Now showing items 41-60 of 496

    • Determination of the Concentration of Tm3+ and Ho3+ Ions in the Glass and Crystalline Phases in Oxyfluoride Glass Ceramics by Absorption Spectra Analysis 

      Yasukevich, A. S.; Kisel, V. E.; Trusova, E. E.; Rachkovskaya, G. E.; Zakharevich, G. B.; Podbolotov, K. B.; Gurin, V. S. (БНТУ, 2024)
      Optical glass ceramics based on oxyfluoride glasses activated by rare earth ions have attractive properties for development of lasers and near-infrared amplifiers, since they combine properties of fluoride crystals with low phonon frequencies and chemical and mechanical properties of oxide matrices. Spectroscopic properties of activator ions in crystalline and glass phases of ...
    • Determination of the Error in Transferring of Length Unit’s Size when Measuring the Nanoparticles’ Diameter Using an Analyzer of Particles’ Differential Electrical Mobility 

      Solomakho, V. L.; Bagdun, A. A. (БНТУ, 2021)
      The quality of nanomaterials and nanotechnologies is largely determined by the stability of the applied technologies, which, to a large extent, depend on the constancy of particle sizes. In this regard, metrological problems arise that are associated both with measuring the dimensions of the microstructure of aerosols, suspensions and powders, and with ensuring the uniformity of ...
    • Development and investigation of new design piezoelectric laser beam shutter 

      Bubulis, A.; Jurenas, V.; Mačiukienė, V.; Navickaite, S. (БНТУ, 2012)
      In this paper authors investigate laser beam shutting system of a new design. The scheme of the investigated laser beam shutter and working principle are explained. According the experi-mental research results of the developed laser beam shutting system was performed.
    • Development and Testing of a Methodology for Assessing of the Correlation Velocity Measurements’ Accuracy for the Hydrodynamic Investigations of the Turbulent Coolant Flow in Nuclear Reactor Elements 

      Konovalov, I. A.; Chesnokov, A. A.; Barinov, A. A.; Dmitriev, S. M.; Khrobostov, A. E.; Legchanov, M. A.; Borodin, S. S.; Makarov, M. A. (БНТУ, 2021)
      The correlation method of the coolant flow measuring is widely used in research practice including for studying of turbulent coolant flows in scale models of elements of nuclear power plants. The aim of this work was to develop a technique for assessing the effect of noise recorded by a measuring system on the flow rate readings obtained using the correlation method. A technique ...
    • Development of Engineering Models of Nanosatellites for Student Training 

      Evchik, V. Е.; Spiridonov, A. A.; Ushakov, D. V.; Baranova, V. S.; Shalatonin, I. A.; Saechnikov, V. A. (БНТУ, 2022)
      The work purpose is the development of BSUIM-1 and BSUIM-2 complexes for training specialists in the aerospace industry with the used engineering test beds and experimental facilities. Two sets of nanosatellite engineering models and ground stations had developed. They allow testing hardware and software of the onboard equipment and payload, simulating operation modes, and flight ...
    • Development of Executive Equipment Design for Implementing the Process of Generating of Drops of Micro- and Nanoscale Range 

      Kuznetsov, M. A.; Ilyaschenko, D. P.; Kryukov, A. V.; Solodsky, S. A.; Lavrova, E. V.; Verkhoturova, E. V. (БНТУ, 2021)
      Modeling of velocities and temperatures processes distribution in the plasma-forming channel determining the design features and optimal parameters of the plasma torch nozzle is one of promising directions in development of plasma technologies. The aim of this work was to simulate the processes of velocities and temperature distribution in the plasma-forming channel and to determine ...
    • Devices and Methods for Measuring of the Ambient Air Dust. Short Review 

      Mukhurov, N. I.; Khodin, A. A.; Kim, Y.-J. (БНТУ, 2022)
      The main characteristics of airborne micro/nanoparticles, their impact on human health and air quality standards are presented. International standards classify microparticles by size (PM10, PM2.5, PM1, UFP), establish maximum allowable concentrations and control methods. Particular attention is paid to carbonand virus-containing microparticles control. To monitor the air environment ...
    • Diffuse Reflectance Spectrophotometers Based on C12880MA and C11708MA Mini-Spectrometers Hamamatsu 

      Firago, V. A.; Levkovich, N. V.; Shuliko, K. I. (БНТУ, 2022)
      Diffuse reflection spectroscopy with spatial resolution is a promising direction of non-destructive control of the properties of a number of scattering fine-dispersed materials, including food products. It can find wide practical application only in the presence of compact, easy-to-use and inexpensive spectrophotometric equipment. The aim of the article is to investigate the ...
    • Digital Spectral Analysis by means of the Method of Averag Modified Periodograms Using Binary-Sign Stochastic Quantization of Signals 

      Yakimov, V. N. (БНТУ, 2021)
      The method of averaging modified periodograms is one of the main methods for estimating the power spectral density (PSD). The aim of this work was the development of mathematical and algorithmic support, which can increase the computational efficiency of signals digital spectral analysis by this method. The solution to this problem is based on the use of binary-sign stochastic ...
    • Digital Spectral Analysis by means of the Method of Averag Modified Periodograms Using Binary-Sign Stochastic Quantization of Signals 

      Yakimov, V. N. (БНТУ, 2021)
      The method of averaging modified periodograms is one of the main methods for estimating the power spectral density (PSD). The aim of this work was the development of mathematical and algorithmic support, which can increase the computational efficiency of signals digital spectral analysis by this method. The solution to this problem is based on the use of binary-sign stochastic ...
    • Dislocation avalanches and strain bursts in the boards of radio-engineering equipment 

