zero-mode and aerial-mode waves detected at each terminal. In this work, fault section judgement matrixes are set up and the rules for searching and determining fault section are established, after that the fault point ...2020-06-08 -
Assessing the impact of ergonomic manipulators on the cursor control
(БНТУ, 2019)The analysis of the ergonomic mice efficiency for the cursor movement is presented based on the experiments with both self-reported parameters and biometric measurements. The adequacy of choice as well as the overall speed and physical load are examined.2020-06-08 -
Cинтетические материалы для применения в подземных сооружениях
(БНТУ, 2019)This article describes the advantages of using synthetic materials in underground work as concrete reinforcement, as well as polymers designed in liquid form, which arise from their use: light weight, lower cost, easier transportation, very resistant to corrosion, alkali, acids and chemicals in general.2020-06-08 -
Cовременные конструкции шумозащитных экранов автомобильных дорог
(БНТУ, 2019)Noise screens are special facilities that are used to reduce noise levels of various origins, including from vehicles, railways, airports. They are also used to isolate noise from industrial buildings in which noisy industries operate. Noise screens protect building sites, air conditioning and ventilation installations from sound waves.2020-06-08 -
Cоздание многофункциональной машины для строительства и эксплуатации местных автомобильных дорог
(БНТУ, 2019)В тезисе дается информация о повышении эффективности строительства и эксплуатации местных автомобильных дорог и о создании эффективной, востребованной и многофункциональной машины с системой «мультилифт», которая обеспечит погрузку/разгрузку, транспортирование быстросъемного технического оборудования различного функционального назначения.2020-06-08 -
Cтроительство первой трёхуровневой эстакады в городе душанбе
(БНТУ, 2019)The paper describes two landmark overpasses that are significant for their countries. These overpasses became the first of their kind three-level interchanges in the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Belarus.2020-06-08 -
FEA simulation of the biomechanical structure overload in the university campus planting
(БНТУ, 2019)FEM investigation of the branch collapse is provided for the huge healthy chestnut tree. Strong wind gust (24 m/s) is assumed. Thus, simulation has as engineering so methodic value to improve the FEM-teaching of students. The geometry was recovered by the photos and sketches. It includes roots, trunk, branch and conditional crown. Static simulation is provided both in the linear ...2020-06-08 -
Parthenon faсade fea simulation as system of freely piled solids joined by gravity and friction
(БНТУ, 2019)Paper concerns to contact task simulation by FEA for “freely piled solids” systems. It may be different dry masonries. The antique façade of the Parthenon temple is taken for simulation as an example. Marble drums and blocks are held together only by friction and gravity. Multiplicity and variability of contact pressure patterns inside columns are disclosed. Surface compression ...2020-06-08 -
Save water system
(БНТУ, 2019)For environmental purposes, namely resource conservation, it is proposed to install a rainwater gathering system. You can collect rainwater by means of the system and use this water for the needs of the trolley fleet (washing of rolling stock). This system reservoirs can be also used for storage of excess filtered water.2020-06-08 -
The convergence investigation of meshless finite block method and finite element method
(БНТУ, 2019)The finite element method is one of the most widely used numerical method in engineering analysis, however, the bad convergence and the complexity of meshing reduce the reliability of the simulated results. Therefore, in this work, a meshless finite block method was applied on heat transfer analysis and elastic deformation analysis. It combines the ideas of finite element and ...2020-06-08 -
Автоматизация системы транспортировки руды
(БНТУ, 2019)Дворянин, Е. В. Автоматизация системы транспортировки руды / Е. В. Дворянин // Новые горизонты - 2019 : сборник материалов Белорусско-Китайского молодежного инновационного форума, Минск, 12–13 ноября 2019 г. / Белорусский национальный технический университет. – Минск : БНТУ, 2019. – С. 106.2020-06-08 -
Автоматизация технологических комплексов механообработки
(БНТУ, 2019)The main advantages of machining automation are considered. The most relevant automation objects are described. The factors influencing the design of a reliable automated machining complex are analyzed. The relevance of the introduction of automation in the field of machining is substantiated.2020-06-08 -
Анализ параметров буровзрывных работ при использовании промышленных эмульсионных взрывчатых веществ в условиях карьера «Микашевичи»
(БНТУ, 2019)The paper analysis the parameters of borehole charges when using emulsion explosires and a non-electric blasting system «Iskra» at a granite quarry.2020-06-08 -
Анализ работы современных электробусов
(БНТУ, 2019)В связи с техническим прогрессом ведущие заводы мира. Постоянно пытаются модернизировать разные виды электробусов. На данный момент электробус один из самых экологически безопасных и тихих наземных транспортов. Модернизация касается всех узлов электробуса таких как, элементы питания, внешний вид, тяговый электродвигатель и т.д. Электробусами белоруского производства интересуются ...2020-06-08 -
Анализ технологического процесса линии по розливу и упаковке кетчупа (майонеза) на ОАО «Минский маргариновый завод»
(БНТУ, 2019)In this work, the technological process of the line for bottling and packaging of ketchup (mayonnaise) POLPAK D2000K is considered. The main components of the line POLPAK D2000K are listed. The shortcomings in the operation of the line and ways to eliminate them are given.2020-06-08 -
Анализ энергозатрат на фрезерование массива горной породы зубками соосных роторов проходческого комбайна
(БНТУ, 2019)The analysis of power consumption on the rock massif milling operation by the cogs of coaxial rotors of a road header is described. The scheme of the rotors’ modernization for the dynamic loading reduction of the executive actuator is given.2020-06-08 -
Архитектурная типология дворцово-усадебных комплексов Беларуси второй половины XIX – начала XX века
(БНТУ, 2019)В статье рассмотрена архитектурная типология дворцово-усадебных комплексов Беларуси второй половины ХIХ – начала ХХ века. Классифицирована планировка дворцово-усадебных комплексов Беларуси исследуемого периода как единых ансамблей, охарактеризованы по величине, расположению, выделены основные функциональные зоны имений.2020-06-08 -
Беларуская народна паэтычная спадчынаў перакладзена кітайскую мову і яе мастацкае ілюстраванне
(БНТУ, 2019)У дадзеным артыкуле ўпершыню вызначаюцца новыя навукова-даследчыя і крэатыўна-мастацкія магчымасці ў транскантынентальнай папулярызацыі беларускай народнапаэтычнай спадчыны ў сувязі з перакладам яе на кітайскую мову ў разнастайна ілюстраваных беларускіх навуковых выданнях 2017-2018 гг. Выяўляюцца тэматычныя аспекты каштоўнага фальклорнага матэрыялу,яго сувязь з выяўленчымі сродкамі ...2020-06-08 -
Беларусь и Китай: горизонты туристического бизнеса
(БНТУ, 2019)This work investigates the problem of development of excursion and tourist potential of the Republic of Belarus and China. The study is based on a survey of respondentsstudents of the College of Humanities and Linguistics of MSLU. Proposals are made on the main directions of development of excursion and tourist potential of the two States.2020-06-08 -
Биологические протезы клапанов сердца: история развития и современное применение
(БНТУ, 2019)This article describes the history of the development and application of biological heart valve prostheses, their advantages and disadvantages. The design of the aortic valve prosthesis developed by the Science and Technology Park of BNTU "Polytechnic" is described, the results of experimental studies are presented.2020-06-08