Browsing Материалы конференции по статьям by Submit Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 54
Приемы и методы неценовой конкуренции в промышленности
(БНТУ, 2020)The article is devoted to the industrial competition methods. The article highlights that today there are price and non-price paths of economic competition. Price competition is carried out by reducing the cost of goods and it is effective in introducing new goods to the market. Non-price competition methods include product diversification, quality improvement, and advertising. ...2021-02-03 -
Стимулирование инновационной активности предприятий Республики Беларусь
(БНТУ, 2020)Today, the development of the economy of any state is inextricably linked to the place and pace of development of the innovation process. Indicators of innovative activity of enterprises largely depend on the innovation policy adopted in the state, as well as on the ways to stimulate innovation activity. In this regard, it is necessary to assess the effectiveness of each measure ...2021-02-03 -
Развитие предпринимательской среды университета: роль научно-технологического парка
(БНТУ, 2020)The article presents the most important conditions and mechanisms for the formation of an entrepreneurial environment of the university, which is created due to the functioning of the scientific and technological park on the example of the Belarusian National Technical University and the Science and Technology Park BNTU "Polytechnic".2021-02-03 -
Расширение диапазона сырьевых компонентов керамических масс при получении пористых теплоизоляционных материалов
(БНТУ, 2020)Ceramic mass сompositions of the raw materials containing wastes from the mining and metallurgical industries were developed as a result of the experimental studies. Ceramic masses were made for preparing raw granules and thermal-insulating materials were obtained with a set of required physical and mechanical characteristics.2021-02-03 -
Улучшение фотоэлектрических свойств ячейки перовскита на основе метиламмония иодида свинца путем оптимизации характеристик катодного слоя TiOx
(БНТУ, 2020)The influence of the characteristics of the TiOx-based cathodic layer on the photoelectric properties of the perovskite cell was investigated. The formed TiOx layer played the role of an n-type semiconductor. A 2 μm thick perovskite layer based on methylammonium lead iodide was deposited by centrifugation in an argon atmosphere at 85-90 °C. At the final stage, the cathodic and ...2021-02-03 -
Исследование влияния наноуглеродных модификаторов на триботехнические характеристики композиционных газотермических покрытий
(БНТУ, 2020)One of the main tasks in mechanical engineering is to increase the resource of machine parts and mechanisms. To create competitive products, it is necessary to develop coatings with high performance properties, but at the same time economically feasible. In this work, a study was made of the effect of nanocarbon components on the tribotechnical properties of thermal gas composite ...2021-02-03 -
Газопламенное напыление сверхвысокомолекулярного полиэтилена на поверхность пара-арамидных тканей
(БНТУ, 2020)A technology has been developed for the formation of multilayer coatings of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene on the surface of para-aramid fabrics by flame spraying. This technology allows to obtain materials with specific strength at the level of structural steels.2021-02-03 -
Лазерное легирование поверхности мартенситно-стареющей стали
(БНТУ, 2020)Бучелис, К. Лазерное легирование поверхности мартенситно-стареющей стали / К. Бучелис, К. Жлёба, Е. Шкамат // Сотрудничество - катализатор инновационного роста : сборник материалов 6-го Белорусско-Балтийского форума, Минск, 22–23 декабря 2020 года / Белорусский национальный технический университет. – Минск : БНТУ, 2020. – С. 29.2021-02-03 -
Использование лазерной локальной обработки для повышения изгибной жесткости
(БНТУ, 2020)Experimental studies using laser processing are presented, aimed at increasing the rigidity of thin-sheet structures made of carbon steel. Based on the results of the experiments, it was found that local laser treatment can be used to increase the rigidity of structural elements and reduce their deformation under a similar load.2021-02-03 -
Триботехнические характеристики комбинированных покрытий, содержащих керамическую фазу
