Browsing by Publisher: Выпуск 17 "БНТУ"
Now showing items 1-20 of 69
Автоматизация проектирования физико-химических методов обработки
(БНТУ, 2004)It is offered to use the criteria describing controllable parameters of technological system at the automated designing physical and chemical methods of processing. Designing plasma-mechanical, electromagnetic and electron-beam superficial processing of constructional materials is considered. It is shown, that transitions of technological system from one condition in another are ...2020-06-15 -
Автоматизированная обучающая система по иностранным языкам для неязыковых вузов
(БНТУ, 2004)Автоматизированная обучающая система по иностранным языкам для неязыковых вузов / Я. В. Петросян [и др.] // Теоретическая и прикладная механика : международный научно-технический сборник / Белорусский национальный технический университет ; редкол.: А. В. Чигарев (пред. редкол.) [и др.]. – Минск : Технопринт, 2004. – Вып. 17. – С. 189-193.2020-06-15 -
Автоматические генерирование задач по теоретической механике
(БНТУ, 2004)In the paper an idea of automatic generation of problems in statics, kinematics and kinetics is presented. The main objective of the work is to simplify the process ofpreparing sets of unique problems for students. For prepared types of typical problems a computer system (e.g. Mathematical can generate a large number of similar problems. In this way each student in the group can ...2020-06-15 -
Альтернативная методика изучения равновесия механических систем
(БНТУ, 2004)Methods of analysis of statically determined mechanical systems are described in the thesis submitted to define contact reactions without balance conditions compiling. Beam models are considered as a method basis. It promotes students long-term learning and engineering intuition development.2020-06-15 -
Анализ методов регулирования неравномерности вращения главного вала машины в установившемся режиме движения
(БНТУ, 2004)The use of the modem computational equipment allows to solve the problems of the rotation velocity control of the main drive shaft of the machine at the steady- state conditions and the determinations of the motion law on the higher and qualitatively new standard. Some recommendations on this problems are given.2020-06-15 -
Вероятностные задачи механики в прикладной теории случайных колебаний
(БНТУ, 2004)Some probability problems in an applied mechanics of the random vibration are discussed.2020-06-15 -
Возможности и проблемы информационных технологий в преподавании прикладной механики
(БНТУ, 2004)The report gives the structure of information technology teaching, and also it defines the problems and gives the example of the «Applied mechanics» course realization.2020-06-15 -
Возникновение хаоса при распространении волновых фронтов в неоднородных средах
(БНТУ, 2004)Appearing of chaos at an propagation of waves in the determined heterogeneous media to invistigation in the general case yet it is not possible. The ray method allows to reduce partial differential equation to the ordinary nonlinear differential equations, to which investigation it is possible to apply methods of nonlinear dynamic of systems. The closed systems of the equations ...2020-06-15 -
Волновые движения в кубически анизотропных телах
(БНТУ, 2004)It is obtained general solution of the problem of waves propagation in cubic anisotropic bodies by means of Helmholtz equation solutions.2020-06-15 -
Вопросы курсового проектирования технологических машин по заданной величине коэффициента производительности
(БНТУ, 2004)Bases of а statement of а rate «the Theory of mechanisms and machines» are considered (examined), proceeding from understanding of the machine, as tool for realization of technologies with set productivity. To mechanisms in this rate the role of means for construction of the specified machines is allocated (removed).2020-06-15 -
Вопросы механики разрушения в курсе «Физика отказов и основы надежности машин»
(БНТУ, 2004)The report presents the curriculum of the following course «Physics of failure and machine reliability fundamental», and also given the examples of the applied uses of lineir mechanics of destruction.2020-06-15 -
Вращение непроводящих тел в электрореологических суспензиях в постоянном электрическом поле
(БНТУ, 2004)Consideration is given to rotation of nonconducting bodies in electrorheological suspensions (ERS). Experimental data are presented describing the effect of an electric field on the rotation speed as well as on rheological and electrophysical properties of ERS. Two examples of engineering applications are presented.2020-06-15 -
Геометрические формы безмоментных оболочек, подкрепленных упругим кольцом
(БНТУ, 2004)Nonlinear integro-differential equation for determination of meridian of revolution s shell in which given external loading induce momentless state is derived. Theformula for determination ofsurface ofelastic supported ring is obtained.2020-06-15 -
Дисперсионные зависимости поверхностных акустических волн в структуре LilNbO,/a:C
(БНТУ, 2004)From the point ofview the microelectromechanics the surface acoustic waves (SA W) in multilayer structures consisting of a crystalline substrate and several parallel plate functional layers of different thickness from crystalline, polycrystallic, nanostructured or amorphous materials. One of the most perspective material of a SAW substrate is the single-crystal lithium niobate ...2020-06-15 -
Значение исторического экскурса в эффективности преподавания курса ТММ
(БНТУ, 2004)Knowledge of the history of science is an important factor of increasing of teaching efficiency level of students in the course of the theory of machines and mechanisms. It has practical, educational and upbrining importance.2020-06-15 -
Измерение параметров свободных и локализованных носителей заряда в объектах с индуцированной неоднородностью
(БНТУ, 2004)1п this work the procedure of measurement of charge carrier parameters in non-homogeneous object of measurement — monocrystal indium arsenide with inversion channels on the surface is proposed. Analysis that was held shows that using of integral characteristic of formation process of complex integral galvanomagnet measurement signal in selected object allows us to determinate ...2020-06-15 -
Информационные технологии в общепрофессиональной подготовке студентов
(БНТУ, 2004)It is considered the applications of informational technologies and remote teaching in pantoprofessional training of students. It is described the conception of construction of electronic document-trainers and use them in educational process.2020-06-15 -
Информационные технологии и парадигма современного образования и науки
(БНТУ, 2004)The contemporary conception of an education and a science is considered. The basic of this conception is synergetic paradigm which proposes the system method for a consideration of the problems of education and science. This method is proposed for the construction of course of theoretical mechanics. We propose to study more general lows and principles of mechanics, then applications ...2020-06-15 -
Использование мнимого времени в реальных задачах механики
(БНТУ, 2004)The methodical aspects of the teaching of the mechanical problems with imaginary time are discussed on the two examples (WKB approximation and sound absorption at high frequency).2020-06-15 -
Использование многовариантных задач по теоретической механике
(БНТУ, 2004)Неге there are stated the results of using of tasks with 29 variants at the lessons. The tasks are taken from the special task book, the effect is exxcellent. Using of the similar method to the correspondence course allowsto increase the quantity of the ciphers for many times.2020-06-15