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Now showing items 1-20 of 131
К вопросу раскрытия некоторых проблем международного сотрудничества и взаимной помощи таможенных органов Европейского союза
(БНТУ, 2020)This article is dedicated to overview conceptions of mutual assistance and cooperation between the customs administrations of the European Union, to explain models of mutual assistance, their compliance with legal requirements, as well as to consider some of the problems of international cooperation and mutual assistance of customs authorities within the EU.2021-01-27 -
Таможенная политика Республики Беларусь в рамках сотрудничества с Китайской Народной Республикой
(БНТУ, 2020)The article is devoted to the study of key priorities of customs policy of the Republic of Belarus in the framework of cooperation with the People’s Republic of China. The influence of international concept of the Economic Belt of the Silk Road on the improvement of customs policy of the Republic of Belarus is studied.2021-01-27 -
К вопросу природы сущности таможенного контроля в Республике Беларусь
(БНТУ, 2020)The article aims to define the concept of customs control and its legal essence in the Republic of Belarus, customs control is an integral part of state control. Customs control as a part of customs reveals itself in all its components: at the formation of customs policy, moving across the customs border of goods and vehicles, levying and payment of customs duties, etc. Transported ...2021-01-27 -
Белорусско-китайское сотрудничество в образовательной сфере: формы и перспективы
(БНТУ, 2020)Belarus and China are developing intensive interaction in various fields, including education. Higher education cooperation between the two countries has enormous potential. In China, there is a high demand for learning Russian and a desire to do business between Belarus and China. In March 2019, representatives of the city of Gorki paid a visit to Inner Mongolia province. The ...2021-01-27 -
Формирование понимания значимости развития цифровых навыков и цифровых образовательных технологий
(БНТУ, 2020)The issues of digital literacy and digital education are considered, the problems of digital education in secondary schools are identified, as well as innovations in Internet education.2021-01-27 -
К вопросу об особенностях перемещения через таможенную границу наличной валюты, платежных документов в иностранной валюте и памятных монет из драгоценных металлов
(БНТУ, 2020)The article reflects the procedure for moving the currency of the Republic of Belarus, securities in the currency of the Republic of Belarus, foreign currency and other currency value. The basic basic concepts are described, customs territory, customs border, сurrency values. On the submission of documents to confirm the origin of cash and (or) monetary instruments.2021-01-27 -
К вопросу применения таможенной процедуры таможенного транзита в соответствии с конвенцией МДП
(БНТУ, 2020)In the course of international road transport, the customs authorities of the transit States impose requirements on the transported goods in accordance with national legislation. These requirements may differ from each other, but often involve the inspection of goods and vehicles when they cross the border and ensuring the payment of customs duties (guarantee, Deposit, Deposit, ...2021-01-27 -
К вопросу о таможенной логистике в Республике Беларусь
(БНТУ, 2020)Speaking about logistic, it is necessary to remember about her applied value in life of society that consists of development and application of effective methods of management material and other streams in the spheres of production and appeal. Thus inter se the productive is organically associate, transport, ware-house, informative, financial and commercial constituents. And if ...2021-01-27 -
К вопросу о коррупции и ее причинах в таможенных органах Республики Беларусь
(БНТУ, 2020)The article is devoted to the analysis of the nature of customs corruption. Key factors which lead to corruption in customs administration are given. Relation between state of economy and corruption is considered. Also, some measures that have been already done by customs authorities of the Republic of Belarus in the sphere of fight against corruption are examined.2021-01-27 -
Деконструкция культуры и феномен Ван Шо
(БНТУ, 2020)The author considers the development of mass culture in China at the end of the last century, analyzes the conditions for the emergence of the "Wang Shuo phenomenon" in Chinese mass culture of the 1980s-1990s, the internal content of the terms "deconstruction" and "de-charm" in relation to elite culture in China reflecting the process of spreading and absorption of other types ...2021-01-27 -
Таможенные органы как органы дознания
(БНТУ, 2020)А special theoretical and practical interest is an inquiry in the customs law. The danger of crimes in this sphere is growing, as it acquires a more organized and large-scale character. The article examines the inquiry as a form of preliminary investigation in the activities of customs authorities.2021-01-27 -
Роль рекламы в массовой культуре и фактор ее формирования
(БНТУ, 2020)This article is devoted to the role of advertising in mass culture and the factors of its formation. The article underlines that advertising has become a universal cultural phenomenon. Advertising gives people new information, new experiences, but even today advertising continues to be perceived ambiguously in society. On the one hand, it essentially appeals to the values of ...2021-01-27 -
Адаптивная физическая культура в условиях специализированного интерната
(БНТУ, 2020)The article presents the results of the analysis of the current state of inclusive education in China and the Republic of Belarus. Recommendations for improving the organization of the educational process in the academic subject "Adaptive physical culture" are offered. A correctional and developmental technique has been developed for children with severe and (or) multiple physical ...2021-01-27 -
Сущность и характер массовой культуры
(БНТУ, 2020)The article is devoted to the role of mass culture in society. The article emphasizes that mass culture penetrates almost all spheres of society. Mass culture, compensating for the feeling of helplessness of the average person, creates images of supermen, overcoming those obstacles that are insurmountable in practice, winning where the average person will inevitably be defeated.2021-01-27 -
Образ Китая через призму ассоциативного эксперимента
(БНТУ, 2020)This article focuses on the modelling of the image of China through the prism of the consciousness of Belarusians and Russians on the basis of the association experiment. The making up of the association field allowed to model the cognitive structure which reflects the perception of the image of China.2021-01-27 -
Подвижные игры как возможность формирования произвольной саморегуляции двигательной деятельности младших школьников
(БНТУ, 2020)Studying the problem of the development of self-regulation processes in children is of great theoretical and practical importance. Self-regulation of activity is a particular type of voluntary control and is characterized by the use of significant volitional efforts aimed at overcoming obstacles and difficulties. Today, one of the trends in the study of self-regulation of educational ...2021-01-27 -
Методы воссоздания и сохранения дворцово-усадебных комплексов Беларуси второй половины XIX - начала XXвека
(БНТУ, 2020)The article discusses the methods of recreation and preservation of palace and manor complexes of Belarus in the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries. It is necessary to search for ways to preserve, recreate and further use the objects of manor architecture.2021-01-27 -
Изучение влияния визуального самоанализа на скорость выроботки двигательного навыка
(БНТУ, 2020)Кирейцев, А. А. Изучение влияния визуального самоанализа на скорость выроботки двигательного навыка / А. А. Кирейцев ; науч. рук. Н. О. Мартусевич // Новые горизонты - 2020 : сборник материалов VII Белорусско-Китайского молодежного инновационного форума, 17 ноября 2020 года / Белорусский национальный технический университет. – Минск : БНТУ, 2020. – Т. 2. – С. 103.2021-01-27 -
К вопросу невербальных особенностей в поведении руководителя
(БНТУ, 2020)The article considers the external pattern of the Manager's behavior. The elements of nonverbal and kinesics – the science that studies the character and state of a person by the external pattern of his behavior and the communication functions of body movements-are studied. Physiognomy and facial expressions, gestures and postures, spatial zones and placement of partners are ...2021-01-27 -
Концепции маркетинговых стратегий
(БНТУ, 2020)The article discusses ten basic concepts of marketing strategies: production,commodity, sales, traditional, integrated, competitive, market, socio-ethical, relationship, innovative. The advantages and disadvantages of each concept, the factors of their influence on commercial activity, the conditions for successful application are analyzed in detail.2021-01-27