Browsing Выпуск 22 by Submit Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 50
Теоретическая и прикладная механика. Вып. 22
(БНТУ, 2007)В сборнике содержатся научные и методические работы преподавателей, научных сотрудников вузов и научных учреждений. Включены также материалы, обсуждавшиеся на республиканском научно-методическом семинаре с международным участием «Научно-методические основы применения информационных технологий в преподавании механики и научных исследованиях». Тематика статей сборника охватывает ...2020-05-26 -
Equistrong Tower Design
(БНТУ, 2007)The September 11, 2001 events attracted the attention of civil engineers of the world to the problem of safety of towers and skyscrapers. According to recent studies, the WTC collapse was caused by man-made explosions on a critical floor located much lower than the floors hit by terrorist planes which supports the wide-spread rumor in the U.S. that MASAD agents used the aftermath ...2020-06-01 -
Поверхности скоростей для волн, распространяющихся в идеально проводящей магнитной жидкости
(БНТУ, 2007)In the present article results of realization of a method of characteristics with reference to system of the differential equations of movement of the ionized gases and liquids on which electromagnetic forces operate are submitted. The equations of strong discontinuities and system of the bicharacteristics equations are obtained.2020-06-01 -
Безопасность работы автомобильного подъёмника-вышки
(БНТУ, 2007)The paper presents the analysis of the mechanics the systems, which is modeling the motor-car with the basket jack - the telescopic lift. For the assumed mathenmtical model, its equations were introduced, solved by means of the Mathematica 5.2 software. The results are shown in the form of adequate graphs.2020-06-01 -
Применение соотношений инвариантности к выводу новых интегральных уравнений для коэффициентов яркости плоскопараллельной дисперсной среды
(БНТУ, 2007)The new integral equations for brightness coefficients of pkineparellel dispersive medium of optical thickness Tq are obtained using invariance relations, involving usual Green’s functions or their generalization (for example, reduced Green’s functions) of radiation transfer equations. It is shown that the structure of these integral equations enables to obtain multiterm asimptotics ...2020-06-01 -
Оптимизация размеров двутавровых балок из нелинейно-упругих материалов по двум параметрам
(БНТУ, 2007)This work contains development of solution of the problem of optimization of the weight of beams from Hook's materials and also solution of this problem for nonlinear materials.2020-06-01 -
Уравнение слабых разрывов для системы уравнений движения термоупругой кубически анизотропной среды с учетом времени релаксации тепловых возмущений
(БНТУ, 2007)The equation of characteristics for system of the equations of movement cubic anisotropic environment which thermal properties are described by the hyperbolic law of heat conductivity is obtained.2020-06-01 -
Некоторые свойства интегральных вейвлет-преобразований
(БНТУ, 2007)Results of the investigation integral wavelet transforms are given. Acting and boundedness conditions for the integral wavelet transforms with compact support are obtained. Theorems of an inversion of the integral wavelet transform in the space of square-summable functions and the pointwise convergence of the inverse wavelet transform under Dini condition are stated.2020-06-01 -
Упругость нематических эластомеров
(БНТУ, 2007)The statistical theory of the Cauchy-Green type measure of nonlinear elastic deformation for nematic elastomer is developed. The spontaneous distortions of the nematic elastomers are considered as example of application the statistical theory.2020-06-01 -
Осесимметричные волновые пакеты в цилиндрической оболочке, лежащей на неоднородном вязкоупругом основании
(БНТУ, 2007)By using the asymptotic approach the solution of the Timoschenko-like equations governing the wave processes in the infinitely long elastic cylindrical shell lying on the non-homogeneous visco-elastic foundation has been constructed in the form of the wave packets traveling in the longitudinal direction. The solution represents the superposition of the bending and longitudinal waves.2020-06-01 -
Критическое состояние многослойных мезоструктур типа сверхпроводник/нормальный металл
(БНТУ, 2007)The dependencies of the critical temperature on the thickness and on the number of layers for superconductor/rwrmal metal multilayers (S/N) are calculated based on multimode solution of microscopic theory equations in diffusive limit. The finite transparency of S/N interfaces took into account. The theoretical curves reproduce satisfactory the experimental data.2020-06-01 -
Температурное поле в стенке полого цилиндра
(БНТУ, 2007)With use of а metiwd affinal differences distribution is investigated water temperatures in a wall of the hollow cylinder. The algorithm is developed and the program on the IBM for definition of temperatures in any point of the cylinder is made at the set temperature on internal and external surfaces. Analytically also the specific thermal stream on an external surface is ...2020-06-01 -
Solving the unsteady heat transeer problem with periodic boundary condition by the boundary integral equations method
(БНТУ, 2007)In the paper, a solution of unsteady heat transfer problem with periodic boundary condition by means of boundary integral equations method was presented. Also was presented the results of numerical simulation of heat transfer in two dimensional area with oscillating temperature on the boundary.2020-06-01 -
Некоторые аспекты проектирования гомогенных плазмохимических конверторов
(БНТУ, 2007)Цыганов, Д. Л. Некоторые аспекты проектирования гомогенных плазмохимических конверторов / Д. Л. Цыганов // Теоретическая и прикладная механика : международный научно-технический сборник / Белорусский национальный технический университет ; редкол.: А. В. Чигарев (пред. редкол.). – Минск : БНТУ, 2007. – Вып. 22. – С. 140-148.2020-06-01 -
Математическая модель функционирования адаптированного почвообрабатывающего агрегата
(БНТУ, 2007)А mathematical operation model has been found expedient to determine the effectiveness of a tillage unit operation under specified soil conditions as well as operation parameters and modes when this unit is combined with a particular tractor. The model-based PC software supplies the production and specific fuel consumption rates within the whole range of working speeds and soil ...2020-06-01 -
Определение внешнего критического давления оболочки котла вагона-цистерны
(БНТУ, 2007)Methods of computational mechanics solve a problem of definition of external critical pressure of an envelope of the boiler of the tankcar in view of change of its width.2020-06-01 -
Нагруженность кузова вагона при транспортировке сыпучих грузов
(БНТУ, 2007)Methods of computer simulation solve a problem of loading of a body of a bunker coach by a granular body. Different alternatives of exposition of behaviour of a material of granular medium surveyed.2020-06-01 -
Исследование распространения макротрещин в массивах горных пород
(БНТУ, 2007)In this paper the simpe optimization problem of laminate discontinued rocks is considered. The paper presents some possible formulations of optimal structural design problem based on probabilistic approaches due to possible incompleteness of information concerning crack size, location and orientation. Using these approaches optimal designs for laminate rocks approximated to the ...2020-06-01 -
Сенсорные молекулярные микроанализаторы идентификации веществ
(БНТУ, 2007)Results of research and modeling of adsorption-sensoric interactions of carbon rumomaterial with dangerous gases and explosive materials are submitted. The design of laboratory on a chip is described.2020-06-01 -
Формирование системы дифференциальных уравнений в задаче Буссинеска в переменных Эйлера и определение перемещений
(БНТУ, 2007)This work contains development of solution of the problems of theory of elasticity in curvilinear coordinates for displacement. For accurate solution of system of differential equations it is necessary to receive all equations for the same system for Euler s coordinates.2020-06-01