Материалы форума по статьям: Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-80 of 128
Опыт Китайской Народной Республики в развитии промышленной робототехники
(БНТУ, 2019)The article is devoted to the development of industrial robotics in China. The historical stages of formation of automation of production processes in the country are considered. The basic state plans of development of this branch are stated. The important problems of the development of the robotics industry in China are listed. Conclusions are drawn about the prospects of ...2020-06-08 -
Повышение ресурса шин карьерных самосвалов
(БНТУ, 2019)The analysis of the load modes of tyres during the operation of mining dump trucks is carried out. The technological measures and design schemes of installations providing an increase in the resource of the dump truck tyres are proposed.2020-06-08 -
Развитие систем информационных технологий в фармацевтических организациях Республики Беларусь
(БНТУ, 2019)In the article the systems of information technologies are considered in-use pharmacy organizations with the purpose of increase of efficiency of functioning. Innovative directions of development of pharmacy organizations are selected in Republic Byelorussia.2020-06-08 -
The convergence investigation of meshless finite block method and finite element method
(БНТУ, 2019)The finite element method is one of the most widely used numerical method in engineering analysis, however, the bad convergence and the complexity of meshing reduce the reliability of the simulated results. Therefore, in this work, a meshless finite block method was applied on heat transfer analysis and elastic deformation analysis. It combines the ideas of finite element and ...2020-06-08 -
Стойкость металлорежущего инструмента и ее влияние на процесс и время металлообработки
(БНТУ, 2019)In modern industry, flexible production systems and CNC machines are actively introduced into production. In the processing on CNC machines used prefabricated tools (lathe cutters and mills) with mechanical fastening of the cutting inserts. In the case of precast incisors, one of the main parameters is the tool durability. This parameter is very important for the tool, as a high ...2020-06-08 -
Биологические протезы клапанов сердца: история развития и современное применение
(БНТУ, 2019)This article describes the history of the development and application of biological heart valve prostheses, their advantages and disadvantages. The design of the aortic valve prosthesis developed by the Science and Technology Park of BNTU "Polytechnic" is described, the results of experimental studies are presented.2020-06-08 -
Моторные масла на основе эстеров
(БНТУ, 2019)This article provides a brief overview of the existing base oils and motor ones created on their basis. The main advantages and disadvantages of motor oils created on the basis of esters are considered and analyzed.2020-06-08 -
Повышение эффективности работы ленточного конвейера
(БНТУ, 2019)The paper analyses the performance of rock fragmentation equipment in potassium fertilizer manufacture. It submits a technology for evaluation of power distribution when it is transmitted by friction from the driving drum to the conveyer belt.2020-06-08 -
Сравнительная оценка и исследование антипригарных свойств покрытий, наносимых на детали пресс-форм машин литья под давлением
(БНТУ, 2019)In the course of research and evaluation of non-stick properties of coatings formed by electrodeformation cladding flexible tool from the donor composite materials based on chromium, it was found that the coating of a composite index based on chromium with the addition of copper, tungsten-cobalt and hexagonal boron nitride, with an additional layer of copper doped with hexagonal ...2020-06-08 -
A fault location method for multi-terminal transmission lines based on time differences of modulus traveling waves
(БНТУ, 2019)In order to solve the fault location problem for multi-terminal line, a travelingwave- based fault location method is proposed using arrival time differences of zero-mode and aerial-mode waves detected at each terminal. In this work, fault section judgement matrixes are set up and the rules for searching and determining fault section are established, after that the fault point ...2020-06-08 -
Лечение аневризм грудного отдела аорты. Актуальность и перспективы разработки
(БНТУ, 2019)This article describes the methods of treatment of aortic aneurysms and their advantages and disadvantages. The article also provides methods for their treatment at the current time. The reasons for developing their own samples of stent grafts of the thoracic aorta and the global trend in the demand for the treatment of aortic aneurysms are shown.2020-06-08 -
Исследование коррозионной стойкости хромовых покрытий, сформированных электродеформационным плакированием
(БНТУ, 2019)The results of a comparative assessment of the corrosion resistance of coatings based on chromium, formed by the methods of galvanic deposition and electro-formation cladding with a flexible tool (EDPGI) are presented. It is shown that the clad chromium coat69 ings have a higher corrosion resistance compared to the uncoated sample, however, they are inferior in this indicator to ...2020-06-08 -
Закономерности изменения микроструктуры и физико-механических свойств стали при азотировании в условии нестационарного нагрева
(БНТУ, 2019)Пацеко, Е. К. Закономерности изменения микроструктуры и физико-механических свойств стали при азотировании в условии нестационарного нагрева / Е. К. Пацеко // Новые горизонты - 2019 : сборник материалов Белорусско-Китайского молодежного инновационного форума, Минск, 12–13 ноября 2019 г. / Белорусский национальный технический университет. – Минск : БНТУ, 2019. – С. 66-68.2020-06-08 -
Современные системы числового программного управления металлообрабатывающего оборудования
(БНТУ, 2019)In this article we consider modern systems of numerical control of metalworking equipment. Nowadays, the use of man as a key element of the machine control system more often represents increased productivity. The program of this element is set on the program carriers. The main CNC programming language for equipment is described by ISO 6983 document of the International Standards ...2020-06-08 -
Композиционные материалы, их применение и эффективность
(БНТУ, 2019)This article describes how rapidly increasing interest and demand of consumers in the use of composite materials in various spheres of human activity. It describes where and in what areas composite materials are used their disadvantages, advantages and effectiveness.2020-06-08 -
Пути модернизации технологических процессов производства
(БНТУ, 2019)In this article we will consider issues related to the production of quality products at a high pace of their production, increase in the quality of manufactured products and reduction of manual labor share, as well as reduction of the product cost.2020-06-08 -
Модернизация плоскошлифовального станка модели 3Л722А путем установки преобразователя частоты
(БНТУ, 2019)The issuesof modernization of the machine are very relevant. In this work, the desing of the frequency converter, hu principle of its operation and the main advantades will be considered, proposals for the modernization and installation of frequency converters on machines of the old type are made.2020-06-08 -
Исследования влияния состава и свойств электролита при электрохимическом полировании на качество поверхности, сталей машиностроительного назначения
(БНТУ, 2019)The article investigated the influence of the composition and properties of the electrolyte, during electrochemical polishing, on the surface quality, processing performance of steel for engineering purposes. This allows for high processing efficiency. The aim of the work is to establish the composition of electrolytes; with which you can achieve high processing Efficiency.2020-06-08 -
Инновационные виды сварки. Сварка взрывом
(БНТУ, 2019)Богородова, М. Л. Инновационные виды сварки. Сварка взрывом / М. Л. Богородова, В. В. Никанович // Новые горизонты - 2019 : сборник материалов Белорусско-Китайского молодежного инновационного форума, Минск, 12–13 ноября 2019 г. / Белорусский национальный технический университет. – Минск : БНТУ, 2019. – С. 16-17.2020-06-08 -
Применение микросекундных импульсов для электрохимического полирования легкоокисляемых металлов и сплавов
(БНТУ, 2019)The technology of electrochemical processing using microsecond pulses was developed, which provides the possibility of high-quality polishing and purification of easily oxidized metals and alloys, including difficult to process, in electrolytes of simple compositions without the use of toxic components. The results of studies of the influence of the frequency and duration of ...2020-06-08