Приемы и методы неценовой конкуренции в промышленности
Bibliographic entry
Жевлакова, А. Ю. Приемы и методы неценовой конкуренции в промышленности / А. Ю. Жевлакова // Сотрудничество - катализатор инновационного роста : сборник материалов 6-го Белорусско-Балтийского форума, Минск, 22–23 декабря 2020 года / Белорусский национальный технический университет. – Минск : БНТУ, 2020. – С. 7-8.
The article is devoted to the industrial competition methods. The article highlights that today there are price and non-price paths of economic competition. Price competition is carried out by reducing the cost of goods and it is effective in introducing new goods to the market. Non-price competition methods include product diversification, quality improvement, and advertising. The author comes to the conclusion that nonprice competition is a more modern method than price competition and has a positive effect on product quality.