Материалы конференции по статьям: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 100
Деловая корреспонденция на иностранном языке с учетом последних тенденций
(БНТУ, 2013)The article offers a descriptive account of business correspondence in recent years. It indicates that there is a relaxation of formality in many workplaces in everything including business writing. The article also considers basic principles of business written communication.2015-02-02 -
Сочетание традиционных и современных информационно-методических форм обучения при организации учебного процесса на кафедре нормальной анатомии УО «БГМУ»
(БНТУ, 2013)The article describes the basic direction of the organization of educational process at the department of normal anatomy of Belarusian State Medical University.2015-01-30 -
Инновационные технологии в преподавании дисциплины «Внутренние болезни»
(БНТУ, 2013)Nowadays traditional technology of training «from knowledge to skills» have to be complemented by new technologies. Using of telecommunication technologies, the creation of electronic training and methodological complex of the discipline gives a possibility for the construction of the global system of distance education. Applying of innovative technologies allows to prepare ...2015-01-30 -
Использование компьютерной презентации как средства повышения эффективности обучения иностранным языкам
(БНТУ, 2013)Computer presentation is considered to be an important and very effective tool while teaching foreign languages. The tips aimed at making a successful presentation are emphasized in this article.2015-01-30 -
Программные средства генерации фрактальных изображений
(БНТУ, 2013)Describes the technology of creation of fractal objects. Examples of methodical instructions on creating fractal images in the program Apophysis.2015-01-30 -
Профессиональная ориентация лиц с двигательными ограничениями
(БНТУ, 2013)The article is devoted studying of a problem of vocational orientation in a life of people with intellectual and physical restrictions. In connection with steady increase in quantity of persons with intellectual and physical restrictions it is necessary to introduce more widely new forms and technologies of their professional rehabilitation that opens a way to more high-grade ...2015-01-30 -
Улучшение качества обучения путем комплексного использования программного ресурса «МyТestX» при изучении органической химии в ходе подготовки инженеров-химиков-технологов
(БНТУ, 2013)Our experience in complex use of educational program «МyТestX» resources in the teaching of «Organic Chemistry» course at the stage of «Halogenated Hydrocarbons» topic studying to improve the quality of teaching is presented in this report.2015-01-30 -
Автоматизированные обучающие системы
(БНТУ, 2013)To get the profession student needs to master programmers of the general and special disciplines. Each discipline has a theoretical and practical topics in which students face a number of emerging problems: a lack of time for independent study, a limited number of publications, a small number of training places for carrying out practical exercises in the classroom, etc. The ...2015-01-30 -
Мультимедийные презентации в курсе «Молекулярная физика» для инженерно-технических специальностей
(БНТУ, 2013)On the basis of guidance manuals developed a multimedia presentation course «Molecular physics». In the presentation clearly presents issues of structure of this course.2015-01-30 -
Использование информационно-коммуникационных технологий – ключевой фактор улучшения качества обучения в учреждениях среднего специального образования
(БНТУ, 2013)In the summary of the present report we state the actuality of the use of information-communicational technologies in the process of study in secondary special educational establishments.2015-01-30 -
Разработка и внедрение системы менеджмента качества в учреждении образования «Полоцкий торгово-технологический колледж» БЕЛКООПСОЮЗА
(БНТУ, 2013)The theses of the report determine importance, stages and difficulties of development and integration of the quality management system of providing educational services as a way of improving quality of training specialists in secondary-special educational establishments.2015-01-30 -
Оценка деятельности профессорско-преподавательского состава с целью повышения качества образования в ВГУ имени П. М. Машерова
(БНТУ, 2013)We consider the problem of evaluating the training of higher education as an important tool to motivate teachers to improve their work. Experience of developing criteria for evaluation of faculty at an educational institution of Vitebsk State University named after P. M. Masherov.2015-01-30 -
Информационные технологии в техническом образовании
(БНТУ, 2013)The purpose of researches is working out of the concept of filling of discipline «Information and computer technologies in formation» the first step of higher education entered into curricula was at engineering-pedagogical faculty BNTU. It is shown that as a result of discipline studying there is an expansion of outlook and formation at students of technical college of independent ...2015-01-30 -
Использование игр и музыки в обучении иностранным языкам
(БНТУ, 2013)The article is devoted to the usage of such active learning methods as games and music in the process of teaching foreign languages. It also deals with the research of peculiarities and specific conditions necessary for game’s organization. The author emphasizes its importance not only for teaching purposes but also for creation friendly and positive atmosphere, for overall ...2015-01-30 -
Организация управляемой самостоятельной работы студентов с использованием ПЭВМ
(БНТУ, 2013)The content of an electronic teaching method complex of exercises for the organization of operated independent work of students and its control using PC is described in this paper.2015-01-30 -
О некоторых аспектах инновационной деятельности в изучении дисциплины «Автоматика и управление»
(БНТУ, 2013)The work describes the experience in usage of personal computer in studying «Automation and management» at Minsk State Higher Aviation College.2015-01-30 -
Практико-ориентированное обучение как средство повышения качества профессиональной подготовки будущих учителей
(БНТУ, 2013)The article pays much attention to the importance of equipping future teachers with knowledge and skills, connected with successful management of different educational (pedagogical) situations, which rise both in the educational process and the process of interpersonal communication between teacher and students. The technology of organizing classes in pedagogics, concentrated on ...2015-01-30 -
Применение инновационных технологий при преподавании прикладных дисциплин экономического профиля
(БНТУ, 2013)This paper analyzes the practical application of interactive teaching methods in higher education in the teaching disciplines of economics.2015-01-30 -
Современные и традиционные подходы к обучению студентов на кафедре нормальной анатомии БГМУ
(БНТУ, 2013)Anatomy is one of the most difficult basic disciplines in the medical curriculum. Use of modern teaching modalities and electronic technologies provides more efficient specialist training. At the department of anatomy of BSMU modern technologies are introduced in different forms of anatomy training: lectures, self study, and test control. Our experience supports the opinion that ...2015-01-30 -
Принципы разработки обучающих и контролирующих тестов по разделу «Механика» в курсе «Физика»
(БНТУ, 2013)The article deals with the structure of an electronic tests for students when learning in mechanics. Computer tests are part of the educational computer systematic complex in mechanics. There are tests of self-learning and check tests. Computer tests are developed by using PHP / Flash technology to be possibility for students in network Internet and self home preparation work.2015-01-30