      Bogorosh, A.; Višniakov, N.; Novickij, J.; Bubulis, A. (БНТУ, 2013)
      The aim of this work is to investigate the influence of vibrations on the material of the board. For that purpose a cascade of navigation devices boards was installed on the vibrational stand. Experiments were performed in the 0,5–10 Hz vibrational diapason range; 0–3 V voltage range; 0 – +45 °C allowed temperature range. Amplitude method was applied to determine the coordinates ...
    • Dual Wavelength Chirped Pulse Regenerative Amplifier Based on Yb3+:LuAlO3 Crystal for Terahertz Applications 

      Rudenkov, A.; Kisel, V.; Yasukevich, A.; Hovhannesyan, K.; Petrosyan, A.; Kuleshov, N. (БНТУ, 2020)
      Compact diode-pumped chirped pulse regenerative amplifier systems with pulse repetition rate of hundreds kilohertz based on Yb3+-doped crystals are of practical importance for wide range of applications such as materials processing, medicine, scientific research, etc. The aim of this work was to study the Yb3+:LuAlO3 crystal based dual wavelength chirped pulse regenerative ...
    • Dynamic Features of Spectra of Single and Quasi-Periodic Measuring Signals 

      Suchodolov, U. V.; Isaev, A. V.; Sheinikau, A. A. (БНТУ, 2022)
      Solving the problems of spectral processing of single and quasi-periodic signals in measurement and diagnostic systems is directly related to their isolation against the background of external interference or noise. The purpose of this work was to study single and quasi-periodic signals, i. e. signals limited in time, presented as separate components; development of a mathematical ...
    • Er,Yb:Ca3RE2(BO3)4 (RE=Y, Gd) – Novel 1.5 μm Laser Crystals 

      Gorbachenya, K. N.; Deineka, R. V.; Kisel, V. E.; Yasukevich, A. S.; Shekhovtsov, A. N.; Kosmyna, M. B.; Kuleshov, N. V. (БНТУ, 2019)
      The search for new crystalline host materials for the usage in lasers emitting in the eye-safe spectral range of 1.5–1.6 μm is an important task. The aim of this work was to study the growth technique, spectroscopic properties and laser characteristics of new active media – crystals Er3+,Yb3+:Ca3RE2(BO3)4 (RE=Y, Gd). Calcium-yttrium Er3+,Yb3+:Ca3Y2(BO3)4 (CYB) and calcium-gadolinium ...
    • Evaluation of Nonuniformity of Elastic Properties of Sheets Made from Closed-Сell Polyolefin Foams by Acoustic Method 

      Bogdan, O. P.; Zlobin, D. V.; Muraveva, O. V.; Molin, S. M.; Platunov, A. V. (БНТУ, 2021)
      The widespread use of polyolefin foams in strategically important industries is due to their high thermal, sound and vibration insulation properties. The aim of the work was to evaluate the non-uniformity of elastic properties over the area of sheets of polyolefin foams of various types using the acoustic non-contact shadow amplitude method of testing and confirmation by the ...
    • Evaluation of the Magnet Breakaway Force Measurement Accuracy of the NT-800 Sensors for Early Detection of Defects of Their Manufacturing 

      Kutsepau, A.; Kren, A.; Hnutsenka, Y. (БНТУ, 2021)
      Сontrol of mechanical stresses formed with the deposition of nickel coatings plays an important role in the diagnosis of coatings’ technical condition. Large internal stresses can lead to cracking or flaking of coatings which is completely unacceptable for critical parts and assembly units used, for example, in space technology for which reliability is of paramount importance. ...
    • Evaluation of the Magnet Breakaway Force Measurement Accuracy of the NT-800 Sensors for Early Detection of Defects of Their Manufacturing 

      Kutsepau, A.; Kren, A.; Hnutsenka, Y. (БНТУ, 2021)
      Сontrol of mechanical stresses formed with the deposition of nickel coatings plays an important role in the diagnosis of coatings’ technical condition. Large internal stresses can lead to cracking or flaking of coatings which is completely unacceptable for critical parts and assembly units used, for example, in space technology for which reliability is of paramount importance. ...
    • Expanding of Excimer Laser Photoablation’s Functionality in Ophthalmology 

      Alekseev, V. A.; Kostin, V. G.; Usoltseva, A. V.; Usoltsev, V. P.; Yuran, S. I. (БНТУ, 2021)
      One of the significant weaknesses of excimer laser-based vision correction devices is the difficulty of achieving a required change in the refractive properties of the cornea to sharply focus the image on the retina with distance from the working area (ablation zone) center to the periphery due to a change in the laser beam incidence angle. The study is aimed at improving the ...
    • Experimental Installation for Determination of Attenuation Coefficient of Permanent Magnetic Field by Protective Materials 

      Fedosyuk, V. M. (БНТУ, 2021)
      The permanent magnetic field in addition to electromagnetic radiation has a significant effect on performance of devices. This is particularly true for highly sensitive precision measuring equipment, such as, for example, magnetometers or photomultiplier tubes. In this regard a new high-performance materials for protection against permanent fields and electromagnetic radiation ...
    • Features of Measuring the Hardness of a Metal Surface Modified with Ultrafine Particles of Minerals 

      Skazochkin, A. V.; Bondarenko, G. G.; Zukowski, P. (БНТУ, 2020)
      One of the important characteristics of the surface properties of metal parts subjected to friction is hardness. Hardness measurements are important for determining the operational characteristics of parts and monitoring the technological regimes of surface modification. However, hardness measurements of thin modified layers made by different methods can lead to differences in ...