Now showing items 61-80 of 265

    • Analysis of obstructive factors for opening a business 

      Кухарева, А. Н. (БНТУ, 2020)
      Business development in each country is proceeding at a different pace. In this article, we will conduct a comparative analysis of countries with the best economic indicators, find out what exactly helps them to be in the first places in the world ranking and give a conclusion on what Belarus does not have enough to compete successfully with leading countries.
    • Problems of using outplacement in Belarus 

      Орлова, А. А. (БНТУ, 2020)
      This article discusses the problems of outplacement in the Republic of Belarus and ways to solve them.
    • Design in marketing 

      Волынец, Д. М. (БНТУ, 2020)
      Nowadays, a lot of time is spent on promoting various ways of goods and services for the successful implementation of the business. Success depends on the ability to develop new creative products and services. It is also very important to retain the consumer after the purchased product or service. That will promote the share of fame in the market. Revenue and sales play a more ...
    • Modern trends in staff training in organizations 

      Качанович, В. В. (БНТУ, 2020)
      The article deals with modern trends in the field of training of working personnel in organizations. Various training methods used by organizations for their employees are analyzed, the advantages and disadvantages of the analyzed approaches are considered.
    • Features of entrepreneurship development among youth in the Republic of Belarus 

      Куликович, Е. В. (БНТУ, 2020)
      This article deals with the problems of business development among youth in the Republic of Belarus and ways to solve them.
    • Coworking in Belarus. Origin and current situation 

      Крапивин, Н. П. (БНТУ, 2020)
      Coworking centers in Belarus are becoming more and more popular every year, thus creating the popularity of this topic. Coworking first appeared in 2012 and immediately gained popularity among programmers, freelancers, and people working remotely. Despite the fact that there are more and more such places every year, you need to figure out what exactly makes people visit coworking ...
    • Social networks in marketing 

      Корбут, А. Н. (БНТУ, 2020)
      In this article the issue of selling products on social networks is considered. Also, marketing tools with the help of which an entrepreneur can carry out marketing on social networks are studied.
    • Internet marketing 

      Вандич, А. В. (БНТУ, 2020)
      This article deals with the issue of how the Internet marketing works nowadays, its main trends, directions and ways of interaction between the brand and the client.
    • Development of the creative economy, its relationship with the innovation economy in the Republic of Belarus 

      Бубенникова, Е. Н.; Дроневич, А. О. (БНТУ, 2020)
      Creative economy – an economy that embodies new ideas in a product and formed by the synergetic effect of innovations. This economy is closely interlinked with the innovation economy, which presupposes a certain strategy for the development of scientific and technological developments. It is also important to note the high role and specificity of financing in this area: a common ...
    • Методы «психологического воздействия» на потребителя в маркетинге 

      Чичиков, К. А. (БНТУ, 2020)
      Данная научная работа раскрывает особенности некоторых приёмов нейромаркетинга как инструмент влияния на потребительское поведение. Понять истинную реакцию потребителя на некоторые маркетинговые раздражители.
    • Modern methods of promoting beauty-industry services on the internet 

      Бодрилова, O. A. (БНТУ, 2020)
      In the last few years, significant changes have taken place in the sphere of production and services. The technological process has brought the cosmetic industry to a new level. Modern technologies allow us to quickly and easily receive goods. Innovative changes have affected all kinds of sites on the Internet, which has helped various companies to reach a new level. However, the ...
    • Green marketing in moderm business 

      Бондарчук, E. С. (БНТУ, 2020)
      The article is dedicated to the description of the green marketing and popular eco-trends, the reason for its existence and the impact on the methods of leading business.
    • How ray tracing affected Nvidia 

      Быченков, A. A. (БНТУ, 2020)
      In this article, we will talk about how the entry of a new video card segment into the market affected the profit of one of the most famous video card companies. And also whether the market itself is ready for such innovations. Analysis of what this technology does and how it can help developers.
    • Понятия «самоконтроль» и «справедливость» в новой поведенческой экономике 

      Чирская, А. А. (БНТУ, 2020)
      Данная научная работа раскрывает особенности самоконтроля и справедливости в новой поведенческой экономике, а также формирует само понятие “поведенческая экономика”.
    • influence of availability of ventilation in work / study spaces on quality of work / study 

      Аскольченко, М. В. (БНТУ, 2020)
      This article reflects the importance of having a ventilation system in work / school premises, shows its effect on the work process, and describes how to create ventilation in the absence of professional equipment manufactured for air exchange.
    • Sports in the Republic of Belarus: marketing problems and solutions 

      Бородко, В. А. (БНТУ, 2020)
      The article is devoted to inefficient use of budgetary funds in the world of sports. A new effective marketing financing scheme for Belarusian sport has been offered taking into account the existing issues and principles of the two generally accepted financing models: American and European.
    • Анализ развития логистики в Республике Беларусь 

      Шляжко, К. Н.; Ханеня, А. С. (БНТУ, 2020)
      В современных условиях, каждое предприятие пытается повысить эффективность работы. Одним из инструментов повышения эффективности работы является логистика. В Беларуси логистика не получила еще должного развития. Однако, большинство предприятий начинают активно внедрять логистические методы и концепции в свою производственно-сбытовую деятельность. Это будет способствовать повышению ...
    • Новые возможности развития бизнеса в условиях цифровой экономики 

      Зуёнок, К. А. (БНТУ, 2020)
      В статье излагаются новые возможности развития бизнеса в условиях цифровой экономики. Исследуется важность информационных технологий в экономике, акцентируется внимание на тенденциях компьютеризации и возможностях потребителей иметь быстрый и легкий доступ к любым товарам и услугам.
    • Креативная экономика как часть процесса глобализации 

      Русанова, Д. А. (БНТУ, 2020)
      Креативная экономика – одна из отраслей экономики, где наиболее ярко отражены процессы глобализации в последнее десятилетия. Активно развивающая сфера, имеющая тенденцию роста импорта и экспорта своих услуг и поддерживающая национальный и глобальный рынок новыми товарами и услугами, тем самым обеспечивая стабильный рынок. Актуальность данной темы заключается в необходимости ...
    • Особенности потребителя поколения «тоста с авокадо» 

      Чирская, А. А. (БНТУ, 2020)
      Данная научная работа раскрывает особенности потребителя поколения «тоста с авокадо», а также рассматривает различные подходы к данному типу потребителей.