Browsing Выпуск 17 by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 70
Сенсорные микросистемы на поверхностных акустических волнах
(БНТУ, 2004)The most promising tendency in development сенсорики represents mining of intelligent sensor} microsystems (ISMS) on the basis of integf-ating sensory, processor and actuators. At present work the problems ofdesigning ISMS with SA W with frequency band 100 MHz — 2 GHz conforming to dimensional area of technology micro and a nanoelectronics and the microelectromechanics are ...2020-06-15 -
Дисперсионные зависимости поверхностных акустических волн в структуре LilNbO,/a:C
(БНТУ, 2004)From the point ofview the microelectromechanics the surface acoustic waves (SA W) in multilayer structures consisting of a crystalline substrate and several parallel plate functional layers of different thickness from crystalline, polycrystallic, nanostructured or amorphous materials. One of the most perspective material of a SAW substrate is the single-crystal lithium niobate ...2020-06-15 -
Методика использования САПР для исследования механических систем
(БНТУ, 2004)Scientific investigation of mechanism is impossible without mathematical modeling. CAE software i the best tool for simulation of complicated dynamical system’s behavior. The idea of designer’s universi work place is formulated. Agricultural vehicle suspension with hydropneumatic springs was designei Suspension designing and all necessary calculations were performed using CAD/CAE ...2020-06-15 -
Моделирование волновых движений в кубически анизотропных средах на базе метода характеристик
(БНТУ, 2004)The expressions for velocities of propagation of elastic waves are obtained, and also for coordinates of points of cubic anisotropic medium, up to which the wave perturbation has reached. With their help the wave surface and surface of inverse velocities of quasitransversal waves is constructed.2020-06-15 -
Применение компьютерной математики для решения задач динамической теории упругости
(БНТУ, 2004)The structure of course of laboratory operations «Dynamic problems of the theory of elasticity», designed on faculty of a theoretical and applied mechanics of the Byelorussian state university is submitted. The solution of the tasks of laboratory operations is under construction with the help of functions of computer system of «Mathematica». The example of realization of one of ...2020-06-15 -
К 70-летию кафедры Теоретической механики БНТУ
(БНТУ, 2004)Чигарев, А. В. К 70-летию кафедры Теоретической механики БНТУ / А. В. Чигарев, Н. И. Горбач // Теоретическая и прикладная механика : международный научно-технический сборник / Белорусский национальный технический университет ; редкол.: А. В. Чигарев (пред. редкол.) [и др.]. – Минск : Технопринт, 2004. – Вып. 17. – С. 4-11.2020-06-15 -
Связанность теплового и механического полей в динамических задачах в напряжениях для изотропных и анизотропных сред
(БНТУ, 2004)On the equations of weak disruptures for combined equations of a motion isotropic and cubic anisotropic mediums noted in builders of a stress tensor, the expressions for coefficients of a connectedness of mechanical and thermal fields are obtained. Is shown, that at magnification of dimensionality of a problem (on spatial coordinate) the values of coefficients of a connectedness ...2020-06-15 -
Информационные технологии и парадигма современного образования и науки
(БНТУ, 2004)The contemporary conception of an education and a science is considered. The basic of this conception is synergetic paradigm which proposes the system method for a consideration of the problems of education and science. This method is proposed for the construction of course of theoretical mechanics. We propose to study more general lows and principles of mechanics, then applications ...2020-06-15 -
Расчет кинематических параметров в сферических координатах матричным методом
(БНТУ, 2004)Analytical dependenciesfor calculating speed and acceleration of the point are obtained by matrix method. The given methodology is usedfor robots—manipulators working in spherical system of coordinates.2020-06-15 -
Определение спектра собственных частот демпфера центробежной установки
(БНТУ, 2004)The methods of definition of natural frequencies of resilient circular plate were developed, using variational equation of elementary layer balance.2020-06-15 -
Приближенное решение обыкновенных дифференциальных уравнений второго порядка
(БНТУ, 2004)The new method ofproblem solving of Cauchyfor differenńal second-kind equations with variable coefficients is offered which rests on a reduction of this equation to the equation Rickati. The solution last is under construction on the basis of a method of a linearization. The estimates of approximation of the precise and approximate solution are given.2020-06-15 -
Классическая механика как основа современных методов моделирования свойств материалов: пример вибрационной релаксации
(БНТУ, 2004)It is emphasized that classical mechanics is a film basis for computer modeling a variety of phenomena on macro-, meso- and microscopic levels. Vibrational relaxation is considered as an example.2020-06-15 -
Исследование деформации ортотропного полупространства от заданной нормальной нагрузки
(БНТУ, 2004)Based on the new conception of generalformulasfor components of stress pressure and moving oforthotropic in this work it is investigation influence of anisotropic propertus of material on deformation characteristics. Immersion of border of orthotrophic half space defending on action of normal load it is determined using method potential.2020-06-15 -
Разрешающая способность метода осреднения и статистического обращения для идентификации макро- и микроструктуры среды
(БНТУ, 2004)Let us consider the problem of resolution of the method of averages and statistical inversion methodfor the identification of macro- and microstructure of a medium. The quality of identification is essentially affected by the distribution of the sources of detecting emission and the receivers of dispersed field. These problems are wide investigated in many papers. We will restrict ...2020-06-15 -
Геометрические формы безмоментных оболочек, подкрепленных упругим кольцом
(БНТУ, 2004)Nonlinear integro-differential equation for determination of meridian of revolution s shell in which given external loading induce momentless state is derived. Theformula for determination ofsurface ofelastic supported ring is obtained.2020-06-15 -
Волновые движения в кубически анизотропных телах
(БНТУ, 2004)It is obtained general solution of the problem of waves propagation in cubic anisotropic bodies by means of Helmholtz equation solutions.2020-06-15 -
Моделирование кондуктометрического метода измерений показателя pH в смеси растворов кислот и щелочей
(БНТУ, 2004)The model of non-straight method of pH factor measurement in acid-alkali mixture based on measurement of material quantity in separate components of mixture is described. Mathematical model allows us to calculate tolerable meanings of metrological characteristics of measurement channels and technical cha?-acteristics of the object of measurement (i. e. volumes and concentrations ...2020-06-15 -
Вероятностные задачи механики в прикладной теории случайных колебаний
(БНТУ, 2004)Some probability problems in an applied mechanics of the random vibration are discussed.2020-06-15 -
Применение информационных компьютерных технологий в учебном процессе
(БНТУ, 2004)Some problems of construction of the automatized training system (ATS) of applied mechanics are touched in this article. The ATS consists of two information blocks: an electronic directory and control-checking system. The electronic directory includes some amount of numbei-ed contexts. Questions of a different level of difficulty form this testing system. Question's selection is ...2020-06-15 -
Методические и организационные проблемы специализации «Компьютерная механика» в БНТУ
(БНТУ, 2004)The paper deals with the peculiarities of organization of «Computational Mechanics» at any technical university. It concerns significant increasing of mathematical and comuter-oriented disciplines at the curriculum.2020-06-15