Browsing by Type: 2020 "Working Paper"
Now showing items 1-20 of 265
Advanced training and retraining of personnel at the enterprise
(БНТУ, 2020)This article is devoted to the issues of training and retraining of personnel at the enterprise. Potential benefits and shortcomings of retraining of personnel are marked out. The main directions of retraining of personnel as key capacity of the enterprise and also various aspects of expansion of retraining of personnel as one of the main tools of an unstable situation in the ...2020-10-05 -
Advertising in food industry
(БНТУ, 2020)In this article, advertising is considered as a subject of attracting the customers’ attention to the food industry. The most efficient advertising methods are also studied.2020-10-05 -
Analysis of obstructive factors for opening a business
(БНТУ, 2020)Business development in each country is proceeding at a different pace. In this article, we will conduct a comparative analysis of countries with the best economic indicators, find out what exactly helps them to be in the first places in the world ranking and give a conclusion on what Belarus does not have enough to compete successfully with leading countries.2020-10-05 -
Analysis of strengths and weaknesses of IT sphere
(БНТУ, 2020)This article is devoted to the state of IT services at the modern market. The special attention is paid to the impact of strategic planning on a company. The strengths and weaknesses of the IT company have been analyzed. The author gives some recommendations on how to improve and develop this strategy.2020-10-05 -
AR технологии в маркетинге
(БНТУ, 2020)В научной работе рассматриваются возможности AR технологии в маркетинге. Рассмотрены способы реализации проекта и механизмы работы технологии. Приведены примеры организаций внедривших данную технологию, а также перечислены преимущества использования.2020-10-05 -
ATL, BTL, TTL marketing
(БНТУ, 2020)The traditional separation of ATL and BTL advertising has been used for years. However, this established unit lost its original meaning a bit due to changes in the markets and the development of new technologies. Over the years, new brand communication strategies with customers have appeared in ATL and BTL. In this regard, difficulties arise in the classification of new methods ...2020-10-05 -
Benefits of leasing
(БНТУ, 2020)Leasing is one of the most effective financial instruments, provides a real opportunity for enterprises to acquire and update their fixed assets, increase competitiveness, productivity, quality of products, and reduce tax and operating costs. In a sense, leasing can be called the perfect form of a bank loan, which is specially designed for investing money in the expansion or ...2020-10-05 -
Business process management as the main component of improving business efficiency
(БНТУ, 2020)Тhe article touches upon the issue of competent management of business processes as an important component of any business. To manage business processes, it is proposed to use the integrated ABC-EVA system, which allows managers to obtain reliable and comprehensive information about the business at different levels of its functioning. This system also makes possible to analyze ...2020-10-05 -
Classical project management is a way to make the project more manageable
(БНТУ, 2020)The article considers one of the most common method of project management which is called "classical" or "traditional" management. It is necessary to define and achieve clear goals of the project balancing between the scope of work, resources, time, quality and risk. One of the main questions in project management is: What kind of management should be applied in this project. The ...2020-10-05 -
Concepts of enterprise management in the modern world
(БНТУ, 2020)This article is about modern methods of enterprise management. After analyzing the basic principles of any method of organization management, we will answer the question, what the essence of management methods is.2020-10-05 -
Coworking in Belarus. Origin and current situation
(БНТУ, 2020)Coworking centers in Belarus are becoming more and more popular every year, thus creating the popularity of this topic. Coworking first appeared in 2012 and immediately gained popularity among programmers, freelancers, and people working remotely. Despite the fact that there are more and more such places every year, you need to figure out what exactly makes people visit coworking ...2020-10-05 -
Cовременные методы мотивaции перcонaлa в компaниях по производcтву текcтильной продукции
(БНТУ, 2020)В дaнной cтaтье определяетcя вaжноcть прaвильной мотивaции cотрудников для общего рaзвитие компaнии и доcтижение целей оргaнизaции cрaвнить рaзличные методы и приемы мотивaция cотрудников нa примере компaнии «Cвитaнок».2020-10-05 -
Design in marketing
(БНТУ, 2020)Nowadays, a lot of time is spent on promoting various ways of goods and services for the successful implementation of the business. Success depends on the ability to develop new creative products and services. It is also very important to retain the consumer after the purchased product or service. That will promote the share of fame in the market. Revenue and sales play a more ...2020-10-05 -
Development of the creative economy, its relationship with the innovation economy in the Republic of Belarus
(БНТУ, 2020)Creative economy – an economy that embodies new ideas in a product and formed by the synergetic effect of innovations. This economy is closely interlinked with the innovation economy, which presupposes a certain strategy for the development of scientific and technological developments. It is also important to note the high role and specificity of financing in this area: a common ...2020-10-05 -
Effective marketing techniques
(БНТУ, 2020)Most people do not follow their own logic when making a purchase, but give in to emotional outbursts caused by their expectations. And at large this buying behavior is determined by skillful, but invisible to the buyer actions of sellers, stores and suppliers of goods.2020-10-05 -
Event-менеджмент: проблемы и перспективы развития в Республике Беларусь
(БНТУ, 2020)Еvent менеджмент в Республике Беларусь только начинает пользоваться популярностью в компаниях. В связи с этим возникает потребность в повышении квалификации специалистов в данной области, а также в выработке мероприятий и практических рекомендаций по повышению эффективности данного вида деятельности в организациях Республики Беларусь.2020-10-05 -
External and internal environment of the organization
(БНТУ, 2020)The environment of the organization is a combination of business entities, their relationships, infrastructure links and the conditions of their activities. The study of the environment is an extremely important process for any organization, because it can have a direct impact on various areas of the organization and its behavior in general.2020-10-05 -
Features and types of risks in life and health insurance in Ukraine
(БНТУ, 2020)The paper analyses the types and features of insurance risks that are covered by life insurance companies. in Ukraine. The findings reveal that there are a lot of people who are not accepted for insurance. For example, persons over the age of 75-97 years at the moment of signing the application; persons with disabilities of group I, as well as persons under the age of 18 who have ...2020-10-05 -
Features of entrepreneurship development among youth in the Republic of Belarus
(БНТУ, 2020)This article deals with the problems of business development among youth in the Republic of Belarus and ways to solve them.2020-10-05 -
Features of strategic management in organization of small business
(БНТУ, 2020)In modern conditions, any business, including small ones, is faced with constantly changing environmental conditions and changes in the internal environment. Only the correct setting of goals and objectives, an objective assessment of the external and internal environment are able to provide increased efficiency in the functioning of a small organization in market conditions. ...2020-10-05