Выпуск 22
Recent Submissions
Solving the oscillating pipe flow problem by the boundary integral equations method
(БНТУ, 2007)In the work, a solution to a problem of oscillatory flow of viscous incompressible liquid in a rectilinear pipe of circular section, completely filled with the liquid was presented. The way of solving flow generated by pressure pulsation and the pipe oscillation to the flow direction was also-discussed. The behaviour of the liquid for the selected spectrum of its frequency and ...2020-06-01 -
Сенсорные микросистемы с RFID идентификацией
(БНТУ, 2007)Radio frequency identification systems (RFID systems) have already being widely used for a long time in different spheres from access control systems to goods and transport tracking systems. Combining surface acoustic wave (SAW) sensor with radio frequency identification system can result in wireless SAW sensor microsystem or in other words in wireless sensor. This research ...2020-06-01 -
Модели взаимодействия колеса с опорной поверхностью в продольной плоскости
(БНТУ, 2007)The paper discusses the widespread state-of-the-art statical and dynamic models of contact tyre/surface interaction for friction coefficient determination and simulation. Developing the existing procedures, the fuzzy and neuro-fuzzy models of friction coefficient recognition are proposed. The simulation results are given for models under discussion with a subsequent analysis.2020-06-01 -
Построение модели формы периодонта на основе овалов четвертой степени
(БНТУ, 2007)Крушевский, А. Е. Построение модели формы периодонта на основе овалов четвертой степени / А. Е. Крушевский // Теоретическая и прикладная механика : международный научно-технический сборник / Белорусский национальный технический университет ; редкол.: А. В. Чигарев (пред. редкол.). – Минск : БНТУ, 2007. – Вып. 22. – С. 48-50.2020-06-01 -
Об устойчивости положения равновесия вводимого протеза при реконструкции среднего уха
(БНТУ, 2007)The reconstructed middle ear consisting of a thin annular plate made from cartilage, the intact stapes, and a T-type prosthesis replacing the malleus-incus chain is considered. The first problem is to calculate the initial pretension that can be generated by prosthesis longer than the distance between the stapes head and the eardrum. The second one is to investigate possible ...2020-06-01 -
Получение туннельных сенсорных МДМ-наноструктур на основе оксидов РЗЭ
(БНТУ, 2007)The vacuum deposition process and electrophysical parameters of super-thin fdms of rare earth elements (REE) oxides at reactive magnetron dispersion of metallic targets in the mixture of argon and oxygen were investigated. It is established that in the optimum technological regime (voltage discharge 400- 440 V, underlayer temperature 573-598 К) the o.xides of yttrium and holmium ...2020-06-01 -
Формирование светоцветового информационного образа почвы в технологии точного земледелия
(БНТУ, 2007)Исследован метод формирования светоцветового информационного образа почвы на основе измерения конечного числа цветовых точек оптической характеристики почвенного горизонта. Изучено влияние основных физических параметров почвы на формирование контролируемых светоцветовых образов почвенных образцов. Проведен анализ изменения светоцветовых информационных образов почвы в зависимости ...2020-06-01 -
Численное моделирование напряженного состояния автомобильной шины
(БНТУ, 2007)В докладе описано построение и апробация конечноэлементной модели шины, построенной в программном продукте «MSC.Marc». Моделируется комбинированное (поэтапное) нагружение шины и учитывается анизотропия упругих свойств материала с экспериментальной проверкой параметров при статическом нагружении.2020-06-01 -
Асимптотика собственных значений и собственных функций в кубически анизотропных средах
(БНТУ, 2007)The formulae for asymptotic expression of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of first boundary value problem for cubic anisotropy bodies are obtained.2020-06-01 -
Действительная функция эри в пространственных задачах теории упругости
(БНТУ, 2007)The new real representations a component of stress tensor and deformation tensor are received through the three-dimensional harmonious and biharmonic functions forming stress function tensor. The found expressions allow to reduce the basic boundary problems of the spatial theory of elasticity to boundary problems for the biharmonic equation.2020-06-01 -
Using of finite element method for solving problems of the resistance of materials
(БНТУ, 2007)In this article we consider the using of finite element method for solving problems of the resistance of materials and compare results solved different methods: analytic solution, hand-calculation solution by finite element method and solution in ANSYS.2020-06-01 -
Интерактивная визуализация перемещений на плоскости двух планарных позиционеров
(БНТУ, 2007)The collision problem in the technological equipment with two and more planar positioners on the same stator is described. A geometric interpretation of problem is given, and the algorithm for analysis and excepting of collisions is proposed. The multimedia page for the modelling of two planar positioners' motions on the same stator is presented.2020-06-01 -
Системный анализ факторов при расчете износа в низших кинематических парах
(БНТУ, 2007)The problem of wear calculation with comprehensive allowance for factors is considered. The necessity of mechanism kinematics features accounting and wear factors dependence from parts displacement is shown.2020-06-01 -
Определение параметров физической модели мобильной машины с маховичным двигателем
(БНТУ, 2007)For researching the movement of flywheel vehicles the physical model is proposed. Physical model as well as real car has a flywheel engine which rotates with high speed. In the article the main parameters of such model and flywheel engine are calculated. It is shown that the engine of the model has parameters which can easily be achieved while constructing.2020-06-01 -
Анализ устойчивости подпружиненного физического маятника методами А.М. Ляпунова
(БНТУ, 2007)In а difference of usual stability definition methods of a spring physical pendulum, in this article stability of a spring physical pendulum defined using methods created by A.M. Lapunov. In the result, connection between different parameters of spring and pendulum was formalized, and defined a point of stable pendulum position.2020-06-01 -
Особености применения компьютерных технологий в курсе “Теория механизмов и машин”
(БНТУ, 2007)These presented the particular features of developed software for organization all types of training work in the course «The theory of mechanisms and machines» - training, control of the knowledge, laboratory works, course designing.2020-06-01 -
Динамический анализ движения рычажного механизма стенда для испытания гусениц
(БНТУ, 2007)The dynamic analysis of motion of lever mechanism of drive of stand for the test of gusenits of tractors is resulted. Computation is conducted by the Mertsalova N.I. method for the set mode of operations. On results analysis of motion the recommendations are resulted on reduction of the dynamic workload on links and bearing of stand.2020-06-01 -
Информационное обеспечение раздела «Динамический анализ механизмов» в курсовом проекте по теории механизмов и машин
(БНТУ, 2007)The article describes the peculiarities of software and methodological complex "The Dynamic analysis of lever mechanisms", which is used in course designing at the rate "Theory of mechanisms and machines".2020-06-01 -
Напряженное состояние кольцевой трехслойной пластины при изгибе на упругом основании
(БНТУ, 2007)Bending of ring sandwich plate with light filler lying on elastic foundation is considered. For the description of kinematics of package with asymmetrical thickness the broken normal hypothesis was accepted. Reaction of foundation was described on the base of Winkler’s model. Combined equations of equilibrium and analytical solutions via displacement were received. Numerical ...2020-06-01 -
Обучение студентов использованию Mathcad в профессиональной деятельности
(БНТУ, 2007)The article deals with some peculiarities of teaching calculating engineering task solutions to students on the bases of Mathcad.2020-06-01