(БНТУ, 2020)Paper is devoted to the investigation of features of coatings formed by plasma deposition of mechanical mixture of Ni-Cr-based self-fluxing and aluminum oxide powders. Tribological propertied of coatings obtained are determined. Tests are implemented for dry friction mode. Friction coefficient and temperature in friction contact are established. The presence of Al2O3 in the ...2021-02-03 -
«Один Пояс-Один Путь»: возможности инновационной деятельности
(БНТУ, 2020)The article analyzes the paradigm of innovation in the context of the One Belt — One Road initiative with an emphasis on the potential of the Great Stone Industrial Park.2021-02-03 -
Получение наноструктурированных термически напылённых NiCrFeCSeB/WC покрытий с использованием лазерной обработки
(БНТУ, 2020)Шкамат, Е. Получение наноструктурированных термически напылённых NiCrFeCSeB/WC покрытий с использованием лазерной обработки / Е. Шкамат, Ж. Чепуке, О. Чернашеюс // Сотрудничество - катализатор инновационного роста : сборник материалов 6-го Белорусско-Балтийского форума, Минск, 22–23 декабря 2020 года / Белорусский национальный технический университет. – Минск : БНТУ, 2020. – С. 30-31.2021-02-03 -
Особенности получения быстротвердеющих высокопрочных сульфоалюмоферритных цементов
(БНТУ, 2020)The article presents the results of the study of composition and properties of manmade raw materials for the synthesis of fast-curing high-strength sulfo-alumino-ferritic cements. Researching the processes of phase and structure formation in the process of synthesis of clinkers for sulfo-alumino-ferritic cement are reviewed. The physical, mechanical, construction and technical ...2021-02-03 -
Обеспечение радонозащиты в зданиях
(БНТУ, 2020)The article is devoted to the research of radiation safety of building materials and raw materials for their production, as well as radon safety of newly constructed, projected and reconstructed buildings and structures.2021-02-03 -
Разработка окрасочных покрытий для силикатных материалов на основе кремнеземсодержащих техногенных отходов
(БНТУ, 2020)The article presents the results of research on the development of compositions for painting silicate products: silicate bricks and chrysotile cement materials. The binder for coloring coatings is obtained by a weld-free method based on silica gela waste product of the production of aluminum fluoride. silica-containing wastes such as cellular concrete and rock crushing screenings ...2021-02-03 -
Преимущества использования керамических стеновых материалов в строительстве
(БНТУ, 2020)Advantages of using ceramic wall materials in construction: environmental friendliness, low thermal conductivity, high frost resistance, durability, strength.2021-02-03 -
Исследования возможности замены природного щебня и гравия вторичным сырьем при строительстве и ремонте дорог
(БНТУ, 2020)The article is devoted to the study of physical-mechanical and physical-chemical properties of crushed stone obtained by crushing secondary materials. On the basis of comparison of properties of secondary crushed stone and crushed stone from natural materials, the possibility of its use for the device of roads of low categories, intra-factory and transport and technological ways ...2021-02-03 -
Методы стимулирования инвестиционно-инновационного развития предприятий
(БНТУ, 2020)The issues of improving the management of economic development mechanisms based on increasing the innovation potential are described. The directions of increasing the economic efficiency of enterprises in modern conditions based on the use of scientific and technological progress are proposed.2021-02-03 -
Использование в производстве автоклавного ячеистого бетона модифицирующих добавок, обеспечивающих ресурсосбережение и повышение качества готовой продукции
(БНТУ, 2020)In this work, the additive S-DrillTMCL grade A produced by SOOO Synergikom was investigated; "Stachement 2000M" produced by JLLC "Stakhema-M". The obtained research results indicate the advisability of using modifying additives in the technology of autoclaved aerated concrete. The results of industrial tests have shown the effectiveness of their use in order to save resources and ...2021-02-03 -
Разработка методики определения износостойкости асфальтобетона
(БНТУ, 2020)In this article, we described the proposed method of forecasting the wear of asphalt concrete coatings, which allows us to assess the wear of the pavement structure taking into account the abrasion of the wheels of cars, the temperature and humidity of the coating at different stages, thereby choosing more effective materials for the construction and repair of road surfaces, which ...2021-02-03